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Mu Jin suddenly opened her eyes, and blinked very blankly.

Always felt a bit bitter in her mouth? Something is wrong, what is going on? What did I dream about? ?

She seems to only remember what she seems to have drunk, a bitter melon green liquid…Wow, I’m not dreaming of weird things, am I? ?

Thinking of a dark drink like bitter melon juice, except for a certain white-haired old woman who likes to drink this kind of thing, does anyone really like this kind of drink?

Thinking of what she saw in her dream, the frowning Hibiscus subconsciously stuck out her tongue, still feeling that there was still a bitter, very indescribable taste in her mouth.

She took out a piece of fruit-flavored candy from her system backpack and put it in her mouth.

Although I know that eating sugar without brushing my teeth is not good for my teeth, but the bitter taste in my mouth is really unbearable.

What happened to me in the dream…

Candy with fruit flavor, the smell of bitter melon, I don’t know if it was because of psychological effects, the strange smell disappeared.

She stood up with difficulty, and after a bit of movement, she noticed that even at dawn, she still looked gloomy, and there were signs of continued rain at any time.

But the better thing for Hibiscus is that her cat tail and cat ears have already passed the penalty time and have automatically disappeared.

After crushing the candy and swallowing it, Hibiscus hurriedly washed up, then tidied up the place he messed up yesterday, and hurriedly left the dilapidated shrine.

I have to go back early today, if I get wet again from the rain…then there really is no dilapidated shrine to shelter me from the rain.


Mu Jin sneezed, her body felt a little chilly, and she had a bad premonition in her heart.

Could it be that I really have a cold?

It’s really unlucky… Obviously, my luck was pretty good before…


When returning to Inazuma Castle, Hibiscus also reused Kiana’s character card.

From the sky, it started to rain lightly and hit her body. At first, Mu Jin thought it was light rain and didn’t pay much attention to it.

But hearing the sound of the rain getting louder, Mu Jin helplessly twitched the corners of her mouth, held an umbrella, and hurriedly prepared to rush to the castle tower.

Accompanied by the rumbling thunder and the increasing rain, the already bad mood became even more unpleasant.

When she returned to the castle tower, she also became a drowned rat in a sense.

Even the best umbrella can’t withstand the heavy rain…

“Ah Choo!!”

Mu Jin shook her head, and sneezed again uncontrollably. Even with her system, she couldn’t withstand the rain several times in a row.

After sniffling, Mu Jin looked at the distance between herself and the inside of the castle tower, and sighed faintly.

A few minutes later, General Lei Dian frowned when he saw the white-haired dumpling, whose body was partly wet by the rain, and who was still smiling with a ‘hey’ on his face.

Not to mention Mu Jin’s body was drenched. General Lei Dian, who was hugged by this guy just now, reacted, and the clothes on her body also became wet.

“Hey, do you miss me?”

Mu Jin smiled smugly. Facing General Lei Dian, she could only choose to forget what happened between the two of them a few days ago.

In the next second, General Thunder grabbed her by the arm, took her away without hesitation, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Looking at the white-haired dumpling that was forcibly dragged away by General Lei Dian, Lei Movie couldn’t help but sigh: “It’s nice to be young…”

“No, I’m also very young now.”

Lei Xinghua muttered, then stretched,Looking out the window, he became depressed again: “It seems that I can’t drink dumpling milk today…”

Mu Jin, who was grabbed by the arm by General Lei Dian, followed her obediently, her body was indeed trembling.

“Why didn’t you come back earlier?”

“I went to do a commission yesterday. It was too far away, so I didn’t have time to come back.” Mu Jin sniffled, feeling a little chilly all over her body.

“However, I was lucky enough to find an abandoned shrine at night. I hid there from the rain all night. I ran back this morning. I don’t know why it suddenly rained again…”

“Maybe I’m unlucky? It’s strange, I usually have pretty good luck…cough cough…”

General Lei Dian just listened to Mu Jin’s voice, and it was really great to see that she was fine.

Wait, did she cough just now?

“Ah, it seems like I’m going to catch a cold…”

Hibiscus knows best about his physical condition. When he coughs and sneezes, he has a premonition that he is going to catch a cold.

Good guy, I didn’t catch a cold when I was so alive and kicking before, but now I catch a cold after only a few showers…

General Thunder did not know when he stopped. Hibiscus, who was thinking, didn’t see it, and directly bumped into her back.

