All the people seemed to have found their backbone again, and their spirits were uplifted, and their momentum soared in an instant.

"Everyone, because the Don Quixote family was killed last night, the underground trading port was detonated, causing huge casualties, and the dolls were even more seriously damaged..."

King Liku showed sad emotions, and his voice was full of grief, but he knew that the people at this time were waiting for his guidance, and he should not be so negative at this time. "Everyone... I hope you can cheer up, actively rescue the injured, and rebuild a prosperous Dressrosa!"

King Liku said loudly, and the people below burst into tears, but the effect of these words was still very obvious, and they all took action.

"The king is right! We should not be indifferent now, we must act quickly and rebuild a Dressrosa!"

Everyone took action and rushed into the disaster area, while the soldiers who were loyal to King Liku and the hunters brought by Roy acted as guides and organized people to carry out disaster relief.

Everything was being carried out in an orderly manner, and King Liku finally let out a deep breath when he saw this. With his backbone, these people finally began to radiate some vitality.

Despite all the misunderstandings, when everything was explained clearly, the reputation that the Liku royal family had accumulated for hundreds of years was revived. Seeing this scene, Roy couldn't help but nodded and sighed: "It seems that it would be a good choice to hand over this country to the Liku royal family." Jaffe stood beside Roy and said, "You are not afraid that these people are too much. Loyal, shaken to the rule of the Mendis Guild here?" If the king's reputation is too high, it will indeed greatly increase the difficulty of Roy's control here, but this is not what Roy is worried about.

He just smiled: "Sister Jaffe, I don't want to rule the people of this country, all I want is a stronghold in the new world."

"The environment here is more stable for me, the better. As for whether they will join forces with King Liku and affect the Mendis Guild, I am not worried. In this world, only the decisive role is played. Absolute strength."

For Roy, it would be best for him if the Liku royal family could recognize the situation and cooperate well. After all, only with the influence of the Liku royal family can the hostility of the Dressrosa people to the Mendis Guild be reduced. reduced to a minimum.

There will be no such thing as a rebel army in 913. In general, the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

Of course, if the Liku royal family is unwilling to cooperate, Roy can only overthrow the entire country and start over. Although it will greatly affect the progress of his plan, he is not without this courage.

If you can. To be able to make these people live a little better Roy is naturally willing...

After speaking, King Riku had brought Violet to Roy again and bowed deeply. "Mr. Roy, on behalf of all the people of Dressrosa, I thank you!"

Even though Roy has their own goals and interests, they are indeed kind to the people of Dressrosa, not only overthrowing the rule of the Don Quixote family, but also driving away the Beast Pirates.

The most important thing is that although the cooperation conditions offered by the Mendis Guild are a bit difficult for them, they are far from being coercive. Compared with the Don Quixote family, the conditions of the Mendis Guild are simply not worth mentioning. , at least they don't keep making new slaves.

Dressrosa's internal power is still in the hands of the Liku family, which is the best result for them.

"King Liku, you're welcome. We have a cooperative relationship. Hello, I'm good, everyone."Roy reached out and shook King Riku with a smile on his face.

"As for Princess Violet, I remember you said last time that you wanted to join the Mendis Guild, right?" Roy looked at the enchanting Violet behind King Riku.

Violet's face suddenly turned red, and King Liku also glanced at his own daughter with a strange expression. Could it be that there is something else between them?

If that's the case, then it's not impossible...

Violet lowered his head, only after hesitating for a second, then raised his head shyly: "If Mr. Roy wants... I am willing to join Mr. Roy's command!"

Roy grinned. Although he didn't believe in love at first sight, it was a pleasant thing to have beautiful girls around him.

Just when Roy was about to speak, Feifei took the first step forward and took Violet's hand.

"If Princess Violet wants to join (adag), it is of course the most suitable. It happens to be a police officer in [Thousand Paper Cranes]. Robin should like your fruit ability very much."

Jaffe gently took Violet's arm and said familiarly.

Roy's face froze, and he pouted, it seemed that his own idea was going to fail.

It happened that Robin came out from the inside, and when he saw this scene, he covered his mouth and smiled: "I heard about your ability, and it is perfect for our organization."

Of course Viorette knew that these two were women by Roy's side, so she didn't dare to be slighted and smiled at each other, but she still had some doubts about the [Qianzhihe] in their hands, so she couldn't help but ask, "What is [Qianzhihe]. Zhihe] Ah?" "[Qianzhihe] is the spy department of the Mendis Guild, responsible for collecting information from all over the world for the Guild, and reporting directly to the president, namely Roy, as for the current leader of this organization is me ."

Robin introduced with a smile: "Your ability is indeed very suitable for gathering intelligence."

Violetta suddenly realized that, indeed, the power of staring fruit is not in the battle, but in the collection of intelligence. After all, she can observe everything she wants to observe within a thousand miles, and she is not affected by any terrain. limit.

She is really helpful in searching for and spying on intelligence, and she is also very buggy in interrogation. She can use her ability to directly see through other people's inner thoughts, and she doesn't even need interrogation. As long as she can't catch the enemy successfully, then Violet will be able to learn from the enemy's heart. Find all the information!

That's why Doflamingo would rather not kill King Riku and have Violet play for him.

As long as Violet was around, it was basically impossible for Dressrosa to have a spy or undercover undetected, and it was even less likely that someone would sneak in.

So Roy values ​​Violet very much, definitely not just because she is good-looking.

After listening to Robin's introduction, Violet finally showed a smile, threw a wink at Roy and said, "Of course I am willing to serve Lord Roy!"

