"So strong!" Yao Lao was shocked.

In this way, wouldn't it be more powerful than humans and giant beasts.

"Cough cough, that only exists under certain circumstances, and the inventory in this picture should not be that strong. 39 Xiaoyan coughed.

Maybe he realized that Yao Lao was a little scared, so he said quickly.

The Hulk in this setting is actually like a golden superman.

They are all images in a very small comic.

Whether or not he will be eligible to enter the heavens and the world is a question.

It's too small after all.

Like Batman, as the son of the DC world.

In a certain setting, the strongest Hell Batman armor has also appeared.

One thing that is easy to overlook about Batman is that he also fights in armor.

Basically the same as Iron Man's setting, they are all rich and armored.

Even the appearance of Iron Man is to match Batman.

Whether in terms of financial resources or the strength of the armor, it is higher than Batman.

So in order to improve Batman's combat effectiveness, a hell armor appeared in a comic.

Simply put, this armor is forged by combining the specialties of all members of the Justice League.

Superman builds the shell on the star, and Wonder Woman returns to Olympus to enchant it.

Kong uses alien technology to create an electronic engineering system for the armor.

The Flash allows the Warframe to connect to the Speed ​​Force, and Poseidon is quenched and condensed in the deep sea.

Green Lantern casts the cloak behind him for the armor.

This is our gift to a friend.

Members of the Justice League said so.

Batman with hell armor can directly fight the gods of the DC world.

Known as DC's first battle armor.

Of course, Iron Man also appeared in the Marvel Comics infinity gem armor and sword in the stone armor.

Modifying reality, reversing time, omniscient and omnipotent are all things that can be done in the blink of an eye.

"I see, it's like a legend, right?" " Yao Lao breathed a sigh of relief.

There are many legends in their world.

For example, the people who created the thousands of worlds and so on.

"Well, that's it." Xiaoyan nodded quickly.

Pirate world.

After Luffy and others left the Marine headquarters, they also came to The fish men island.

Although there are discrepancies with the original plot, it has not experienced what happened two years later.

But Luffy and others are stronger than the plot two years later!

Because Luffy entered the False God Realm, he learned a lot.

It can also drive Zoro and others to improve their strength.

However, what happened to Luffy was similar to that in the plot.

It was also besieged by those mermaids who were hostile to humans.

He also met Shirahoshi.

This future helper of Poseidon, one of the Ancient Weapons, has not yet awakened.

"I think you're a hero, Luffy! 39 Shirahoshi looked at Luffy admiringly.

At this time, Shirahoshi was only fourteen years old, so he believed in fairy tales even more.

"I don't want to be a hero." Luffy shook his head.

In Luffy's mind, what came to mind was the inventory of the top ten heroes.

Those on the list did things that Luffy couldn't do by himself.

He knew this very well.

Even though Luffy will stand up when encountering unfair things, he has no heroic consciousness.

"Really, why?" Shirahoshi felt curious.

"Because I'm the man who wants to be One Piece!" Luffy smiled.

That's what Luffy has always decided.

When he heard about One Piece's deeds from Shanks, inspirational decision was made.

Although he was inevitably ridiculed from childhood to adulthood, Luffy's ambitions have never changed.

"Why? Why become One Piece?" Shirahoshi asked with wide eyes.

In her opinion, pirates are the epitome of villains.

In particular, many of the mermaids were captured by pirates, and later sold at high prices as slaves.

Pirates are synonymous with criminals.

It is common to do not abide by the laws of various countries.

In particular, The fish men island is located on the only way to New World, and almost all pirates will pass through here.

During this period, the rate of burning, killing and looting was all evil.

So in Shirahoshi's view, One Piece is the worst of the pirates.

Especially the old woman's prophecy that Luffy will destroy Mermaid Island!

This made Shirahoshi very incomprehensible.

Could it be that Luffy will become a bad guy in the future?

"Because One Piece is the freest person in this sea. That's what Luffy really thinks.

Also his purpose.

Just for freedom.

"Maybe in the future, there will be other ideas, such as being able to go to other worlds and the like, but for now I will become the Pirate King first." Luffy added.

For him, going to the heavens and the world is also a very interesting thing.

But One Piece is the goal of the first stage.

".々 Luffy, let's go."

Just then, Robin came over.

"Oh, are you finished?" Luffy asked, standing up.

Just now, Robin went to see the historical text of Mermaid Island.

It seems to be an apology, a guy named Joey Boyle stayed.

Luffy wasn't interested in that.

But knowing the reason why Robin got on board is to collect historical texts.

Today, Luffy and others have not even met Rayleigh.

So I don't understand the importance of the historical text.

Not to mention that this thing is related to the correct position of Raftel.

It is the main object of competition in the New World in the future.

"Well, the history of Mermaid Island seems to be very heavy, and it seems that they once wanted to move to land, but that Joey Boy did not do it, so I feel ashamed of the mermaid princess 800 years ago." Robin Rather excited.

For her, there is nothing more intriguing than the truth about eight hundred years of history. (King's good)

"Moving to the land? I'm afraid it will take a very large ship. It is estimated that only the giants can build it." Luffy smiled.

What he didn't know was that he inadvertently told the truth of history.

The Noah hidden in the Mermaid Island was used to transport the entire Mermaid Island residents.

This ship was also built by the giants.

Everything was eight hundred years ago, from which Joyboy made contact.

However, due to irresistible reasons, the plan finally failed Li.

Therefore, Joey Boyi left a note of apology, sorry for the mermaid princess.

"Then go, target New World!" Luffy also stood up and laughed, putting on his straw hat.

"Luffy! We can meet again in the future." Shirahoshi suddenly became excited.

She also wanted a reassurance from Luffy.

Want to see Luffy again.

"Of course we're friends. Luffy nodded.

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