Kill the Immortal Platform.

A six-tailed long flag is stuck on it.

Zhou Yi held the talisman in his hand to worship, and felt the majestic luck pouring into the flag.

The list of gods can gather the merits of humanity. At this time, Zhou Yi has the merits of several righteous gods, which can be said to be a great fortune.

At first, there was no response to the name of White Lotus Evil Buddha. After seven days, it began to shine with blood. On the fourteenth day, the name began to change.

Sometimes it turns into a white lotus, sometimes it is called the Three Yangs, and in the blink of an eye it turns into Maitreya...

The various names that have changed are all the former identities of the White Lotus Evil Buddha, and are spread across Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and leftists.

On the twenty-first day, Zhou Yi held the talisman and bowed down, and the names on the six soul flags were finally fixed.


"It turns out that this is the name of my old friend Buddha. No wonder he betrayed the Buddha!"

After Zhou Yi paid his respects, he recuperated and used the six soul flags and other powerful weapons. The magic power was not consumed, and the energy and spirit were invisibly eliminated. The real immortal also felt tired.

Lei Zhenzi waited on the side until noon when he saw Zhou Yi open his eyes.

"Immortal Chief, I learned about the Wind and Rain yesterday, and there are some passes that I'm not sure about..."

After Zhou Yi worshiped the Six Soul Banner every day, he would call Lei Zhenzi to teach Tiangang Taoism and call for wind and rain. Since he promised to be a righteous god in Tianji Palace, Lei Zhenzi was the right one.

The ability to summon wind and rain was the first time Zhou Yi obtained magical powers. At that time, he was in the underground hell and had no other Taoist practices to practice, so he would study this method intensively every day. .

After that, the number of magical methods increased day by day, and there were a few supreme killing treasures. With everything busy, there was a lack of understanding of the new magical powers, so calling the wind and rain was the Tiangang Dao method that Zhou Yi was best at.

After hearing Lei Zhenzi's doubts, Zhou Yi replied.

"The energy of wind and rain is worth the number of days, and is the fruit of yin and yang. The master commands the wind and rain, controls the thunder and lightning, and acts on behalf of the sky to eliminate the blockage..."

This kind of teaching and guidance is more than just practicing magic, it also contains the principles of wind and rain.

Forgotten River.

The place where all the spirits of heaven and earth reincarnate.

It is anywhere in the world, yet invisible, traceless and elusive.

The city god was in charge of the underworld, and he could only drive away the lonely ghosts to reincarnate themselves, but he did not dare to test the water temperature of Wangchuan River himself.

The endless true spirits turned into tiny points of light, drifting with the current in the Forgotten River, and were reincarnated into living beings when they encountered the opportunity of reincarnation.

There are some rays of light among the true spirits, which are a hundred times and a thousand times more powerful than the ordinary true spirits. They are at least true immortals and Buddhas. There are even some rare true spirits that ride on mysterious treasures and swim in the Wangchuan River.

The cycle of life and death is nothing but trivial in the eyes of such beings.

At this time.

A white lotus throne is floating on the river, and the White Lotus Evil Buddha is sitting cross-legged in it. Unlike the true spirit of large and small light spots, he can manifest a human form in the throne.

There is no time and space in the Wangchuan River. Years have passed in the outside world, but it is only a moment.

"Withdrawing your good thoughts, I have made great progress in my Taoist practice, and I am one step closer to the realm of Buddha. Then follow the good, evil, and self, and cut them off one by one and then take them back, which is equivalent to integrating the power of the four Buddhas."

"If you practice this method to the end, you may not be able to achieve the status of Buddha!"

"However, once I understand what the method of killing three corpses that guy said is, I always feel that this is the right way..."

White Lotus Evil Buddha frowned. Ever since he entered reincarnation, he had been thinking hard about what the three corpses were.

The only clue is that this method is related to the method of killing good thoughts.

"All the Buddhist, Taoist and Confucian scriptures related to the three bodies are well understood, but none of them can be a great way. The subtleties of them are not as good as my method of unifying the four bodies!"

White Lotus Evil Buddha closed his eyes and meditated, and began to recall all the scriptures he had learned.

Since enlightenment, the scriptures and books that have been recited are as vast as the sea. Even with the supernatural powers of evil Buddhas, it would take several years to recall them all.

