I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 202 Correct Operation of y(x)+δy(x)

August 15th is the date Shen Qi plans to go abroad. At that time, he will fly from China to New York, and from New York to Princeton, New Jersey to start his overseas study career.

Now is Shen Qi's countdown to going abroad, he and Ouye are inseparable.

With 154 days to go abroad, Shen Qi and Ouye discussed in depth when the equation x^2-Ay^2=B has an integer solution.

This is a classic problem, and the person who studied the Diophantine equation the deepest and most accomplished is Fermat.

The assumption of Fermat's last theorem was written in a document written by Diophantus, because there were too few blank spaces in the book, Fermat was a naughty eunuch, and the proof was not completed.

Propose hypotheses, prove hypotheses, continue to propose hypotheses, and wait for future generations to prove them.

For thousands of years, mathematicians have been obsessed with this kind of number game.

When Wiles was teaching at Princeton, he spent ten years writing a thesis in which he proved Fermat's last theorem and completed Fermat's eunuch thesis, which was a perfect completion.

The number game is not over. Goldbach's conjecture and Riemann's conjecture have puzzled number theory researchers for many years.

These two super-difficulties spanning centuries have a very simple research object—a prime number, a natural number that can only be divisible by 1 and itself.

The ultimate proof of the ξ function model may start with the simplest Diophantine equation.

Once the ξ function model is fully proved, Goldbach's conjecture and Riemann's conjecture may be cracked at the same time.

"It's definitely a great achievement that will shock the past and the present." Shen Qi said to Ouye, "This work is entrusted to you. This is the historical mission of number theory researchers."

"It's so difficult." Ouye took off the rubber band from his wrist, and skillfully tied up his ponytail.

"Facing the difficulties." Shen Qi patted his left shoulder with his right hand.

Ouye tilted his head obediently, and leaned on Shen Qi's shoulder: "I want to complete this great cause with you."

This is when the movie begins.

Oh, by the way, this is a movie theater, one of the three places where lovers often come.

The heroine on the big screen is very brave. She holds a submachine gun and shoots wildly, eliminating an astonishing number of zombies without losing blood.

The only trouble is the zombie boss, which cannot be destroyed by conventional weapons.

The zombie boss showed his might, dug out a heart with one claw, and bit off a head with one bite.

The teammates of the Goddess of War heroine all died without a whole body.

"Hahaha." Shen Qi laughed loudly, he put his arms around Ouye, and untied the rubber band of Ouye's ponytail.

Ouye's ponytail fell loose, and his black, straight and long hair let out.

Ouye's hair rubbed against Shen Qi's cheek, a little itchy, but her hair smelled good.

Hair fragrance, body fragrance and a touch of traditional Chinese medicine are mixed together. This is the unique smell of Ouye, which can only be smelled at a distance.

There are lovers embracing each other, and horror movies also see the tonality of romance movies.

"Aren't you afraid of my long hair covering my face?" Ouye asked softly with his lips against Shen Qi's earlobe.

"What are my women afraid of? You're not a ghost." Shen Qi said, and then added: "I'm not afraid of ghosts, I just like female ghosts."

"I hate it!" Ouye opened his mouth and bit Shen Qi's earlobe, neither lightly nor hard. He lowered his mouth slightly, but he didn't feel it. The force is heavy, afraid of biting him.

With 152 days counting down to go abroad, Shen Qi and Ouye stayed in the library all day, studying each other, feeding each other when they were tired from studying.

The same goes for the next few days.

Ouye, who had recovered from his studies, made Zhou Yu'an feel great pressure.

It's already the second semester of my sophomore year, and half of the undergraduate period is almost over, so I won't be able to catch up if I don't work hard to catch up.

Zhou Yu'an hangs on his shoulders and only sleeps for 5 hours a day. He madly studies integrable systems and differential geometry, and sets himself a main direction to fight against Ouye, who is specialized in number theory.

The countdown to going abroad is 145 days, and today is the weekend.

Shen Qi fulfilled his promise and brought Ouye to Beidaihe for vacation. Traveling together is a compulsory course for lovers. As long as the heart is connected and love is with you, it is the same wherever you go.

Ouye didn't mention the free travel in Switzerland anymore, she raised her small fist and beat Shen Qi's chest: "Beidaihe, Beidaihe, Beidaihe! My parents and I have been here more than five times."

"This is my first trip to Beidaihe, it's beautiful." Shen Qi sat on the beach, looking up at the night sky intently.

There are a few tourists on the beach at night, and Shen Qi and Ouye are one of the couples.

"I used to call her Xiao Tiantian, but now I call her Mrs. Sister-in-law, hehe, man." Ouye lowered his head and muttered, drawing circles with his fingers on the beach.

"This metaphor is inappropriate. You will always be my Zixia, unique." Shen Qi continued to watch the sky at night, it was cloudy and windy tonight, and the moon appeared and disappeared.

Suddenly, Shen Qi grabbed a handful of fine sand and sprinkled it into the air, staring at the air very intently.

The sand is flying in the wind and blown away.

What Shen Qi is concerned about is the movement trajectory and drifting speed of the sand in the air.

During the detonation test of the first atomic bomb, Dr. Fermi threw a handful of shredded paper into the air. Through visual observation and mental calculation, he accurately calculated the equivalent of the atomic bomb based on the flying trajectory of the shredded paper in the shock wave.

On Beidaihe Beach tonight, the weather was cloudy and windy, Shen Qi was doing something similar to Fermi, he was calculating the wind speed and direction.

Ouye was still drawing circles, Shen Qi smoothed out the circles drawn by Ouye on the beach, and wrote down a simple formula at the same position: y(x)+δy(x)

"Drawing circles repeatedly has no mathematical meaning, Ouye, can you draw the mathematical curve of y(x)+δy(x)?" Shen Qi asked.

"Super simple." Ouye immediately drew a new moon on the beach, which is the Lagrangian variation curve.

At this moment, the wind cleared and the moon appeared. It was a new moon, exactly the same as the curve of the new moon drawn by Ouye.

Shen Qi's calculation results are quite accurate, and the error of the moon's appearance time is less than 1 second.

The beauty of the day is beautiful, the sky is beautiful, and the beauty cannot be let down.

Shen Qi put his arms around Ouye and pointed to the night sky: "Look, how miraculous, just after you finished drawing the Lagrangian crescent curve on the beach, a real crescent moon appeared in the night sky, I believe, this is the power of love .”

The waves beat on the beach, the bright moonlight shines down, the real moonlight shines on y(x)+δy(x) on the beach, and the crescent curve corresponding to y(x)+δy(x).

This situation is suddenly romantic, the IQ of a woman in love will drop, and Ouye's little face will blush.

"The moon bears witness, Ouye, I will always love and take care of you." Shen Qi pressed his forehead against Ouye's, nose to nose: "If I break my promise, I will never be able to draw the correct mathematical curve."

"Don't lie to me." Ouye blushed to the base of his neck, his eyes blurred.

Under the moonlight, Shen Qi kissed Ouye.

The kiss was long and lasted several minutes.

At the end of the lover's kiss, the moon in the night sky hides in the clouds.

"You... did it on purpose, and calculated the time." Ouye panted, her first kiss made her body burn like fire.

Ouye likes this feeling, as if his heart is about to jump out. It doesn't matter if he did it on purpose, whether he did it on purpose or not.

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