I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 274 The Lost East and the Harvested Mulberry Elm

The awards ceremony begins.

The first award is the "New Horizons Award in Fundamental Physics". The rules for establishing this award are the same as those for the "New Horizons Award in Mathematics".

A total of three groups of "New Vision Prizes in Fundamental Physics" will be awarded to young physicists, with a single prize of US$100,000.

The award presenter was the vice president of Apple. He announced the winners of the three groups of "New Horizons in Fundamental Physics Award" and their reasons for winning:

"The winner of the first group of 'Fundamental Physics New Horizons Award' is Princeton University Julian Dodge, in recognition of his contributions to the field of superfluids and superconductors!"

"The winners of the second group of 'New Horizons in Fundamental Physics Award' are Caltech Ben Hill and Stanford University Hugo Rodrián in recognition of their breakthroughs in the field of localized magnetic moments!"

"The winners of the third group of 'New Horizons in Fundamental Physics' are Jürgen Auger of the University of Freiburg and Garland Speer of the Swiss Federal Institute in Zurich for their work on the phenomenon of chaos in quantum systems. Remarkable research achievements in the field!"

The audience applauded, and three groups of winners came to the stage to accept the awards. They were all young, the youngest was 28 years old, and the oldest was only 36 years old.

The Princeton winner on the east coast of the United States will share $100,000 exclusively, the Caltech + Stanford winners on the west coast will share $100,000 equally, and the two winners from Europe will also share $100,000 equally.

The sponsors of the Scientific Breakthrough Award + New Horizons Award are all well-known rich people. The business of the rich people is mainly divided into several types, such as online business, social networking, software development, black technology research and development, platform construction and operation, and venture capital.

Maybe the rich don't understand life science, physics and mathematics, but the review experts hired by their organizing committee are all academic authorities.

The three groups of winners selected by physics experts are based on their research achievements in the fields of superfluids and superconductors, local magnetic moments, and chaos in quantum systems.

These lines of research all fall into one category: condensed matter physics.

In today's physics world, those who win condensed matter physics win the world.

"If you want to come up with research results in condensed matter physics, you have to burn money." Through this conference, Shen Qi learned about the latest trends in academia, not only in mathematics, but also in physics and life sciences.

For cutting-edge physics research, $100,000 is not enough to open an experimental machine.

The leaders of companies such as Google and Apple are afraid to pretend to be B in front of top scientists. It is outdated to pretend to be B in luxury cars, mansions, yachts and supermodels.

If the funds for physicists' experiments are used to buy Google shares, the physicists will immediately become Google's largest shareholders.

In just one Princeton, their physicists spend more than $1 billion a year on PPPL. PPPL stands for Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.

Technology companies respect scientists very much, because they also have their own laboratories and do research and development. They know that the world's best money-burning gods often come from top laboratories.

To say that the subject with the lowest carbon and environmental protection is mathematics.

Mathematics is low-carbon and environmentally friendly. Mathematics does not burn much money, but the status of mathematics is high.

It is precisely because mathematicians provide basic theoretical support that physicists have a reason to spend crazy money to verify theories and develop applications.

Then it is the turn of the vice president of Google to present the awards, and he will present the first two groups of "Mathematical New Horizons Awards".

"The winner of the first group of "Mathematical New Horizons Award" is Marina Wiasovska from the headquarters of the Swiss Federal Institute in Lausanne, in recognition of her remarkable achievements in the field of Riemannian geometry and combinatorics!"

The Swiss Federal Institute is a powerful but low-key scientific research institution. Garland Speer, who just won the "New Vision Award for Fundamental Physics", is from the Zurich branch of the Swiss Federal Institute.

The first group of "Mathematics New Horizons Award" was awarded to a beautiful mathematician, Via Sovska, a Ukrainian from the headquarters of the Swiss Federal Institute in Lausanne.

"Eastern European blond beauty, with good looks and strength, deserves her name." Shen Qi applauded and congratulated, and he recognized Vijasovska's contributions in Riemannian geometry, combinatorics and other branches.

Surprisingly, the second group of "New Horizons in Mathematics Awards" was also awarded to a female mathematician.