Rereading the scriptures is not just for the purpose of killing three corpses. It is also a kind of practice that can improve all methods.


White Lotus Evil Buddha sensed in his heart that a big crisis was coming, involving life and death.

Since the True Spirit rested on the White Lotus Throne, he has experienced many deaths, but has never sensed a crisis, so this time he will really die.

The true spirit is in danger of disintegration!


The White Lotus Evil Buddha proclaims the Buddha's name, holds the lotus seal in his hand, and follows the destiny curse upstream to trace its origin.

"Who is it? He actually used the luck curse to kill. Aren't he afraid of backlash?"

The luck curse is a double-edged sword. Once the target luck is missed, the backlash will be strong no matter how powerful the spell is.

White Lotus Evil Buddha has already attained enlightenment and possesses the destiny of heaven.

He is also a disciple of Buddha and possesses some Buddhist destiny.

After establishing his own business, he had the luck of the White Lotus Sect.

The three levels of luck are integrated into one, and there are only a few people in the world who have better luck than White Lotus Evil Buddha.

"Is this Master planning to clean up the family?"

"Or is it the Confucian immortal who wants to take revenge on the poor monks for tampering with the Confucian classics?"

"Or is it Sage Mo of the Government City who wants to avenge his eldest disciple?"

"It could also be..."

The White Lotus Evil Buddha offended too many immortals, Buddhas, gods and demons. He thought about each one and quickly denied it: "These old immortals are cautious in doing things. As long as they do not involve the danger of the extinction of the Taoism, they will never take action easily."

"Besides, their status means that even if they have to fight to the death with a poor monk, they will fight openly and openly. How can they be so shameless?"

"This simple, brutal style is somewhat familiar..."

Thinking of this, White Lotus Evil Buddha's face changed drastically, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Could it be that guy from Yiqing? This poor monk gave up his dignity and hid in the Wangchuan River!"

The source of the luck curse was not concealed. After all, the continuous spells coming down could not be concealed from the evil Buddha's methods.

The magical power spread across the Wangchuan River and transcended the yin and yang of life and death. It took more than twenty days to finally find the source.

A picture appeared in front of the White Lotus Evil Buddha. He saw a six-tailed long flag, making a hunting sound in the mountain wind.

On the tail of the first flag, there is written the name he received when he became a disciple of the Buddha: Ananda!

The scene turned, and the Evil Buddha saw Zhou Yi holding a talisman in his hand, casting a spell to worship.

"Ah... Mitofu!"

Bai Lian Xie Buddha's name was pronounced incorrectly, and he said angrily: "Which immortal reincarnation are you, so unworthy of a son of man!"

There are no more than a hundred living beings in the world who know the name "Ananda". They are all immortals who have achieved immortality, and most of them are still wandering between life and death.

Since Zhou Yi could write down the real name of the White Lotus Evil Buddha, he must be someone who came back from reincarnation.

"Although I don't know who this guy is, he possesses countless treasures. The black yellow flag and the six-tailed flag are no weaker than the white lotus throne. Using this as a suppressor must be a person with great luck..."

White Lotus Evil Buddha thought for a moment and reluctantly admitted that his luck would probably not be as good as Zhou Yi's.

The true spirit is still giving constant warnings that a death crisis could come at any time.

"No, we must make peace with this guy, no matter what the cost!"

White Lotus Evil Buddha's face was ugly. Even if he betrayed Buddha back then, he had never been so aggrieved.

Buddha is a master and an elder. He will not kill his direct disciples easily!


The White Lotus Evil Buddha calmed his mind, cast a spell to sense the believers in the human world, and checked where he could immediately perform the magic of subduing gods without any delay.

Tianchi Mountain.

The annual mountain god festival.

The flying squirrel demon clan in the mountains presented five elements of spiritual objects and recited scriptures with strange tones.

Flying Squirrel is at the bottom of the demon clan, and there are no demon immortals in the clan. The only reason he can maintain his bloodline for tens of thousands of years is the mountain god.

The mountain god statue on the altar is shaped like a pig, but has eight legs and a snake-like tail behind it.

The flying squirrel demon clan has a rabbit shape with a rat head and two wings on its back. It is obviously not the same race as worshiping the mountain gods. However, it is not easy for the demon clan to survive. As long as the backer is strong enough, the mouse can be the bridesmaid of the cat.