Looking at Jaffe and Robin's half-smiling eyes, Roy could only touch his nose awkwardly.

Above the waters near Dressrosa, three large sailboats were rushing towards Dressrosa.

A murloc with stout limbs and sharp teeth sat on the bow of the boat and glanced at the permanent pointer in his hand from time to time. Physically strong.

In addition, there are several fur warriors, long-handed, long-footed, and long-headed tribes, and there are even two giants.

There are also a large number of human war soils on the boat, and this group of guys of different races get along very well.

A grizzly fur clan slowly stepped forward and asked the murloc sitting on the bow, "Nozier, are you sure that Dressrosa is in front?"

Nozier grinned, revealing the sharp teeth inside, and said with a big laugh: "Don't worry, Ender, I finally got this record pointer. It must be the seat of the Don Quixote family in front."

Grizzly Fur Ender's tiger fur was biting a cigarette, and there was a huge scar on his face, and said viciously: "Yes, I heard that the Don Quixote family and Lord Roy are deadly enemies, We have nothing to repay, so we simply take the death of the Donji Cide family as a certificate of fame, and then go to Lord Roy when we become famous!"

"Hahaha, Hill Dage is right, we can't forget Lord Roy's kindness." Ender the Grizzly Fur said loudly.

A giant sat in the back and snorted coldly: "Those cowards, they were scared when they heard that we were going to fight the Don Quixote family. They really have no backbone."

They were all slaves who were rescued by Roy from Sacred Land Mary Joa. After the escape from prison, the navy was busy with the top war and had no time to pay attention to them, so they also took the opportunity to run to the new world and established a number of huge group.

Although many of them are also full of gratitude to Roy, they just want to live a happy and stable life, so they leave the group, and the rest of them hope to go to Roy to work for it.

"That's not what you said, Rolfe." Fur Crow, the hound wearing a cowboy hat, spoke slowly. With his powerful strength, he had a lot of power to speak in the entire group, and his personality was relatively calm. "Everyone has their own aspirations, and their strength is not very good. Roy's level of battle is definitely not something they can adapt to. Even we have to be prepared to die at any time." "Hmph, daddy is not afraid of death. Well, as long as I can join Lord Roy's command, I don't mind even giving my life, my life is given by Lord Roy!"

Rolfe is a man of temperament, and since Roy rescued him from that place, and he also made enemies of the Tianlong people for them, he had already decided to take refuge in Roy in his heart.

That's the way Elbaf does it, go straight, and reciprocate! "Okay, stop arguing, it should be coming soon, right?"

A human with a neck like a giraffe said, holding a long knife in his arms and a headscarf on his head. He was named Wanhe, and he was also one of the strongest in the group. "It should be here soon."

Nozier said with a smile, although he is a murloc, his temper is very good, and he has his own unique ability in navigation. After all, as a murloc, he is very sensitive to ocean currents and weather.

While joking, a shadow gradually enlarged in front of their eyes, and everyone began to get excited. This battle will be their official debut battle and the key to determining whether they can join Roy's command smoothly. "I can't wait to teach those ignorant guys a lesson."

The long-handed Horsby's legs were constantly swaying, and his body was also swaying, with two gloves on his hands, posing a boxing model.

After this period of rest and recuperation, they have basically found their own weapons and possessed very powerful combat effectiveness.

In particular, there were twenty-seven murloc corps from Fishman Island, and the leader was Nozier, the navigator, the whale shark, and his brother, Norzia, who was also the whale shark.Although the two are brothers, they are very different in character and appearance.

Nozier is fat, good at murloc karate, and has a very kind personality, while Little Brother Nozia is different, very strong, and has mastered the Colored Arm domineering, his eyes are cold and cold, and Bad words.

These two are the leaders of this small group of murlocs.

Next, there are seven fur tribe warriors. The leader is a tiger fur, a grizzly bear fur, and a hound fur. They are powerful and can skillfully use thunder and lightning offensive.

Named Hill (tiger fur), Ender (grizzly bear fur), Crow (hound fur)

There are also two giant clans, all from the giant clan's Sacred Land Elbaf, Wansmax and Rolfe, and their strengths are all first-class in this group.

There are also eleven long-handed warriors. The leader is Hosby, who is good at boxing and uses gloves as weapons.

There are seven long-legged warriors, and the leader is called Anderxi. He is good at kicking skills, and his strength is similar to that of Horsby who uses boxing.

As for the long-necked warrior, there is only one, the swordsman Wanhe, who is powerful and belongs to the forefront of this group.

The representative of ordinary humans is a female sniper named Lorre, whose marksmanship is good, but not enough to rank in the forefront.

The total number of this group has reached more than 1,800 people, even in the new world where the strong are like clouds, it can be called a very powerful force.

Violet, who had just joined the job, stood in the port, with her hands in a circle and clasped in front of her eyes, and three giant ships sailing against the wind appeared in her eyes.

"someone is coming……"

Violet was a little surprised. Could it be that these guys came to find fault like the Beast Pirates?

But Violet shook his head again, not seeing any signs on the boat.

"What's wrong?" Robin appeared beside Violet.

"There are three ships coming here, but there are no signs hanging on them, I don't know which side's power is, and..."

"The races on the boat are very mixed, there are murlocs, long-handed, long-footed, and two giants..."

With the clear vision, Violet wrinkled tightly.

"Such a strange combination?" Robin is also a little strange. Although there is no necessary hatred between these races, it is not easy to unite like this.

Even in the New World, such racially mixed forces are very rare.

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