Because now Ishida Yulong has understood that hatred can only bring hatred.

If you really want peace between Quinque and Shinigami, you can't create new hatred.

After returning from Soul Society, Yuryu Ishida has become an ordinary person.

But on the way home one day, Ishida Yuryu was suddenly attacked by Menos Grande.

Without the power of Quincy, the spiritual energy in Ishida Yulong's body is still abundant.

This became Menos Grande's favorite food.

Ishida Yulong still has a means of self-preservation, which is the Quincy power he had stored in the silver needle before.

It's just that this power is too weak, and it is not the opponent of Menos Grande at all.

At this crucial moment, a powerful arrow defeated Menos Grande.

"Oh, it's really embarrassing, Yulong." A figure came out.

840 "It's you, Longxian!" Ishida Yulong's eyes widened with shock on his face.

"Do you just call your father by his first name?" Ishida Ryujin said very upset.

"How can you have the power of the Quincy? You have always hated the Quincy." Ishida Yulong muttered to himself.

He once asked his father, and this is what his father answered.

"That's why I keep saying you're stupid. I'm not interested in Quincy, and you just don't have talent." Ishida Longxian pushed his glasses.

Even if he hasn't practiced for more than ten years, Ishida Ryujin still maintains his (bddc) power.

"I, Ishida Longxian, whether I like the Quincy or not, I am the only man who has inherited all the skills and power of the family and holds the title of the last Quincy."

Ishida Ryūzuru took out his Cross of Extinction from his pocket.

This is the representative of the highest power of the Quincy.

Ishida Yulong remembers it clearly, this is exactly the same as what my grandfather once wore!

Could it be that my grandfather gave this to Ishida Longxian when he didn't know it.

This is the Ishida family's recognition of Ishida Longxian's strength.

Even if the other party does not have the will to become a Quincy, it is still something that the family cannot ignore.

"And you're just a half-ass, you dare to go to the Soul Society." Ishida Ryuji shook his head, feeling unimaginable.

But in the next second, what Ishida Longxian said made Ishida Yulong even more shocked.

"I can restore your abilities to their original state, but as a price you have to swear to cut off any contact with Shinigami from now on. Ishida Ryūzuru said slowly.

Ishida Yulong did not make a choice on the spot, and it was difficult for him to make a choice.

Before that, Ishida Yulong would probably scoff at this condition.

How could he possibly have anything to do with Shinigami.

However, now that Kurosaki Ichigo is his friend, it is time to carry out his grandfather's beliefs.

Kurosaki Ichigo is also the only Shinigami that Yuryu Ishida believes in today.

It is very difficult for him to make Ishida Yuryu give up any relationship with Shinigami.

"I'll give you time to think about it." After saying this, Ishida Ryujin left.

Ishida Yuryu, who was left alone and shocked.

The next day, Yulong Ishida appeared in the hospital's director's office.

"I promise your terms." Ishida Yulong said.

After he was able to do it all, he was very clear that he first needed to be a quencher.

After Ishida Longxian's treatment and special training, Ishida Yulong knew how to regain his strength.

When both the spirit and the body reach the limit, the power can be restored by piercing the right side of the heart with a spiritual arrow thirteen millimeters.

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