When the scriptures are recited, wisps of incense and aspiration flow into the statue.


The mountain god burst into dazzling eyes, stood up from sitting cross-legged, and then flew towards the south with eight hooves.

The Flying Squirrel Monster Clan was dumbfounded, then got into chaos and used their magical powers to chase the mountain god.

The mountain god's escape speed was astonishing, and he disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Tianchi Mountain is millions of miles away from Yunzhou, and it took several days to arrive even if the White Lotus Evil Buddha used his divine descent.

Following the source of the causal curse, the White Lotus Evil Buddha appeared outside Tianji Sect.


A Buddha chant resounded for hundreds of miles and was transmitted into the formation.

"Fellow Taoist arrived a few days later than I expected!"

When Zhou Yi's voice fell, the sect-protecting formation opened a gap and let the White Lotus Evil Buddha in.

White Lotus Evil Buddha's expression was unfazed. The two incense sticks he made at Daqian and the incense sticks at the Jizhou General Altar had just been performed by the divine descending method, and it was difficult to gather enough incense power in a short period of time.

The flying squirrel clan transformed from Tianchi Mountain is already the closest choice to Yunzhou.

White Lotus Evil Buddha has long known that the demon tribe is on the rise. In order to avoid the destruction of the Taoist lineage, he has converted several demon tribes to join the White Lotus Sect.

The escaping light fell on the Immortal Killing Platform, and the White Lotus Evil Buddha had transformed into a white-robed monk.

Zhou Yi bowed his head and said, "I don't know whether I should call my fellow Taoist White Lotus or Ananda."

White Lotus Evil Buddha clasped his hands together: "Ananda has died long ago, so the poor monk is naturally White Lotus!"

As he spoke, his eyes glanced at the Six Soul Flags involuntarily.

The divine power of the incense fire secretly touched the long banner, and the endless evil energy rushed straight to the real spirit. There was a faint roar of gods and demons filling the ears. With the white lotus evil Buddha's Taoist heart, he actually had the intention of falling into the devil's way.

"It's so scary and weird!"

White Lotus Evil Buddha was horrified, but also felt happy.

Fortunately, he came immediately, otherwise he would have died silently, which would be too unjust.

"Tao friendly eyesight!"

Zhou Yi smiled and said: "The poor Taoist thought of fellow Taoists as soon as he got this treasure."


White Lotus Evil Buddha gave an ugly smile and said: "The poor monk and fellow Taoist have no life-or-death enmity, so why is this?"

"As a true immortal of the human race, Pindao should protect his people."

Zhou Yi solemnly said: "The evil heretics created by fellow Taoists have harmed the human race for a long time. If they can be eradicated, it will definitely be a great merit!"


White Lotus Evil Buddha chanted the Buddha's name to relieve his anger, but he did not believe a word of Zhou Yi's words.

The immortals, Buddhas, gods and demons in the world, whether they are humans, demons or others, have never regarded the mortals as being from the same clan as themselves, let alone fight with other immortals and Buddhas just because of mere mortals.

Therefore, White Lotus Evil Buddha determined that Zhouyi wanted the lion to open his mouth.

"A poor monk with a poor family is not like a fellow Taoist who has countless immortal treasures."

White Lotus Evil Buddha said: "For this cause and effect, I am willing to take the Three Yang Immortal Sword as compensation. This Immortal Sword has both Yin and Yang..."


Zhou Yi waved his hand, and Ziying Qingsuo's Nine Immortal Swords of Seven Cultivations appeared in front of him.

White Lotus Evil Buddha gritted his teeth and said: "I once practiced under the disciples of Confucian saints, and I was able to command the thunder of heaven and earth..."

"Thunder comes!"

Zhou Yi gave an order, and the thunder in the sky was generated out of thin air. The thunder with many conflicting attributes was like a tame lamb.

White Lotus Evil Buddha's face turned red, and then he gritted his teeth and said: "The poor monk has practiced the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm, and has evolved into a small cave of three thousand feet. The future can be expected..."

"Three thousand feet?"

With a wave of his sleeve, Zhou Yi opened the Sun and Moon Cave and the Heaven, manifesting the mountains, rivers and rivers in it.

"This, this, this..."

White Lotus Evil Buddha was stunned to see it, not only the cave world, he also noticed that Zhouyi's sleeve robe was also a protective immortal weapon.

