I, Immortal Ancestral Dragon was Exposed by The Inventory of the Top Ten Ancestral Dragons

Chapter 345 Yao Lao is not convinced, can this also be on the list?

I think the description of anti-inflammatory is very good.

However, Yao Lao was still not convinced that Shiruluk could be on the list.

Fortunately, Xiaoyan's next words also made Yao Lao understand that Shiruluk is not Chopper's master, but Chopper's adoptive father.

Chopper's master was someone else.

"Another hidden doctor in Snow Country was Chopper's later master," Xiaoyan explained.

Moreover, the doctor's methods are very clever, and he belongs to the top doctor in the pirate world.

"It turns out that the old man lost his patience. Yao Lao also said with a slight smile.

The concern about the list is the reason why Yao Lao has some gaffe.

Xiaoyan also smiled bitterly and said nothing.

It seems that Yao Lao is still very concerned about this. After all, the rewards are very important, so he can't say anything.

But Xiaoyan understands that he is only grateful for Yao Lao.

After being a waste for so many years, Yao Lao helped him regain his strength.

Judging from his own inventory before, he will also create a powerful technique by integrating different fires.

Without Yao Lao, none of this would exist.

Although it is said that he has changed from a genius to a waste, it is all because Yao Lao in the ring has absorbed his own grudge.

However, without this experience, I am afraid that anti-inflammatory will not be able to achieve the current achievements.

The mind cannot be exercised either.

Not even to say that.

Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, don't bully the poor!

The screen continues.

Shiruluk and Chopper have started a new life as Shiruluk's assistants.

The name Chopper was also given by Shiruluk, which means extremely tough antlers.

Representative Shiruluk wants Chopper to be a tough guy.

Compared to his biological parents who abandoned him, Shiruluk is a loving father to Chopper.

And Siruluk also fell in love with the little guy Chopper, just like his own child.

Shiruluk tells Chopper about his pirate experience in his early years and his yearning for freedom.

Let Chopper get out of the haze of the past and erect his imagination about pirates, the sea and freedom.

That's what the laughing quack doctor always said to young Chopper.

"Your future belongs to the other side of the sea"!"

Shiruluk treats Chopper as his own child, and of course hopes that he will make his own way.

Instead of staying in this little place like Snow Country, Chopper will regret it one day.

A year soon passed.

This is the happiest year in Chopper's life, a joy and warmth that he has never experienced before.

It was a very pleasant experience to be with Shiruluk every day to avoid the pursuit of the soldiers, and to treat people everywhere.

Unbeknownst to Chopper, however, Shiruluk's body was deteriorating.

He is gradually approaching the end of his life.

After all, Shiruluk is too old.

In order not to make Chopper sad, Shiruluk drives Chopper away on the grounds that the treatment is over.

Chopper wanted to stay, and did not hesitate to use (Wang Wang Zhao) self-mutilation to destroy his body.

But Shiruluk's determination was made, and he couldn't let Chopper see himself dead.

bang bang bang!

The musket made a sound, and Shiruluk fired at Chopper.

The bullet hit the ground Chopper was stepping on.

".々 Don't come back here again, get out!" Shiruluk made the most vicious voice.

Chopper ran away crying.

Shiruluk had already been crying for a long time, and he was also in incomparable pain.

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