I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 289: Beginning in Mizuki, Going to the World

In Shuimu Garden, some college students were discussing something.

"There is a speech in the auditorium today, do you want to go and listen?"

"Which big cow?"

"Internationally renowned mathematician Shen Qi."

"Is that the great god who proved Riemann's conjecture?"

"Yes, it's him, super hanging."

"This Shen Qi is a real master. He has a PhD in mathematics from Princeton. He is only 22 years old. Damn, he is two years younger than me."

"It's produced by Wang Zitun, it's really extraordinary."

The two boys from Mizuki University walked and chatted with great interest.

Shen Qi, who was rushing to the Shuimu Auditorium, looked back and said, "Student, I studied in the Mathematics Department of Yanda University as an undergraduate.

"I'll go!" The two boys were suddenly frightened. They took a closer look, with nervous but excited expressions: "It's him, it's him, it's him!"

With a warm smile on his face, Shen Qi patted the boy on the shoulder: "I'm Shen Qi, welcome to my math lecture."

The two boys froze in place, at a loss, watching Shen Qi drift away.

Stepping onto the podium of Shuimu University, Shen Qi was full of energy and high-spirited: "Cooperation, cooperation, what we need is cooperation!"

"You think I can prove the Riemann Hypothesis by myself?"


Cut... the audience in the audience made a strange sound, including laughter, hissing, and mixed emotions of wanting to kill him but being unable to kill him no matter what.

"I have a team, and we each perform our duties. The work I do is actually very simple. I come up with ideas and integrate resources. I fight alone, and it may take ten years or more to solve the Riemann conjecture. And I and My team solved all the problems in less than a year."

"Students and friends of Shuimu University, please remember that there is not only one Shuimu University in China, nor only one Yanda University."

"Why is the Ivy League so powerful and why it lasts forever? Because they are eight in one, and the eight are one family!"

Shen Qi raised his arms and shouted: "I firmly believe that as long as Shuimu and Yanda cooperate sincerely, the Capital Alliance will surely become famous all over the world!"

Clap clap!

No boos this time.

The applause sounded from the heart.

Shen Qi put Mizuki in front, showing a respectful attitude.

In public speeches, Shen Qi did not brag about how awesome the Department of Mathematics of Yanda University is.

But the audience present knew in their hearts that Shen Qi was able to stand here, at the age of 22, to stand on the Mizuki podium, and it was a wave of the strongest soft-text advertisement in the history of Yanda University.

The reason why Shuimu University is Shuimu University, not parallel import university, is because they have a mind that embraces all rivers.

Expressing the basic principles of sincere cooperation, Shen Qi's speech entered the mathematics part and the Riemann Hypothesis part.

Shen Qi's highly professional yet lively and interesting speech won rave reviews from the audience.

It's normal for Yanda people to come and hurt each other.

People from Yan University came to talk about in-depth cooperation and capital alliances. When you think about it carefully, it is extremely scary. The dean of Shuimu University's School of Mathematics stared at Shen Qi on the stage, lost in thought.

"Who invited Shen Qi to come to our school to give a speech? It wasn't me! This is the principal's idea, or..." The dean of Shuimu Shuyuan couldn't sit still. A leader of his level naturally thinks far-reaching.

In fact, Shen Qi's original intention was very simple, without any other factors.

Shen Qi did not reject Mizuki, and even had some intimacy engraved deep in his heart. It was the first time he participated in CMO, and the first time he won the National Mathematical Olympiad champion was in Mizuki.

The first time I watched and learned advanced equipment B was also in Mizuki.

Tracing back to the source, Shen Qi's road to mathematics, the road to pretending to be B, still started from Mizuki.

People, after all, are about feelings.

Mizuki is a little behind in the field of mathematics, Shen Qi wants to help Mizuki.

It's as simple as that.

The master's mind is so noble.

Shen Qi's speech in Mizuki was very successful and attracted many fans.

After the meeting, a boy from Shuimu University asked Shen Qi for his autograph. He was a graduate student from Shuimu University, and he was one of the two boys Shen Qi had met before he started his lecture.

"Master, the absolute master, Shen Qi, please sign it for me." The boy respectfully handed Shen Qi a copy of "Jimedovich Exercises".

Shen Qi wrote: "Jingyan songbird collection, Shuimu Zhan Qinghua. ζσ, β."

The boy took the exercise set and pondered with eyebrows: "Jingzhan Songbird Collection, Shuimu Zhan Qinghua. Chicken Tower Sigma, doesn't it belong to Beta? The first sentence can be recited by all students of Shuimu University, but the latter sentence is... cracking the Riemann ζ function Where is the mystery?"

Shen Qi was quite pleased: "Student, you are very perceptive. What direction do you study and what do you call it?"

Boy: "Hu Congming, a first-year graduate student at Shuimu Numerical Institute, studies stochastic analysis and applied stochastic processes."

"Oh, it's in the direction of probability and statistics, and it's applied. It's the flagship major of Shuimu University. Hu Congming, study your major well, and see you by fate." Shen Qi said goodbye to the boy, and then left Mizuki.

In the next few days, Shen Qi participated in several academic seminars, went to a middle school as a math teacher for half a day, and had long talks with the leaders of relevant departments.

As an internationally renowned young mathematician, Shen Qi has fulfilled his social and academic responsibilities. He has spent enough time in China, and he is concerned about the research progress of the American team.

Half of the volume in Shen Qi's suitcase was dedicated to marijuana flowers and wife cakes.

These two snacks are Ouye's favorite, one is a specialty of Ouye's hometown, and the other is a specialty of Shen Qi's hometown.

Taking an international flight, Shen Qi left China and flew to New York.

When passing through customs in New York, the marijuana flower was confiscated by the US Customs on the grounds that "this spiral-shaped object is suspected of being an unknown biological weapon, and we never believe it is a harmless food."

The shape of the wife cake looks like a refreshment, and the US customs let it go.

Columbia University.

Shen Qi gave the gift to Ouye, and he was very regretful: "The marijuana flower was classified as an unknown biochemical weapon in the United States, so it couldn't pass the customs. So I only brought back wife cakes, eat cakes, little leaf."

While eating cakes and drinking tea, Shen Qi and Ou Ye discussed the research progress of the third expression of RT.

Euler has done some interesting work. She spent several months deriving a corollary on the function logζ(s).

"Qi, do you think it's okay?" Ouye asked, she was gnawing on her wife's cake, very happy.

Shen Qi frowned: "The thinking is too divergent, the zero-point equation, the pair function logζ(s), Lindelof's formula... This net is too big, it seems to cover everything, but in fact it can't get the center of gravity. Focus, yes Yes, we need to focus and concentrate all our firepower on one point, maybe we can break the situation."

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