I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 214: The East Is Not Bright and the West Is Bright

In the next period of time, Shen Qi would still go to Spelman Hall to sweep classes.

The scope of sweeping courses has been sharply reduced from 18 directions to four directions: Mathematical Physics, Algebraic Geometry, Number Theory, and Group Theory.

These four branches are exactly the fields that Professor Muller is good at.

I attend classes during the day and write papers at night. I sleep from 2:00 am to 6:00 am every day.

Stepping into Princeton on August 15th, until today is September 30th, Shen Qi has never stepped out of the school gate.

That myth about the gates may be true, but getting good grades at UPU requires hard work, because your competition is world-class talent.

Eastern time in the United States is 13 hours later than Chinese time, and Shen Qi, his family and friends usually send information in the early morning of American time.

"I'm living a fulfilling and happy life now. This semester, I'm going to study a total of 16 courses in four branches. Optimistically, I can get 105 credits." Shen Qi chats with Ouye on WeChat, which is one of his few leisure activities in the United States. way of entertainment.

Ouye: "My heart hurts."

Shen Qi: "Old man Müller is a kind German. I am very unexpectedly a sixth-generation disciple of the Göttingen School. By the way, my ancestor is Kurt Gödel, and my uncle is Albert Ai. Einstein, you can find out about the life of my ancestor and uncle."

Ouye: "Skin!"

Shen Qi: "I am working on two research papers at the same time. One can be understood as an important foundation for RH, and the other is a legacy project—the agreement between you and me."

Ouye: "Don't work too hard, go to bed early, it's already early morning in America!"

Shen Qi: "Well, you should go to bed early too... I mean take a nap."

After four hours of deep sleep, Shen Qi got up to welcome the morning sun.

"I am as comfortable as a hibernating bear. I have never been so comfortable in my life."

Stretching, Shen Qi remembered what Einstein said when he first arrived in Princeton.

After Shen Qi washed, he put on his sportswear and sneakers, and went downstairs for morning exercises. This was his daily compulsory course.

Living in the United States and competing in Princeton, the body must be in good shape.

Many teachers and students in the United States are doing morning exercises. Americans especially like running, exercising, and fitness because they can't afford to be sick.

Shen Qi ran around the school, passing various buildings.

The door of PPPL is locked. It is the Princeton Plasma Laboratory, the only national laboratory in the United States that studies nuclear fusion.

The main building of the Flint Library, the Harvey Fallerstone Memorial Hall, was open. The main building was open 24 hours a day. Some students came out of the door with red eyes and exhausted eyes. It seemed that they had stayed up all night.

Nassau Building is the oldest and only surviving original building on campus. It has survived two fires and shells from the Revolutionary War.

As a landmark building in Princeton, Nassau Building is now the office of the principal and the school's top administrators.

The current president, Mr. Johnson, just took office. In his inaugural speech, he said that Puda has never set up popular subjects such as business, law, and medicine.

Taking medicine as an example, medical schools must be combined with clinical applications, and operating a huge medical school and clinical medical system requires a lot of manpower, material resources and funds.

That's why Puda insists on not having a medical school. They only do basic research, small but refined, not greedy for big and comprehensive, and concentrate all funds and teachers to allow thousands of students to receive world-class education.

After running for a few kilometers, Shen Qi ran back to the downstairs of the postgraduate residential college, and saw his fellow student Dr. Jonas sitting under a tree in a daze.

Jonas spends more than five hours in a daze under this pine tree every day, feeding the squirrels and teasing the birds. Shen Qi had long been familiar with the strangeness.

After buying two cups of coffee from the catering department of the postgraduate residential college, Shen Qi came under the tree and handed Jonas a cup of coffee: "Morning, Jonas."

"Morning, thank you for your coffee." Jonas took the coffee and said politely.

"Did you come up with any inspiration?" Shen Qi deduced that Jonas had been studying for a Ph.D. for two and a half years without publishing a single paper. He sat under a tree thinking every day. This Swedish senior must be holding back some big tricks.

"There's no such thing as inspiration, just pure thinking," Jonas said.

"Oh." It's not convenient for Shen Qi to ask, he just has a vague feeling that Jonas must have a doctoral project, and if he doesn't want to talk about it, let it go.