Such luxury is unheard of.

After thinking carefully, White Lotus Evil Buddha found that unless he gave up the White Lotus Throne, he couldn't get any treasure that would make Zhou Yi's heart beat, so he said helplessly.

"What exactly do fellow Taoists want this poor monk to do?"

Zhou Yi's voice was decisive: "Pindao only wants the life of fellow Taoist!"



"If the poor monk's prediction is correct, this demon flag... should be a luck-cursed killing method!"

White Lotus Evil Buddha's face suddenly calmed down, and he said slowly: "My fellow Taoist has great human luck, which far exceeds that of the poor monk, but it is hard to say that he has a chance of victory. The poor monk lived longer, and he once studied the art of luck and created a skill. Borrow your magical power."

"Borrowing luck?"

Zhou Yi frowned slightly and said, "Do you want to return to Buddhism? How can the Buddha forgive you?"

The White Lotus Evil Buddha rebelled against Buddhism, established his own sect, and tampered with Buddhist scriptures. Over the endless years, he has deceived countless Buddhist believers into falling into the devil's path. He can be said to be the enemy of Buddhism.

Although the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism is fierce, Buddhist disciples hate the White Lotus Sect even more.

"Why not forgive? The poor monk only needs to modify the scriptures, and tens of millions of White Lotus disciples will become Buddhist believers!"

White Lotus Evil Buddha said matter-of-factly: "Master will definitely reward the poor monk greatly for strengthening Buddhism in this way. As for those fallen believers, the fundamental reason is their ungodly beliefs. The poor monk is trying to eliminate potential scammers for Buddhism!"

Zhou Yi raised his eyebrows. The evil Buddha's face and ability to bloom lotus flowers at his mouth were far beyond those of ordinary monks.

Of course, it is also possible that the Buddha did this deliberately, allowing Bai Lian to establish his own branch and then take it back, so that Buddhism would naturally grow.

Zhou Yi said: "Now the main body of Buddhism lies in the human race. Even if fellow Taoists return to the seat of Buddha, I will not be afraid!"

"Plus the Demon Court!"

White Lotus Evil Buddha said: "This poor monk has friendships with several demon gods. He has always entered the demon court and was awarded the title of Dharma King. It is more than enough for the demon clan to be prosperous and inherit the destiny of heaven. Taoist friends can give it a try!"

"Pindao is never afraid of threats."

Zhou Yi said: "Fellow Taoist is already immortal, and he is able to put aside his shamelessness and get involved in the affairs of the demon clan."

"The poor monk is not a threat, it is really a helpless act."

White Lotus Evil Buddha said: "In the face of life and death, the poor monk would rather humiliate the demon court than give up his position as the demon god after a few thousand years."

Zhou Yi frowned slightly. He could tell that what the Evil Buddha said was true.

With the dual blessings of Buddhism and Demon Court, the Six Soul Flag may fail in its spell and have to withstand the backlash.

Zhou Yi thought for a moment and said with a smile on his face: "I fell in love with my fellow Taoist at first sight. We are talking about life and death. Please sit down!"


White Lotus Evil Buddha proclaimed the name of Buddha and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It may be okay to return to Buddhism, but if you seek refuge in the Demon Court, you will definitely offend the Buddha, which is to exchange death now for death later.

"My Taoist friend hid in the Wangchuan River, but I couldn't find any trace, so I had no choice but to use the Six Soul Flag to call."

Zhou Yi personally poured laurel fairy wine for the evil Buddha and said: "I have a problem, and I need to ask my fellow Taoists to help."

"But it doesn't matter."

White Lotus Evil Buddha's posture was very low, and he did not dare to be arrogant or arrogant. The guy in front of him did not follow any rules at all. If he is upset, he will definitely fall out on the spot and collide head-on with the fate of the demon clan.

The supreme treasure protects the body. Even if it bites back, it will not kill the body. The evil Buddha will have a tragic end.

Zhou Yi said: "The poor Taoist saw the lonely souls and wild ghosts wandering in the world, and the evil ghosts harming people. He couldn't bear it and wanted to build an underworld to control the six paths of reincarnation..."


Hearing this, White Lotus Evil Buddha couldn't help but cough violently.

"Fellow Taoist, let's continue casting curses. This poor monk will go to the Demon Court now. Why should we care so much about life and death!"

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