"I just don't know if this Ultraman is benevolent or malicious, and if there are any monsters."

In the three-body world, no matter how outrageous things are now, they are not so absurd.

So even in the face of the appearance of Ultraman, everyone could calm down.

There is even a discussion on whether this Ultraman is well-intentioned or malicious.

At the same time, the news of the bombing of the Luo Ji air-raid shelter spread to all countries.

Today's Luo Ji is the savior of mankind.

His case touches the hearts of the world.

According to the people at the scene, they also saw a huge Ultraman.

And it seems that Ultraman destroyed the dugout without hurting a human.

Why did Ultraman capture Luo Ji?

Fortunately, the heads of state around the world have no doubts - for too long.

Luo Ji reappeared - in front of everyone.

But almost teleportation, came to the headquarters of the United Nations.

When Luo Ji came here, he made a request. He wanted to launch a live TV broadcast to the world.

Regarding Luo Ji's request, the Wallfacer Committee agreed immediately.

A few minutes later, Luo Ji appeared on TV.

"Everyone must be wondering why I can stop the Trisolaran attack! 39

"Now I have a showdown, I don't pretend, I am Ultraman Seven!

"That's right, it's the incarnation of justice you saw in the special film!

"I will always and forever protect the earth!"

In Luo Ji's view, this was a generous and fierce speech.

Exactly the same as in the special film.

It may just be a little embarrassing, after all, it is not a normal person who can say it calmly with a mouth full of justice.

All Earthlings who saw TV were petrified.

After a long time, Ultraman finally appeared!

However, Luo Ji's approach has achieved amazing results.

In the hearts of everyone, Ultraman is the embodiment of justice.

And Luo Ji was also regarded as a representative of justice, and no one ever questioned his motives and so on.

Plus Ultraman stopped the Trisolaran, it sounds reasonable.

No one has dug up the dark forest theory.

After quelling the earthlings.

Luo Ji disappeared.

He flew straight into the universe.

It took Luo Ji less than three hours to travel a distance of more than two hundred years.

After all, the current Luo Ji is a giant of light!

・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

It can travel through space galaxies by itself.

In the Oroman world, all Ultraman came to the earth through a very long distance.

Not only Ultraman, but also monsters can do this.

If it is even at the speed of light years, then I am afraid that these monsters will not be able to reach the earth.


The three suns are particularly eye-catching.

However, for the creatures in this galaxy, this is the most terrifying existence.

Originally, there were more than a dozen floating planets in the Trisolaran galaxy, but they were all pulled into it by the random gravitational pull of the three suns.

The fear is that this is a planet originally populated by living things.

Now there is only one left, and the three-body man lives on it.

Therefore, the Trisolarans clearly realize that their destruction is only a matter of time.

When Luo Ji appeared, he was greeted by the entire trisolaran kneeling down.

The more advanced the technology, the more aware of Luo Ji's horror.

A speed faster than the speed of light is unimaginable for a Trisolaran.

That means they can't defeat Luo Ji!

Here, Luo Ji made a promise to the Trisolaran.

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