I, Immortal Ancestral Dragon was Exposed by The Inventory of the Top Ten Ancestral Dragons

Chapter 495 The relationship between the royal family and the giants

The goal is to recapture the power of the primordial giant.

Although the power of the ancestor giant has not been found yet.

But it's okay to see Allen bring it back, at least this is also the power of a giant.

And Reiner found that Aaron could control other giants, which is the power possessed by the ancestor giants.

So Reiner doesn't need to continue playing tricks here, just take Alan away.

Enough for them to go back and cross.

But several years of undercover time made Reiner mentally unsettled.

Reiner is a big brother who attaches great importance to love and righteousness, and has a lot of affection for his companions on the island.

But he also understood that he was sent by Marais, and he also had feelings for Marais.

Plus Reiner has parents and relatives in Marais.

So under the pressure Reiner produced a mental classification.

In the later plot, he has been suffering from this kind of torture, calling life on the island hell.

He even tried to shoot himself to learn about his own life.

So now schizophrenia and self-destruction are inevitable.

As a result, under Allen's desperate efforts to break free, the plan of Reiner and others failed.

They had to leave here with another giant they found.

But after returning to the town, Allen was taken away by the military police sent by the royal family.

In the cave below the royal family's secret manor, Allen was tied to the high platform by iron chains.

And now the royal family intends to take away the power of giants from Ellen.

It turned out that Allen's body not only had the power of the giant bombardment, but also the power of the ancestor giant.

Grisha lurked in the wall for many years, not because he did nothing, but found the royal family long ago.

Eat the members of the royal family who have the power of the ancestor giant, and get the power of the ancestor giant.

Histeria, who has royal blood, was sent to eat Ellen.

However, Hestria realized that for more than a hundred years, the royal family could control all the giants.

But they do nothing to the human condition, they don't care about human life or death at all.

I just want to live peacefully on this island, very selfish.

So she refused her father's order and rescued Ellen instead.

At the moment when the two bodies touched, a certain condition was triggered.

As Gek said before, those with the power of the ancestor giants and members of the royal family were relieved.

Let Allen see the memory he had been hidden before, and inspired the ability to bombard giants.

The bombarding giant appears to be very weak on the display and does not seem to have any special abilities.

However, to everyone's surprise, the giants who actually bombarded share the memories of their owners.

At this moment, Alan already knew part of what was going to happen in the past and the future.

Including the father's memory and the previous Owl's memory and so on.

Even more, he knew that he was about to start a war between heaven and earth in the future, and he would launch the Earth Cry to kill 80% of the human beings in the world.

Still, some of the future is unclear.

Destroy the sky world.

". 々 tsk tsk, I just said that this kid has a bad mind, and he would choose to kill so many people (Zhao Zhao Zhao) 々". Yao Lao also felt that Allen was very scary at this time.

A man who will gamble.

This kind of person can be scary.

Because a desperate person is extremely crazy.

In Ellen, from the beginning of Xiaoka, the character is such extreme.

When he was only nine years old, he dared to assassinate three robbers with a dagger.

Later, after being able to control the super giant sleeping in the three walls as a weapon, he used it without hesitation.

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