I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 241 How to see a rainbow without going through wind and rain

"It's a pity, Shen Qi. I think this paper on the recursive formula of the Riemann zeta function ζ(2n+1) was submitted to the Annals of Mathematics, but it was rejected again." Professor Muller said solemnly arrive.

"Professor Muller, the mathematical techniques I used in this paper are higher than those in the one where I completed the proof of Walsh's conjecture."

"If you insist on submitting to the Annals of Mathematics, I have no objection. If the Annals of Mathematics accepts your paper, I will pay you the page fee. Good luck." Professor Muller said.

"And the details, Professor Muller, what are the details? Where did I go wrong?"

"Theoretically ζ(2n+1) can be expressed as the sum of a rational multiple of π^2n-1 and two series that converge faster. Yes, I agree with your series derivation method, but I didn't see it. See what I want to see. Recalculate the consistency and convergence, Shen Qi, maybe you will find your real problem."

"Okay, I'll do the calculation again. Professor Muller, what about my Orbifold thesis?"

"This Orbifold paper is placed here with me first. I need to study it carefully, and I can't give an evaluation for the time being."

Professor Muller rejected one of Shen Qi's papers, and the other one awaits further study.

Shen Qi spent a week proofreading "The Problem of the Riemann Zeta Function ζ(2n+1)".

He was about to throw up, and when he saw the name Riemann and the formulas and guesses related to this name, Shen Qi felt like throwing up.



Shen Qi couldn't help but vomited out.

Sour cucumbers and vegetable leaves are mixed together, which looks quite fresh.

"Damn Riemann."

Shen Qi muttered, cleaning the vomit on the floor.

Professor Muller always disagreed with Shen Qi's paper on the Riemann zeta function ζ(2n+1), using the series derivation method to obtain the recursive formula. On the same issue, Professor Muller stood with Mary this time.

There is also good news that Muller agrees with Shen Qi's argument in the Orbifold paper.

Shen Qi insisted that his understanding of the Riemann Hypothesis was correct.

"Riemann made me vomit, so I had to talk to him about it."

Everyone is drunk and I am sober. Shen Qi and his last stubbornness submitted the unilaterally revised version of the paper "The Problem of the Riemann Zeta Function ζ(2n+1)" to the "Annals of Mathematics" again.

The only author is Shen Qi, who bears everything alone.

For the paper "orbifold fundamental group to characterize symplectic orbifold group embryos", Shen Qi submitted to "Acta Mathematica Sinica", which is sponsored by the Swedish and is also one of the four major journals.

After coming to Princeton, Shen Qi submitted papers in three of the four major journals, among which "Proof of the Walsh Conjecture of the Diophantine Equation" was included in the "Journal of the American Mathematical Society". world emerges.

"Annual of Mathematics" has already rejected Shen Qi once.

Shen Qi has not dealt with "Journal of Mathematics" yet.

The last of the four major journals is "Mathematical Invention" sponsored by Germans. Shen Qi has no good idea for the time being and writes a high-quality paper and submits it to "Mathematical Invention".

While waiting for the review of "Annual Mathematics" and "Acta Mathematica Sinica", Shen Qi concentrated on researching Riemann's conjecture. He consulted a large number of documents, from Riemann himself to Hadamard, from Hardy to Ramanujan, Then to the papers and academic monographs of Daniel who is still alive.

Hilbert once said: "If I am resurrected in a hundred years, the first question after I open my eyes will be, has the Riemann Hypothesis been solved?"

Hua Luogeng's teacher, British mathematics master Hardy devoted his life to the proof of Riemann's conjecture. Hardy was a man who dared to fight against God, but he still failed to defeat Riemann.

Before his death, Hardy said that the most regrettable thing in his life was not being able to prove the Riemann Hypothesis.

Mr. Hua Luogeng is also a master of analytical number theory. He and Ramanujan are brothers, and they both worshiped Hardy as their teacher when they were studying at Cambridge.

Mr. Hua Luogeng has made outstanding contributions in prime number distribution and Gechai, and Chen Jingrun is his proud disciple.

Hilbert made a famous prediction at the Millennium Conference in 1900: "I am most concerned about three mathematical problems, Riemann's conjecture, Fermat's last theorem, and α^β conjecture. Riemann's conjecture is expected to be It can be solved within fifty years, and Fermat’s last theorem is expected to be solved within eighty years. The α^β conjecture is always beyond the capabilities of mathematicians, and it cannot be solved.”

The development of things is exactly the opposite of Hilbert's leader's expectation. The α^β conjecture was proved by T. Schneider in 1934, Fermat's last theorem was proved by Andrew Wiles in 1995, and no one has completed the proof of the Riemann conjecture. .

What kind of magic and value does Riemann's conjecture have, which has fascinated many masters of mathematics for more than a hundred years?

It is generally believed in the mathematics community that starting from the Riemann Hypothesis, many interesting conclusions have been proved, which are not contradictory and far superior to the proven unconditional results.

More importantly, individual inferences were proved unconditionally later, so the results obtained from the Riemann Hypothesis also pointed out the direction for the research of this issue. This is the important value of the Riemann Hypothesis.

During the period of concentrating on researching Riemann's conjecture, Shen Qi experienced nausea, loss of appetite, dizziness, and disordered biological clock from time to time.

"If RH holds true, then when 1/2≤δ≤2, there is... vomit, wow!"

Shen Qi vomited again.

After cleaning the floor of the apartment, Shen Qi put the trash can by his side, and continued to study the problem that logζ(s) is on the positive side of the half-plane δ\u003e1/2, and s=1 is its logarithmic fulcrum.


This time Shen Qi didn't spit on the floor, but all in the trash can.

"If the Riemann Hypothesis cannot be proved, I will, I will...!"

Shen Qi was so red-eyed that he only studied one question every day, but he still couldn't find the most critical point to solve the problem.

Whoever vomits.

One and a half months after "The Problem of the Riemann Zeta Function ζ(2n+1)" was submitted to the "Annual of Mathematics" again, Shen Qi suffered a worse blow.

"Mr. Shen Qi, regarding the subject of "The Problem of the Riemann Zeta Function ζ(2n+1)", I hope you have fully considered the essence of the problem before submitting an article to us. This is the second time, and we do not want to see Third time, thanks and good luck."

This is the email reply from the editor of "Annual Journal of Mathematics". This time, even the reviewer's comments are not attached.



Shen Qi rushed into the bathroom holding the toilet and vomited furiously until there was no food residue to vomit, only acid water gurgling out.

Shen Qi believed that he could not be wrong in the paper "The Problem of the Riemann Zeta Function ζ(2n+1)". This paper was recognized by peer experts, and it played a very important role in paving the way for his subsequent complete proof of the Riemann conjecture.

However, the facts are cruel, even experts in Shen Qi's preparations don't approve, let alone confronting RH Gang head-on.

Shen Qi fell ill and was bedridden.

He had never been so ill.

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