I, Immortal Ancestral Dragon was Exposed by The Inventory of the Top Ten Ancestral Dragons

Chapter Five Hundred and Eleven: Have I become a person from the Immortal Qin World again?

"When did we become subjects." Levi gave a wry smile.

"From just now." Allen said lightly.

Levi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Allen and found that his expression was very serious.

"Well, at least you gave up on that crazy idea." Levi relented.

He also realized that the current situation was out of his control.

Levi's greatest strength is his fighting ability, and apart from that, he has only his perseverance.

But a gritty character is no meal here.

"What are you going to do next, Ellen? Do you want to deal with Marais first? Armin asked curiously.

Now the actual controller of the island can be said to be Allen.

After all, Allen's strength is here, and he can do whatever he wants.

"No, first develop the technology and people's livelihood on the island, and first make the Eldians rich. 35 Allen waved his hand and said.

Seeing this warmonger start talking about people's livelihood, everyone looked at Alan in shock.

They were also relieved after making sure Alan wasn't joking.

At least there is Allen here to guarantee that the island finally ushered in peace.

Meanwhile on the other side of the Marais Empire.

Jike and Reina, who were discussing the plan, also saw the golden jade talisman.

Like Alan, Jike also heard the words from the jade talisman.

Gek was shocked by the sudden change.

However, Jike's reaction was much faster than Allen's, and he directly expressed his allegiance.

Because Gek has no loyalty to the Marais Empire, he hates the country.

The perennial persecution of Eldia has created countless tragedies.

However, Gek had no way to solve this tragedy before, and could only solve the Eldians, the source of the tragedy.

Now that there is a stronger presence to dominate their country, the Gek certainly do.

But Reiner was a little lost, and he felt as if he was about to change his identity again.

This time, he became a subject of King Xian Qin.

Too many identities caused Reiner to be too lazy to think, but he felt that this state was actually good.

At least not so much trouble.

Just like what Gek told himself, just follow the orders.

I believe that Gek will not pit (bddc) to harm himself.

All worlds.

Almost everyone in every world is extraordinarily busy, rushing around to change the plot.

He was even more uncertain about his next order.

After all, so many changes have taken place in the plot, and they have to believe and act.

But he was very concerned about one thing.

That is Wanjie inventory.

When fonts appeared on the dark screen, everyone turned their attention to the screen.

[Inventory of Ten Thousand Worlds TOP3 Brothers]

What appeared in the inventory screen turned out to be a vine.

To be precise, it is a gourd vine.

And this gourd vine turned out to be colorful, and there was an old man with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's amazing, it's amazing." The old man said with emotion.

This gourd seed was obtained by an old man and a pangolin with green leaves and soil.

When he buried the seeds on the ground, the vines stood up and coupled themselves up a rock next to the mountain.

Later, he also grew a trellis, and soon produced gourds of seven colors.

"With this, I will definitely be able to defeat the Sasori and snake spirits!" Tears flowed from the corner of the old man's eyes.

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