“Sister, don’t look at it, you’re already gone!”

“He said he wanted to meet me…..My charm, are you going to marry me?”Holding her slightly red face, Empress Hancock was obsessed with the future in her imagination.


New world.

The Blackbeard Pirates’ territory has captured more than 90% of the Whitebeard Pirates’ territory.

“Haha, thief, I finally collected a lot of monsters.”Blackbeard looked at the members he had regained in recent times and laughed wildly again.

The Blackbeard Pirates were almost destroyed by Xia Yu.

After time, they have regained a certain amount of power.

“Captain, someone else is joining us.”

“I don’t want anyone who is too weak.”Blackbeard is very proud now.

The sea has recognized Blackbeard as the new four emperors who will inherit Whitebeard’s status.

The status is no longer something that Marco and the others, who are retreating and hiding, can shake.

“Blackbeard, you don’t even look down on me, do you?”The person who came is an astonishing monster, the King of Evil, who was once one of the top monsters in the infinite hell.

“It’s you?”

Blackbeard’s face changed drastically.

He was not happy but reacted with surprise.

“What, are you still not happy for me to join?”The King of Evil was very surprised. When we were advancing into the city, didn’t you beg us to join? Now that I have taken the initiative to join, shouldn’t I give you a warm welcome?”

“Do you want to join me?”Blackbeard’s heart twitched, something is not good.

“That’s right!”

The Evil King sighed.

During this period, his life was not easy, especially after he gave up the name of suicide.

The territory of the New World has been divided up by the Four Emperors. If he wants to have a huge territory in the New World, he can only fight against the Four Emperors..

Although the King of Evil is strong, he is far inferior to the Four Emperors.

What’s more, each of the Four Emperors has so many powerful men. How can he snatch the King of Evil?

However, he is unwilling to leave the new world. After several efforts, he has no choice. He realized that it was impossible for one person to gain a foothold in the new world, so if he wanted to join a force, his first choice was naturally Blackbeard, who had recruited him. The evil king’s face turned cold and he stared at Blackbeard with dissatisfaction.

Beard:”Blackbeard, what do you mean? Not welcome?”

“I also want to ask you what you mean!”Blackbeard roared, I finally managed to get the team back together, you bastard, do you want to harm me again?

Even if I kill him, I won’t dare to recruit anyone who is related to the Suicide Pirates.

That terrible experience is not because of It becomes lighter with time, but the shadow becomes heavier and heavier

“I just want to join the Blackbeard Pirates. Isn’t that interesting?”The evil king is confused.

“Come on, you bastard, you just want to kill me. Blackbeard said angrily:”Get out of here, even if I am a mere commander, I will not accept you. Not to mention that you are very strong. Even if you can compare with me, I will not accept you.””


The evil king was completely confused.

Looking at the Blackbeard Pirates, there are already a lot of people, but there are not many monster-level strong men. There must be a shortage of strong men like me.

“Are you really not welcome?”

“That’s right, I don’t want to die.”Blackbeard said firmly, it’s enough to suffer a loss and learn a lesson once.

“Huh, you’ll regret it.”The evil king said fiercely. It was a loss of face for him to surrender even if he was rejected.

He waved his hand and left without looking back.

“Wait a moment.”Blackbeard suddenly said

“What, regret it? It’s a pity that I have no interest in joining the Blackbeard Pirates.”The evil king said proudly

“No, I just want to know if that monster will be happy if he catches you, thief haha.”Blackbeard laughed cruelly. The King of Evil is considered one of the main monsters in the Suicide Pirate Group.

Now that he has decided, Blackbeard will take action directly without being moral.

“Blackbeard, you bastard.”

Almost half of his life was lost, but luckily the evil ruler escaped.

“Damn black beard.”

The seriously injured evil king vomited blood all the way.

A few days later, he came to the cake shop

“Do you want to join?”One of the four emperors’ aunt

“That’s right!”

“I agree to your joining.”Auntie quickly agreed that the strong man who came to her door would not be free of charge…………

Navy headquarters!

In his own courtyard, Xia Yu looked at the reward list in his hand in astonishment.

It’s the reward list for the nine-tailed demon fox, with a reward of 500 million beli!

“Can it still be like this?”Xia Yu blinked and hurriedly checked the total reward amount in the system.

It is still 2 billion 90 million.

“Although the nine-tailed demon fox was channeled by Uchiha Madara, he is an independent living being, so the bounty cannot be counted as his own?”Xia Yu was a little speechless. The bounty on the main body did not increase, but the bounty on the nine-tailed demon fox increased.

“Is Akainu a pig? You don’t even think I’m still alive?”

Xia Yu was speechless.

If he had known he was so stupid, he would have appeared in front of him in person.

“Doesn’t this force me to appear in front of the world and slap you, the World Government Navy, in your face?”

Xia Yu was helpless.

The reward I am offering is only 1.2 billion beli. There is still room for increase. It must be increased to the top level of the sea, to the area of 1.56 billion beli.

“Tomorrow is the Navy Ceremony, right?”

Xia Yu showed a playful smile…………

Naval Ceremony.

The news was announced to Dahai three days ago.

The navy held a grand ceremony to announce to all parts of the sea that a new naval headquarters was established.

New naval headquarters, new marshal, and two new admirals.

Even most of the elite navy within the navy have undergone a major change after the great war. The navy is completely different from the past, both inside and out.

In this ceremony, the navy showed its overwhelming momentum to the world and showed its determination to resolutely fight against pirates!

The news of the naval ceremony had already spread throughout the sea and became the center of discussion in the sea. The people were excited, but the pirates were silent. They all understood the purpose of the navy to hold the ceremony with such great fanfare.

The most excited was the Navy.

After months of sluggish doubts, the Navy finally has its moment to be proud.

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