"The winner of the second group of 'Mathematical New Horizons Award' is Sophia Morel from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, in recognition of her outstanding contributions in the field of algebraic geometry!"

A dark-haired white woman came to the stage to accept the award. Sophia Morel was French. She was a disciple of Grothendieck, the founder of the Paris School.

Grothendieck is a godfather figure in the field of algebraic geometry. Sophia Morel learned from Grothendieck. Her main focus is algebraic geometry, the most popular direction in mathematics today.

"A girl is half the sky!" Shen Qi applauded and congratulated. He agreed with Sophia Morel's research results in the field of algebraic geometry.

Worldwide, there are more and more girls who study mathematics, love mathematics, choose mathematics as their lifelong career, and achieve excellent results. This is the general trend.

Girls are half the sky. The first two groups of the three "Mathematics New Vision Awards" were awarded to two European girls with good looks and high IQ. One has blond hair in a bun, and the other has natural curly brown hair. Each has its own characteristics .

Shen Qi tidied up his tie and was ready to go on stage. The last set of "Mathematics New Vision Award" was prepared for him, he thought so.

The third group of "New Horizons in Math Awards" was presented by the CEO of Bridge Ventures, who announced: "The third and final group of "New Horizons in Math Awards" winners are..." Speaking of which If you procrastinate at the office, it's a trick.

With a smile on his face, Shen Qi buttoned up his suit. He was ready to accept the award with dignity.

"He is...James Maynard of Oxford University! Congratulations to Professor Maynard, he has made important contributions in the field of number theory, please invite Professor Maynard to accept the award!"

"This..." Shen Qi was stunned, it wasn't me?

"Water..." Professor Maynard beside Shen Qi was also shocked, it was me?

Before the award, it was widely believed that Shen Qi would win the "New Vision Award in Mathematics", and the young British mathematician Maynard was expected to share the US$3 million "Breakthrough Award in Mathematics" equally.

However, the organizing committee does not follow the routine!

Shen Qi failed to win the last group of "Mathematics New Vision Award".

The final set of New Horizons in Mathematics Awards went to Maynard.

Although it was a surprise, both Shen Qi and Maynard returned to normal in the shortest possible time.

Shen Qi took the initiative to shake hands with Maynard beside him, showing a generous and calm gesture: "Congratulations, Professor Maynard, this award should belong to you, you are an outstanding representative among young mathematicians."

"Thank you." Maynard kept an awkward yet polite smile, and went to the stage to receive the "New Vision Award in Mathematics" and a check for US$100,000.

It looks elegant and calm, but Shen Qi is entangled in his heart. He performed with me the day before yesterday, but it didn't show the effect I wanted. If you don't give me a prize, I'll be a ghost, I can't afford to lose this person. Facing my friends in the media, my bullshit is blown out!

At this time, Jones, the vice chairman of the IMU and the winner of the Fields Medal, came to the stage. He will present the heavyweight award "Mathematical Breakthrough Award", which is worth 3 million US dollars. More importantly, the title of "Mathematical Breakthrough Award" is bigger and more A stronger sense of decency.

Jones won the Philippine Award when he was in his thirties, and he is less than 60 years old this year. He began to announce the list of winners: "The first winner of this year's 'Mathematics Breakthrough Award' is...Gong Changwei of Columbia University, in recognition of his achievements in the field of number theory. A breakthrough!"

"The second recipient is...Alessio Figalli of Princeton University for his outstanding contributions to the field of partial differential equations and differential geometry!"

"The third winner is also from Princeton University...he is...Shen Qi! Shen Qi's research achievements in the fields of number theory and functional analysis are very representative!"

"I invite the three winners of the 'Mathematics Breakthrough Award' to come to the stage to accept the award!"

The audience applauded thunderously.

Shen Qi was both surprised and delighted, this was really unexpected, the $100,000 was gone, but he was rewarded with an upgraded version of $3 million equally divided.

Winning the heavyweight award of "Mathematics Breakthrough Award" marks a successful conclusion for Shen Qi's trip to Washington, and he can leave the American imperial capital with dignity.

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