Seeing Han Wen relax, the old doctor said, "But it's not all the cause of motion sickness."

Hearing this relaxed heart, Han Wen raised her mind again, and hurriedly asked, "What's the reason for that?"

The old doctor looked at the smiles on Han Wen and Wang Hao's faces, "Don't be nervous, it's not a bad thing."

It wasn't a bad thing for Wang Hao to hear it, but Han Wen asked anxiously with such an ugly face, "Doctor, is she here?"

The old doctor smiled and said, "Judging from the pulse, it should be pregnant."

Han Wen opened her eyes wide and asked in disbelief, "I'm pregnant?"

The old doctor nodded affirmatively: "Well, there is more than one month."

Han Wen silently counted the days in her heart, and sure enough, as the old doctor said, her aunt was more than half a month late.

But during this time, they had planned to have children, so she didn't care whether the aunt came or not.

Seeing that Wang Hao didn't respond for a long time, Han Wen turned her head to look, and saw Wang Hao staring at the old doctor with a dull expression.

Han Wen suddenly felt amused and reached out and patted Wang Hao teasingly, "Hey! I'm back to my senses."

Only then did Wang Hao react, and he quickly grabbed the doctor's hand, "Doctor, what you said is true."

The doctor nodded affirmatively: "It's not wrong."

Wang Hao then let go and turned to look at Han Wen, "You heard that we have a child."

Han Wen nodded calmly: "I heard."

Seeing Wang Hao's performance, the old doctor asked with a puzzled face, "Didn't you all already have a child?" The implication was second, but he was still so excited.

Han Wen smiled slightly and said nonsensely: "We only have one child. My husband has been wanting one for so many years, but he has not been able to achieve it for so many years. It is inevitable that it will be a little exciting to have it suddenly."

The old doctor looked at Qingyue and nodded and said, "Indeed! A child is too thin."

Wang Hao also calmed down at this time, and suddenly turned from a second fool to a cold male god, and asked with a serious face: "Doctor, what should I pay attention to, such as my daughter-in-law, why is it suddenly dizzy."

When the old doctor heard Wang Hao's question, his expression became serious. "On the one hand, the vertigo is due to motion sickness, and on the other hand, the body is too tired just because of the pregnancy."

"No big problem, just rest for a while."

Wang Hao: "Do you need to take medicine?"

The doctor thought for a moment and said, "It's better to take some medicine."

"Are you taking Chinese medicine or Western medicine?"

"Just go for a checkup after taking western medicine, and ask the doctor over there to prescribe the medicine for you."

Han Wen and Wang Hao have long seen that the old doctor is a Chinese medicine practitioner. He not only looks like a Chinese medicine doctor, but also has a faint herbal smell on his body.

Han Wen: "Chinese medicine is vast and profound. We still believe in Chinese medicine. Since you have shown us, we will call your account, and you can help me get the medicine."

The old doctor has not seen people who trust Chinese medicine so much for a long time, and he is also happy now, "Okay, okay, you go to register! I will wait for you in the office."

If he had done it in the past, he would definitely have dragged Han Wen and the others directly to get the medicine, but now it is stipulated that the receipt must be presented before the medicine can be filled.

Wang Hao took the things he brought to the empty seat beside Han Wen, and said to Qingyue, "I'll go get the medicine, you should stay beside your mother and don't get lost."

Because the couple was taking Qingyue away, they pretended to be a family of three.

Qingyue nodded and reached out to grab Han Wen's clothes.

"Okay, let's go! I'm much better now and can see Qingyue." Han Wen couldn't help urging Wang Hao's worried look.

Wang Hao turned around and went to register after hearing Han Wen's words, but the speed of leaving was very fast, just like flying.

Seeing Wang Hao's panicked look, Han Wen warmed her heart and turned her head to Qingyue's underestimate: "See if your uncle is bothered or not, there are so many things to do to make an account."

Qingyue's little head was full of doubts and she didn't understand why her aunt had a smile on her face when she clearly disliked her uncle.

After less than ten minutes, Wang Hao ran back with the registration slip, "Han Wen~Dr. Liang's number has been hung up, I'll help you there."

Han Wen's head is still a little dizzy, but she is not pretentious, and let Wang Hao help him up, because he has been holding a bag in one hand and supporting Han Wen with the other, and he can't take Qingyue, so he asked her to follow Han Wen's clothes.

Dr. Liang's office is a little far away, in a corner on the third floor. Fortunately, Wang Hao asked clearly when he paid, otherwise it would be really hard to find.

On the way to Dr. Liang's office, Wang Hao asked worriedly, "Let Dr. Liang read it. Shall we see a western doctor for a checkup?"

Han Wen was a little hesitant at first, but after sitting for a while, she obviously felt that the symptoms of dizziness had eased, so she said, "No, since Dr. Liang has seen it all, there is no need to spend that unjust money." Wen still believes in Chinese medicine.

Wang Hao saw that Han Wen insisted and did not object.

When he arrived at the office, Wang Hao first knocked on the door and approved it before entering.

Dr. Liang's office is different from other doctors' offices. He is a one-person office, with a desk in front and a cabinet for medicine in the back. The first time Han Wen enters, it feels like entering the security hall in The Legend of the White Snake. .

"Come here, sit down."

Han Wen felt strange looking at Dr. Liang's enthusiastic expression, but sat across the table obediently.

Doctor Liang: "You stretch out your hand, and I'm taking your pulse carefully."

Han Wen and Wang Hao looked at each other, rolled up his sleeves and handed over his arms.

Dr. Liang touched it for a while, and said with certainty, "It's the same as what I saw earlier. I'll give you a para-fertility medicine to eat. After taking it, you'll be fine for a few days."

Han Wen retracted her arm and asked suspiciously, "Don't you need to check?"

Dr. Liang: "The inspection must be inspected. I don't think you look like a local! Just go to your place to check after taking the medicine. If you are not in a hurry, come here to find me."

Wang Hao said immediately: "We are not in a hurry to go back."

Han Wen turned to look at him in surprise, "You don't go to work?"

Wang Hao: "Nothing is more important than you right now."

Dr. Liang couldn't help laughing when he saw Wang Hao's nervous appearance, "You don't have to be nervous, young man, your wife is fine."

Wang Hao pursed his lips and did not speak, obviously he was going to act arbitrarily.

Doctor Liang didn't get angry when he saw Wang Hao like this, but looked at Han Wen and said, "You are so lucky to have met such a good man."

Hearing this, Han Wen pulled out a big smile, took Wang Hao's hand, and said sweetly, "Maybe I only did good deeds in my last life!"

When Wang Hao heard Han Wen say this, his eyes flashed and he felt a little embarrassed.

After taking the medicine, Wang Hao helped Han Wen out of the hospital. They originally planned to go back on the same day, but now they can only go to the hostel first because of this sudden situation.

Guess if it's a boy or a girl!

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