: One lives for the big sister! !

Mu Jin actually had a good night’s sleep in Leiden Mei’s arms.

However, she remembered that she seemed to be carrying Mei on her back before going to bed, but why did she appear in the other’s arms now?

She even buried her face in the opponent’s chest.

Oops… No wonder I dreamed of two balls of slime sticking to my face…

Good guy, so it is like this!

Obviously, my sleeping position should be normal.

Hibiscus quietly raised her head, looked at Leiden Mei who had her eyes closed, hesitated for a while, her strong curiosity made her reach out her hand, and poked her on the cheek.

It turns out that in normal times, Mei, who had a cold face, also had such a soft face.

She poked Leiden Mei’s cheek, a little addicted.

But poking and poking, Mu Jin’s eyes were attracted by the other party’s lips.

Are Mei’s lips also soft?

Anyway, the other party is sleeping, so it doesn’t matter if you touch him?

With such a curious thought in mind, Mu Jin boldly moved her fingers to Leiden Mei’s lips.

After touching Mei Lei’s lips, Mu Jin’s eyes lit up, like a kitten seeing a toy.

Poking back and forth, she didn’t notice that Leiden Mei had opened her eyes at this time, watching Mu Jin’s every move helplessly.

When Hibiscus’ finger touched her lips, Leiden Mei opened her mouth slightly, and while the other party wasn’t paying attention, she sucked her finger.

When Mu Jin realized what had happened, she could clearly feel Leiden Mei’s teeth biting her finger lightly, and the little tongue in her mouth was playing with her hand as if teasing.

Mu Jin was shocked by this scene, blushed all of a sudden, stammered and didn’t know what to say.

He could only quickly withdraw his hand, and then ran out of Leiden Mei’s arms…?

Her imagination was beautiful, but with her waist tightly hugged by the other party, Mu Jin couldn’t break free from Mei’s embrace.

The last thing I could do was to pull out my hand and pretend that nothing happened.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but Mu Jin always feels as if her fingers are stained with Leiden Mei’s saliva.

What kind of situation is this?

Is it too bitter? ? ?

Hibiscus’s small head was a little too tight to turn around, and even Lei Dian Mei didn’t react when she took the initiative to come over to Tie Tie.

She just looked at the disobedient white-haired dumpling in her bosom, looking dazed at the moment, leaned down slightly, and kissed the other’s cheek.

Soft, Leiden Mei couldn’t control it (?), and when her mind was in a daze, she left another kiss on Mu Jin’s lips.

Well, it’s so cute.

Leiden Mei also knew that she couldn’t be too flirtatious, so she let go of Mu Jin’s waist and looked at her blushing.

And our Miss Mujin is still in a daze, completely unaware of what happened just now.

When she fully came back to her senses, Lei Dian Yayi had already put on her clothes, sat on the edge of the bed, and looked softly at herself who was still lying on the bed in a daze.

Hibiscus subconsciously avoided Leiden Mei’s sight, and huddled under the blanket, pretending that nothing happened.

Even if she huddled under the quilt, Mu Jin could clearly hear Lei Dian Mei’s chuckle.

“Are you hungry? Shall I buy you something to eat?”

She knew that this was a hotel, and there was no place for her to show off her cooking skills, so she offered to buy food for Mu Jin.

Hibiscus didn’t speak, but silently pushed the fox mask, Mora, and priestess clothes out of the blanket in the system’s backpack.

Her meaning is obvious.

Ask Leiden Mei to change into clothes, put on a mask, and go out with Mora.

Although she didn’t really want to put on a mask, this was what Hibiscus meant. Raiden Mei also changed into a shrine maiden costume and put on a fox mask.

After picking up Mora, he walked out of the room.

Hearing the sound of footsteps gradually receding, Hibiscus quietly poked his head out of the bed. After the sound of footsteps disappeared completely, he was relieved.

[You are really cowardly, host. 】

This, how can this be considered cowardly! This is called a strategic retreat, right? ! !

Mu Jin’s face was flushed, and from time to time she said to the system a few strategic retreats from the bottom of her heart.Words such as these caused a happy atmosphere between one person and one system.

In the end, Mu Jin really didn’t want to say anything to the dog system, so she got out of the quilt and stared blankly at the finger that Lei Dian Mei had bitten a little bit just now.

When she thought of what happened just now, Mu Jin felt a blush.

Something’s wrong, Mei is too flirtatious, right?