“Huh? General?”

“During this time, you should stay here properly.”

“Until you recover from your illness, you must not leave my sight.” General Lei Dian was tough for a rare moment in front of Mu Jin, and then his aura softened, for fear of scaring her away.

“It seems to be said in the book that if you catch a cold, you need to take medicine. I’ll prepare it for you after taking a bath.. What else do you need to prepare?”

She also knew that General Thunder was caring about herself at this time. Compared with the previous words that didn’t explain anything, it is much better now, at least he doesn’t know riddlers anymore.

I don’t know if it’s because of discomfort, but Mu Jin didn’t look like she was chattering around just now, and became inexplicably obedient.

Even General Lei Dian took her to take a bath without much protest.

It wasn’t until the other party took off her clothes and sat in the tub with her that she realized what had happened.

Originally, the bathtub was only big enough for one person, but now a General Thunderbolt is added…

Although it can’t be said that it’s too crowded, if you move your body a little, you can still touch the other person’s unspeakable place…

Even though Hibiscus’s head is drowsy now, she still keeps her body curled up at this moment, trying not to touch the softness behind her.

In the end, the more he didn’t want to get close to General Lei Dian, the other party kept leaning towards him.

In the end, he could only be held in her arms obediently. He couldn’t run away even if he wanted to. He didn’t have the strength yet, so he was too obedient to lean in her arms.

Mu Jin only felt that her head was muddled and very uncomfortable. She knew that this was a sign that she had a fever.

Even the final change of clothes was helped by General Lei Dian himself. Mu Jin wanted to do it herself, but she really didn’t have the strength, so she could only blushed and asked the other party to dress herself for her.

Of course, as a very upright person, General Lei Dian looked at the light without changing his expression.

A villain would secretly watch, but of course an upright person would watch in the open and aboveboard!

Just kidding, in order to respect Hibiscus, of course General Leiden can prevent himself from seeing things he shouldn’t see.

(Although I’ve seen it all before.)

Even when changing Mu Jin’s clothes, he was very careful, for fear of hurting the too weak Baimao Tuanzi.

“I’m not a puppet, so I don’t need to be so careful.”

When General Lei Dian wanted to go back to rest with the hibiscus in his arms, she smiled helplessly. She never expected that the always cold general would take such good care of herself.

Seeing that she failed to return to the room with Mu Jin in her arms, she didn’t say much, but held Mu Jin’s hand silently.

Since Hibiscus’s clothes were already wet, I don’t know where General Raiden took out the kimono to put on for himself… The color and pattern are very similar to the clothes on her body.

It can only be said that it is very miraculous.

Mu Jin had long silver-white hair, and she was as obedient as a doll. She let General Lei Dian hold her hand and followed her back into the room.

“You take a good rest, I’ll go and prepare medicine for you.”

Lying in the bed that was not warm at all, Mu Jin poked her head out, and her clear blue eyes looked at General Lei Dian anxiously.

“…What’s wrong?”

It seemed that she hadn’t been stared at by Mu Jin with this kind of eyes, and she felt a little uncomfortable, but she still leaned close to her.

“Bedding, it’s cold.”

In just three words, the meaning that Mu Jin wanted to convey was already expressed.

And General Lei Dian is not an ordinary person, she just tilted her head in doubt: “Well, it will warm up after staying in the quilt for a while.”

The expression on Mu Jin’s face became indescribable.

This guy really deserves to be Inazuma’s famous wood…

It may be because of her physical discomfort, but she has become surprisingly more frank.

“Stupid, what I mean is, come and stay with me for a while, at least wait until I fall asleep before leaving…”


Mu Jin stretched out her hand and pinched the other’s little finger, her tone became soft, but not as lively as usual.I liked it very much after poking at a certain point of General Raiden.

“Okay.” She moved very nimbly to the side of Hibiscus, and hugged her weakly in her arms.

“Sleep if you don’t feel well, I will stay here with you.” General Lei Dian’s voice softened unexpectedly, and when it reached Mu Jin’s ears, it was surprisingly hypnotic.

As if seeking a sense of security, Mu Jin huddled in General Lei Dian’s arms, and stretched out her arms to wrap her waist tightly.

