For example, the panacea that cures everything, or the secret of true immortality.

No matter what it is, it has a huge attraction to human beings.

Because of this, people's exploration of the dark continent is never-ending.

Being a hunter is full of the spirit of exploring the unknown.

Now with the end of the ant incident, the chairman and many other members of the Hunter Association have died, which has a great impact on the Hunter Association.

In addition to electing a new president, the ban has been lifted.

That is, going to the Dark Continent will be permitted, and people will no longer be prohibited from going to the Dark Continent.

Even the association will encourage everyone to go to discover more secrets in the dark continent.

There is even a king of a country, in order to choose the heir, he paid for the ten princes to enter the Dark Continent to explore and decide who the heir is.

Now Qiyi 807 has decided to join one of the princes with Xiaojie.

Let's go to the Dark Continent together.

Suddenly, Qi Qi felt cold all over subconsciously and sneezed.

"This feeling is really unpleasant, it's like being targeted by Lion Majesty, it can't be that bastard Ilmi." Qi Yan wiped his nose and muttered to himself.

Thinking that Ilmi should have received the same reward as herself, Qiyi felt like eating a fly.

Why does my brother have to target himself everywhere?

Although the beaten-up Hakka family is a killer family, the relationship between the family members (bddc) still exists.

"Forget it, next time I see that guy, I'll have a head-to-head fight with him." Qi Yan gave up thinking.

It has been decided to defeat Ilfan head-on.

The previous Qi was too weak in front of Ilmi, otherwise he would have done this long ago.

The False God Realm.

[Top 4 Ten Brothers of Geek and Ellen Rewards Started]

The two brothers, who were like fire and water, were now sitting quietly by the sea.

After this meeting, they really reached a settlement.

There is no longer any euthanasia program, and there is no one behind the scenes.

After all, in the inventory, both of them have clearly seen the real purpose behind each other.

Gek wants to relieve ZZ's pain.

And Allen's goal is the same, but the method is different.

Gek chose to lie flat and let it all end.

But Allen is fighting, and he wants the world to roar.

Anger burst out.

As both of them joined the command of King Xianqin, they had realized that they were no longer worried about the Eldia people.

"I have cleaned the top of Marais, and now the Eldians in Marais are ordinary citizens." Jike said.

"Well, after all, there are no grotesque bugs, and the Eldians are no longer a threat, and the royal family on the island completely obeys my orders." Allen also nodded and said.

The two are equivalent to exchanging their own information.

After obtaining the power bestowed by King Xianqin, Allen directly killed the grotesque worm in his body.

The monstrous bug is just a parasite that lives in the giant's body, and will follow every host to live.

And the grotesque worm only resides in the body of the proto-giant, so the proto-giant will have the ability to command all giants and Eldians.

After the death of the first Host, Ymir, the inheritance of the ancestor giants was all by devouring corpses.

This also allows the power of the ancestor giant to always maintain the inheritance, because the grotesque worm has not left.

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