Shen Qi's painstaking and brain-stirring masterpiece was finally published in the most high-end professional physics journal "Physical Review Letters".

PRL made a brief comment on this paper "Research on Defect Topology Based on Spherical Stable Hotopy Groups": "Shen Qi and Wei Teng's research on topology in condensed matter physics reminds us of Solis and Koster Liz and Haldane."

Solis, Kosterlitz, and Haldane, three theoretical physicists, jointly won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics. The reason for their award is: the discovery of topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter.

The three scientists boldly and innovatively applied the concept of topology to condensed matter physics. They used mathematical methods to solve physical problems, which seemed similar to the research topics of Shen Qi and Wei Teng.

It should be said that the research topics of Shen Qi and Wei Teng are similar to those of the three Nobel Prize winners, after all, they are Nobel Prize winners.

System: "New achievement! The host publishes a paper in a top physics journal, the basic award is 50,000 Xueba points, multiplied by the IF value of 7.872, the final reward amount is 393,600 Xueba points."

Yes, a small gain.

Shen Qi won't be able to enjoy the 2.0 times bonus of his main talent in mathematics by virtue of his physical skills, but the higher IF value of PRL makes up for the loss.

The IF value of PRL is 7.872 divided by 2=3.936

Among all the mathematics journals in the world, the only one with an IF value higher than 3.936 is the Annals of Mathematics.

The current IF value of academic journals is actually that of the previous year and is updated every year. The current IF value of "Annual Journal of Mathematics" exceeds 4, which is at a historical high.

The IF value of PRL is 7.872, which is not high or low. In a few years, the IF value of this physics journal has exploded to more than 10.

"I'm going to work." Shen Qi said to Ouye.

"PRL, cool." Ouye sent Shen Qi to the door, kissed him, and watched Shen Qi leave the staff dormitory to go to work.

Just after walking out of the dormitory building, Shen Qi met Faltins.

"Hey, Qi, PRL, cool!" Faltings greeted Shen Qi.

"Grad, where are you going? The mathematics building is going this way, you should stop by me."

"I'll go for a walk before I go to work, you're cool anyway."

Shen Qi walked towards the mathematics building, and met some acquaintances along the way.

"Qi, you're cool, you've crossed boundaries successfully."

"Mary, you look good today, where are you going, this way to the Math Building."

"Morning run, lose weight."

"Hey, Professor Shen, you're cool."

"Hey, Barbara, do you also care about the latest developments in the physics world?" Shen Qi wondered. Faltins and Mary are academics after all. They know that the influence of PRL is normal. Could it be the administrative assistant, Aunt Barbara? Also interested in academics?

"Hmm, I don't know physics, but I know words."

"Barbara, come this way to the mathematics building, follow me." Shen Qi kept repeating this sentence early in the morning.

"I'll be there later, see you later."

It was also a coincidence that the professors, researchers, and administrative assistants from the Department of Mathematics met Shen Qi, but none of them went along with him.

Shen Qi came to his office in the mathematics building alone, and read the latest issue of PRL, where his thesis was published.

"PRL, wow, cool." Shen Qi imitated the tone of those people just now, entertaining himself.

Shen Qi knows how good he is in physics. The paper "Research on the Topology of Defects Based on Spherical Stable Homotopy Groups" has a certain gap with the research results of the three Nobel laureates in 2016.

Faltins, Mary, and Barbara were all just watching the fun, and didn't understand the real way.

At this time, there were not many people in the mathematics building, and there were no chatterers to be found.

Shen Qi got up, left the mathematics building, and walked towards the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

At the entrance of the Institute for Advanced Study is an extremely vast lawn, the area of ​​which is equivalent to a standard American football field. The lawn is very smooth, like a huge green carpet.

Shen Qi paced slowly on the lawn, he thought of Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao back then.

When Mr. Yang was a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, Mr. Li often came here to see him.

Oppenheimer, the director at the time and "the father of the atomic bomb", once said that his favorite scene was Yang and Li walking side by side on the lawn of Princeton.

It was on this vast lawn that Yang and Li teamed up to overturn one of the central messages of physics: that parity-conserving elementary particles behave exactly the same as their mirror images.

The theory of non-conservation of parity is the representative work of Yang and Li, and it is also the pinnacle work in the history of modern physics.

Yang and Li are contemporaries of the same age, and Shen Qi’s academic partners in mathematics, some of whom are older than his father, such as Muller in the Muller-Shen theorem.

No, here comes another old buddy who is both a teacher and a friend, Edward Witten.

"Qi, it seems that your job in the mathematics department is relatively easy recently." Wei Teng went out for a walk and met Shen Qi.

"Edward, the paper we jointly wrote has been published on PRL." Shen Qi's partner in physics, Wei Teng, is also older than his father.

"Did your office just go online?" Witten asked.

Shen Qi smiled and said, "Edward, what should we do next?"

"Next, you post a PRL a week until they award you the Nobel Prize in Physics."

"Are you kidding, Edward, it took me more than half a year to complete the first draft of the paper "Research on Defect Topology Based on Spherical Stable Homotopy Groups."

"Next, you can continue to study innovative theories in condensed matter physics. This is a popular direction." Witten was joking just now, but now he is serious.

"Edward, can you spend a little more energy on condensed matter physics? After all, the current experimental equipment and computer analysis are capable of verifying most condensed matter physics theories." Shen Qi proposed an immature idea.

Superstring theory is extremely difficult to be verified by existing experimental equipment. People cannot give you medals if they cannot be sure of the correctness and universality of the theoretical system you have constructed.

Many theoretical research results of condensed matter physics have been applied to new materials, and those engaged in basic theoretical research in this area have a higher probability of winning the Nobel Prize.

Before the age of 60, Witten was very eager to win the Nobel Prize in Physics. In recent years, he has seen it through and figured it out: "One cannot live for a medal. My greatest wish is to live to 100 years old. I believe that at that time , my theory will be thoroughly understood. I just want to see the day with my own eyes, nothing more."

"Yes, health is above all else." Shen Qi sincerely wished Wei Teng a long life.

Back in the Princeton Mathematics Building, Shen Qi welcomed a visitor.

This Caucasian man was tall and burly. He leaned on the sofa vigorously and looked around at the layout and decoration of Shen Qi's office: "Shen, I heard that the coffee in the Department of Mathematics is pretty good."

Shen Qi picked up the microphone of the landline and dialed the internal line: "Barbara, bring a cup of coffee to Professor Hackman."

Ian Hackman is a professor in the Department of Physics at Princeton, and has won many honors such as the Barclay Award, the European Physics Award, and the Uri Prize in Fundamental Physics.

Princeton is just as big as a palm, and you don’t see him when you look up. Shen Qi often meets Professor Hackman on campus, and he greets him, but he doesn’t communicate with him in depth.

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