It was the first time for her to see Mu Jin’s fragile appearance, silently feeling the warm breath of the white hair ball hitting her skin.


After a while, listening to the steady breathing in his arms, General Lei Dian tried his best to make his movements softer.

Although she is reluctant to part with her, she still has to take good care of Hibiscus now.

In the process of going to get the medicine, General Leiden suddenly thought of the contents of some books that Yae Shenzi lent him.

She clearly remembered what was written above.

[Flower kiss therapy is very useful for treating colds, it is more useful if I am not afraid of infection~â¤]

Hmph, this body is the most noble and noble body in the world, how could a small wind and cold affect him.

So, do you want to give it a try?

General Leiden was lost in thought.


Hibiscus, who was sleeping soundly, vaguely dreamed of an unpleasant smell of medicinal soup. The scene in the dream directly changed to the bitter gourd juice that she had dreamed about before.

There was also Teresa, who was wearing a bitter gourd doll costume with only one face exposed, and was even jumping back and forth, holding light green bitter gourd juice in her hand, smiling very wisely, and gradually surrounded Hibiscus.

“My dear niece, come drink bitter melon juice!! Become a member of the bitter melon juice club!!”

Serious people, who would join this?! ! Don’t come here! !

She backed away slowly, and then felt something leaning against her back.

Mu Jin could only turn her head slowly, and then saw Lei Dian Mei, who was also wearing a bitter gourd doll costume, with a kind smile on her face, holding bitter gourd juice in her hand, and slowly approaching her.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and all she saw was General Lei Dian holding something in her hand, and an unpleasant smell of soup.

After waking up, Mu Jin immediately felt that her little head had started to feel groggy, and she was very uncomfortable.

“You just kept saying that you don’t want bitter melon juice… what is that? Is it delicious?”

“..You don’t want to try it.”

Mu Jin rubbed her head and said with a headache, “Really, it’s better not to try that thing lightly.”

General Lei Dian nodded half-understood, and then took the blackened soup and motioned for Mu Jin to see.

“You should drink the freshly brewed medicine while it’s still hot. It’s good for your health.”

Hibiscus showed resistance, and began to play petty temper: “I don’t, I won’t drink without sweet things.”

“Ah, I have it here.”

General Lei Dian took out the three-color dumpling and dumpling milk from somewhere, and showed it to Mu Jin.

It’s just that she secretly hid it for Hibiscus, and didn’t show it to the Creator. If she saw it, I’m afraid it won’t stop for a while,

“….” Mu Jin was silent for a while, her expression a bit tangled.

General Lei Dian looked at the tangled appearance of the white-haired dumpling, and thought for a while: “Shall I feed you?”

“I’d better drink it myself…”

Mu Jin took the black soup in the opponent’s hand into her own hand, took a sip, and her expression directly changed to that of a subway, an old man, and a mobile phone.

“It’s so hard to drink…”

Hibiscus stuck out her tongue, expressing her serious dislike for this decoction.

“After drinking, there will be tricolor dumplings, drink it quickly.”

General Lei Dian was still thinking about what the so-called flower kiss therapy looked like, but he was slightly relieved after seeing Mu Jin drink a whole bowl of decoction with a bitter face.

Before, I was thinking about what to do if she didn’t like to drink, but in fact, I was thinking too much.


Hibiscus has always disliked bitter things, but it was really hard when she was sick, so she had to drink it up.

After eating the sweet snacks and dumpling milk, Hibiscus lay down on General Lei Dian’s lap bored in every possible way, looking at her plain face.

Bored to the point of counting the eyelashes of General Thunderbolt, she could even see her own appearance from those calm eyes.

In the second half hour after the onset of the effects of the medicine, Mu Jin did feel a wave of drowsiness.

She yawned, and shifted her position from General Thunder’s lap to her own quilt.

“Haah… I’ll sleep for a while, remember to call me when you eat.”

“Ah, um.”

Looking at Mu Jin who was still thinking about lunch, General Lei Dian felt a little helpless.

She stared blankly at Baimao Tuanzi’s peaceful sleeping face, reached out and touched her forehead, it was covered with sweat.

Is the so-called flower kiss therapy really useful?


Picture: “Grass”, location: “Images/1653652560-100278806-108828063.jpg”

Updated! Updated! ! !

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The twenty-fourth

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