In my own impression, Mei doesn’t seem to have such a provocative personality, does she?

After passing through that embarrassing force, Mu Jin seemed to realize something and began to think.

Why does this character avatar card treat me so well?

The personality is completely different, but the fact that I like to cook has not changed, the rest is not right.

Do you want to try it yourself?

At this time, Leiden Mei looked at the menu in the restaurant and began to think about what kind of dishes Mu Jin would like.

Although he noticed the line of sight not far away, for the current Leiden Mei, it is more important to order a good dish for a certain white hair dumpling.

And that complicated line of sight was Kujo Saura who was so annoyed by Araki Ichito.

Distraught by the words left on the bulletin board, she was going to lead the soldiers to make Araki Yidou temporarily quiet.

Refers to arresting people and putting them in prison, and physically calming down for a period of time.

As a result, on the way to capture Ichidou Araki, he saw Miss Miko that he had been thinking about.

Standing at Shimura’s house at this time, it seemed as if he was ordering some food, and he had no intention of coming to say hello to himself.

This made Jiutiao Shaluo feel a little uncomfortable in his heart, and even thought of what the fortune teller said yesterday.

“It seems that you still don’t know the other person’s full name? Oh, she really treats you as a friend? She even left a breath on you??”

“What a poor fellow, my lord will kindly tell you about her relationship with that white-haired dumpling, right?”

That girl with long gray hair had a very nasty smile on her face.

“The relationship between the two of them is more than friends and less than lovers, a general of the shogunate army…”

Mu Jin still didn’t simplify the plot of the sinner’s elegy to Kujo Saro, maybe because she forgot, or maybe she didn’t want to make things worse.

“Are you really sure?”

After that person said something, Jiutiao Shaluo didn’t listen to it.

My mind is full of the paragraph that the relationship between the two is more than friends and less than lovers.

If this is the case, what should I do? Although I do have feelings for Miss Miko, it is indeed different.

Wait a minute, since that person said that he is not yet in love, does that mean that there is still a chance?

Kujo Sara thought for a while, then glanced at Leiden Mei, who was seriously looking at the menu, but in the end she still didn’t go up to say hello.

Regarding this kind of thing, it’s better to think about it seriously.

The most important thing now is to deal with Ichidou Araki first.

As for the mysteries on Miss Miko, Kujo Sara planned to uncover them bit by bit.

After that probing gaze disappeared, Leiden Mei let out a sigh of relief.

It seemed that Mu Jin knew someone. She was still thinking about how to answer if the other party came to say hello.

It seems that the other party has more important things to do, so he doesn’t have time to take care of himself for the time being.

It’s already afternoon, so I guess this meal can be regarded as dinner, or is it better to let Hibiscus eat more?

After Leiden Mei ordered a few dishes, she paid for Mora, and the Mora that Hibiscus gave her just finished spending.

Now I am patiently waiting for the store to pack it.

As a result, they heard a loud noise not far away, which attracted Leiden Mei’s attention.

She turned her head slightly, and then saw Huang Taki Yidou who had been caught by the soldiers, and those little brothers.

But there is no Kuki Shinobi in the team.

“Kujo Tengu! You don’t talk about martial arts!!! Let go of me! I want to have a sumo duel with you!!!!” Arataki Ichito’s face was full of disbelief, and he was cursing.

But Jiutiao Shaluo is a calm group: “You violated public order, were reported to me, and then scribbled on the bulletin board, I can only trouble you to go in and stay for a while to reflect, oh, yes , and have to pay a fine.â€

Those pale golden eyes just glanced at the location of Raiden Mei quietly, and found that the other party didn’t notice her side. Although she was a little disappointed, Kujo Sharo still kept the calm expression on her face, and said very calmly. Seeing what Arataki Yidou did, he took the unlucky Arataki faction with him and left.

After Leiden Mei took the packaged meals, she was about to return to the hotel, and silently quickened her pace.

After all, I still don’t want a certain white-haired dumpling to starve.

As for what happened just now, I can tell Mu Jin about it, so that she can have a good time.

And Hibiscus, who started rolling on the hotel bed, had no idea what happened at Shimura House not far away.

But even if she knew what happened, Mu Jin wouldn’t be able to take action in the face of this kind of thing. Rather, at that time, she should have made troubles on the spot, trying to make things more serious, right?

Thinking about the self that he was like before, his mind was so full of troubles.

Even said that to Sara, really, I dug a hole for myself… as expected of me!