"Actually, I just don't want to go back to Sweden so early." Jonas looked a little melancholy.

"What are you running away from?" Shen Qi asked.

"I don't like that woman, I don't want to marry her." Jonas sighed.

Running away from marriage is so exciting, the Swedish brother is a man with a story.

Shen Qi tentatively asked: "So that woman's family has a strong background, and her family put pressure on your family to force you to marry her?"

"That's not true, no one in Sweden can persecute my family." Jonas shook his head, looking sad: "Yes, I'm running away, there are some things I can't disclose, I can only choose to run away, escape from Europe , fled to the United States, just like the scholars in Göttingen back then. Thank you Shen Qi, thank you for your coffee, thank you for your patience, and listen to me tell these boring things. Would you like to have a drink at the Tiger Hotel tonight, my treat .”

"Today, AA, Jonas, you bought me a drink twice, one was when Malmö beat Bayern, and the other was when Malmö lost to Manchester United. Which team are you a fan of?" Shen Qi asked.

"The result is not important, just find a reason to drink." Jonas said, "See you that night, I invite you, because I sent the invitation."

Jonas is a man who is easy to deal with. He is elegant, courteous, generous, and keen to pay the bill. After staying in Princeton for 7 years, he didn't bother to apply for a scholarship. It can be imagined that his family is well off.

Shen Qi thinks that Jonas should be the rich second generation of Sweden. He is tall, tall and handsome, and he must be the kind of tall, rich and handsome girl who is chased after by girls in Sweden.

Shen Qi accepted Jonas' invitation, he didn't want to owe Jonas the money for the drinks, and he planned to forcefully pay the bill tonight.

Fortunately, today is a rest day, there is no class during the day, Shen Qi wrote a thesis all day, and encountered some troubles.

The trouble is how to prove a formula that contains the value of the zeta function at odd points: α^k(1/2ζ(1-2k)+Σn^2k-1/e^2nα-1)=(-β)^k( 1/2ζ(1-2k)+Σn^2k-1/e^2nβ-1)...

Even Hardy, a real man who dared to fight against God, could not pass Riemann.

Hardy’s proof method is helpless in front of RH. Although it is recognized as the best proof method, the proof of the last term is full of loopholes when the positive numbers α and β satisfy Σ, which means that when k is an odd number 2m-1.

This is Shen Qi's biggest trouble at present. His new proposal has been approved by Professor Muller. However, in the process of defining and discussing, problems continue to appear one after another.

Shen Qi obviously underestimated the difficulty of the ζ(2n+1) subject, and he had a headache.

From this we can see the metamorphosis of RH. Even RH's phased research topics have made the team of the Department of Mathematics of Pudong University stagnate.

Mary's situation is not much better, her skin has been very poor recently, and the freckles on her face are obvious.

Mary is also worried and troubled, not even in the mood to put on makeup, and her husband is not in the United States, so no one comforts her.

When Professor Muller's RH project encountered obstacles, Shen Qi put off the research on this topic and started private work to adjust his mood and thinking.

My private work is "Proof of the Walsh Conjecture of the Diophantine Equation". Shen Qi re-drafted this paper. This work actually started in June last year, and has not been officially published until now after twists and turns. This paper is the gift Shen Qi promised to Ouye.

There are losses and gains, the east is not bright, the west is bright.

When Shen Qi completes two sets of positive integer solutions (Xi, Yi) (i=1, 2), Y2\u003eY1\u003e1 does not satisfy ∣±√-1(xi-yi√-t/(xi+yi√-t) After the proof of -X^1/4∣<1/8, he jumped up excitedly. He really wanted to tell the whole world loudly that I succeeded! Finally succeeded!

Shen Qi rushed downstairs and under the familiar pine tree. He hugged Jonas and shouted with a red face: "Jonas, I succeeded, I succeeded! I used the most concise method, Thoroughly proved the Walsh conjecture!"

Jonas sat under this pine tree all day, from sunrise to sunset, and the squirrels had gone and he hadn't left.

"Oh, yes, congratulations. You have completed the proof of Walsh's conjecture just over a month after you arrived in Princeton, which is very remarkable." Jonas was very happy for Shen Qi, and he still maintained a faint and refined smile: "So today Don't get drunk at night, my Chinese mathematician."

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