When I think of the thrill of doing things, cough, cough, it’s actually quite interesting.

“Why hasn’t Mei come back yet?”

It shouldn’t be because you met someone you know, right?

Hibiscus, who was lying on the bed shaking her legs, was a little worried about whether Mei Lei would cope well, and she knew that she would follow her.

While she was thinking wildly, there was a knock on the door.

Realizing that it was Leiden Mei who came back, Hibiscus immediately jumped up from the bed with excitement on her face, but when she walked to the door, she still pretended to be calm and forcibly calmed down so that she didn’t look so excited.

She opened the door, saw Lei Dian Mei holding a lot of packed food in her hand, her eyes widened in surprise.

“You, why did you buy so much??”

“.. Habitual, but you should be able to eat them all, right?”

Leiden Mei had this habit when she was in Saint Freya.

After all, if there is a glutton and a big eater, there will be a lot of things to consider when cooking, so I have developed this habit.

Anyway, after buying so many things, Hibiscus can eat them all.

It’s just a pity that these are not meals made by myself.

As expected, Leiden Mei still likes to make meals by herself, and then watch the people she likes eat happily.

This is one of her little pleasures.

As for other fun, sorry, this is not something that can be said. (If this book is written, I am afraid it will not be blocked).

“I am back.”

“Ah, welcome back?”

Mu Jin stretched out her hand, shared a little food for Leiden Mei, and put it on the table in the room.

The innkeeper just now saw her come back with a lot of food, his eyes were wide open, and he looked unbelievable.

Although their store also provides food, it’s not particularly good for Leiden Mei, and it’s even expensive. She still remembers that Hibiscus’ picky eaters also included a few dishes.

Lei Dian Mei took off the mask, put it aside, and let out a sigh of relief. It was obvious that she was not used to wearing a mask on the street.

Mu Jin looked at several kinds of meals, looked at Leiden Mei who was sitting on the chair, and asked curiously: “Why did you buy so many?”

“I was afraid that you would be hungry, so I accidentally bought some more.” Leiden Mei handed the chopsticks to Mu Jin: “I originally wanted to cook for you, but there is no kitchen nearby that I can borrow.”

“Hurry up and eat, it won’t taste good after it gets cold.”

“Ah, um.”

Mu Jin just wanted to move her chopsticks, but the overly strong gaze from the other side made her uncomfortable.

She quietly raised her head and glanced at Mei Lei who was sitting across from her, but she was caught on the spot by the other party, and she looked away in embarrassment.

“Mei, don’t you want to eat?”

The current Leiden Mei does not need to eat, after all, it is just a clone card now, not the main body exists here.

But thinking of taking advantage of this opportunity to be fed by the hibiscus, Leiden Mei nodded without hesitation.

“Well, I’m a little hungry too.”

She picked up the chopsticks and enjoyed the food with Hibiscus.

After not having that strong gaze, Mu Jin finally breathed a sigh of relief quietly, and eating became more natural.

Lei Dian Mei pretended to be casual and said, “Mujin, can you pinch that little ball for me, I can’t reach it.”

Naturally, our simple Baimao Duanzi didn’t notice Raiden Mei’s carefulness. He picked up a small meatball with chopsticks and was about to put it in her small bowl. As a result, the other party opened his mouth slightly, and Hibiscus immediately understood. what happened.

In the end, he had no choice but to honestly put the dishes he had picked up into Lei Dian Mei’s mouth.

what is this…

Could it be a feeding play? ?

And even kissed indirectly…

On the other hand, Mei Lei enjoys being fed by hibiscus.

It really is so cute, the kind that I want to hold in my arms and love dearly…

Compared with these fragrant meals, Lei Dian Mei still felt that the white hair dumplings in front of her were more delicious.

By the way, I just heard that there seems to be a hot spring shop nearby..

This is a good opportunity.

Hibiscus, who was buried in cooking, subconsciously shook her body, always feeling as if she was being followed by something.

The innocent Baimao Tuanzi is being buried step by step in the trap carefully arranged by the purple dragon.


Picture: “Grass”, location: “Images/1656230163-100278806-108959275.jpg”

updated! !

Ask for tickets and stickers every day! !

Come more! !

The keyboard I bought is not in stock, and I don’t even know when it will be available. Damn, I suddenly feel sad.

There is a second update tonight.

During this time, there are double changes ()

Give me more tickets and everything!

Returning to Rice Wife:

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