The old man looked Zhou Yi carefully up and down with mung bean eyes, and his rosy nose kept twitching.

Zhou Yi was smiling and his eyes were shining.

The old man's body was filled with mist and mist, making it difficult to tell whether it was demonic or pure.

Ma Laosan was respectful but fearful of the old man. He also coveted the jade ring promised by Zhou Yi and said, "Village chief, there were not foreigners here a few days ago. These are their friends."

"So we're looking for them, so come in."

The old man leaned on crutches, stepped aside tremblingly, and pointed to the room on the right.

"They rest inside."

"Thank you, father-in-law."

Zhou Yi stepped in, pushed open the dilapidated door, and saw several figures.

Zhang Cheng, Bai Yutang, Li Hongling, and several detectives in black and Tsing Yi.

Lying on the ground in a mess, breathing evenly, with a strange smile on his face.

"It would be better if I didn't die..."

Before Zhou Yi finished speaking, the Ziying Sword instantly slashed at the old man: "I want to see what kind of monster you are!"


The sword light slashed through the old man, and the sword energy exploded, tearing him into pieces.

Unfortunately, there was no response from the Demon Illustrated Book. His spiritual consciousness scanned the entire Majiagou Village and failed to find the location of the demonic energy.

Ma Laosan was so frightened that he turned around and ran away with a scream.

When I turned around, I realized that at some point, a large white mist had surrounded the surroundings and filled the entire village.

Through the fog, I could see two to three feet away, hazy and looming, as if there were houses and roads.

After a while, the fog became thicker, and as far as the eye could see a few steps away, even the earthen wall of the village chief's house was blurred.

Call for the wind and rain!

The magic power poured out, but the wind did not come and the rain did not fall.

"My magic?"

Zhou Yi then sensed 20,000 years of mana in his body, which continued to dissipate until he disappeared and became a mortal again.

"Master Immortal, what is going on?"

Old Ma's teeth were chattering, his legs were weak and he could not stand firmly. There seemed to be a faint roaring sound coming from the strange fog.

Zhou Yi looked at the room again, but there was no one there.

Boom boom boom...

The sound kept getting closer, and a black shadow rushed out of the mist.

The black shadow stopped next to Zhou Yi and Ma Laosan, rolled down the window, and stuck out his head.

"Master, please tell me how to get to Hengyang?"

Zhou Yi looked at the big black G in front of him and replied with a smile: "Go straight north, past Guning County."

"Guning County?"

The driver took out the latest model of rice mobile phone. After tinkering for a long time, there was still no signal, and then took out a map of Hunan Province to study.

“I’ve never heard of this place!”

"Maybe I remembered it wrong, just keep moving forward."

Zhou Yi asked: "What year is it now? What time is it?"


The driver looked puzzled, looking at Zhou Yi through the fog, and Ma Laosan, who was cowering next to him.

One is dressed gorgeously, like Hanfu but different. The other one was in ragged clothes and had sunken eyes, like an evil ghost who had just crawled out of the mine.


The driver took a breath of air, stepped on the accelerator, and roared all the way out, disappearing into the mist.

Ma Laosan's face was filled with fear and horror: "What kind of monster is this? And it's still eating people!"

"That's a car, not a monster. It's gone."

Zhou Yi stepped onto the sacred bull, walked slowly, and chased in the direction where the car disappeared.

Ma Laosan took a few glances at the thick fog that hid no one, then hurriedly chased after him, following the sacred cow step by step.

After walking for an unknown number of miles, the thick fog slowly became light and dispersed when the wind blew, revealing the country dirt road on the ground.

Ahead, there are brick and tile buildings in neat rows. Two lines of red letters on a white background are the first to be seen.

Beware of telecom scams! Beware of mobile payment traps…

"Got home."

Zhou Yi patted the cow's head and entered the countryside.

The home is exactly the same as in my memory. My parents have not returned from the fields yet. They are going home this time on annual leave.

Ma Laosan followed with his neck stretched and retracted. When he saw Zhou Yi changed into a bunt worn by poor people, he even threw a few pieces to him.

"Dogs don't even wear it...!"

I touched the fabric and found it was soft and smooth. I put it on reluctantly and found that it was surprisingly comfortable.

Zhou Yi turned on the TV and revealed a man and a woman broadcasting. Ma Laosan was so frightened that he hid behind the sofa and trembled.

"Get up, there are no monsters here."

"what is that?"

"TV set!"

When Zhou's father and Zhou's mother came back, they immediately beamed with joy when they saw their son.

Zhou Yi has been the pride of his parents since he was a child. He was not naughty when he was young, had good grades in school, changed jobs twice after graduation, received an annual salary, and had company stock options.

Although his IQ is not outstanding and his background is not deep, Zhou Yi is able to do this just because he listens to his parents.

Be obedient to standing and sitting, be obedient to get up early and go to bed early, be obedient to study without watching TV, be obedient not to be addicted to online novels...

"This is my friend, Ma Laosan."

Zhou Yi pointed to his head and said, "My wife ran away with someone, and her brain is a little abnormal."

The parents suddenly realized and looked at Ma Laosan with sympathetic eyes.

Ma Laosan's face darkened and he wanted to defend himself, but finally nodded and admitted.

I stayed with my parents for a few days at home. After the annual vacation, I took Ma Laosan with me by car several times and came to Shenzhen.

Ma Laosan spent a few days eating well and sleeping well, and his complexion improved a lot.

I took the second-hand rice phone I bought for 300 yuan and downloaded Kuaishou, and I had a great time using it.

From the ancient rural poor to the spirited young man, all that is left is Lao Tie. From time to time he calls out "666" and asks Zhou Yi how to buy things. He must support Lao Tie's unsaleable mangoes.


Zhou Yi works for an Internet giant and is a professional coder. 996 has become a habit.

On the first day I returned to the company, I submitted my resignation.

After talks with supervisors at all levels, they couldn't keep her and they broke up peacefully two weeks later.

"Brother Zhou, if you don't go to work, what can we eat and drink?"

The Internet made Ma Laosan quickly understand that he was a black man and illiterate. Unless he moved bricks and dug coal, he could not be more comfortable than he was now.

"Go back to the village."

Zhou Yi took out a ring finger. The once-high-quality protective magical weapon was just pure jade.

I went to an auction and exchanged more than 20 million yuan, instantly solving 99% of the world's worries.

When I returned to the village, I showed my parents the balance on my bank card, and they had no objections.

The only person with uncomfortable eyes was the follower Ma Lao San.

Big pants, floral shirts, sixty-six-year-old Rolex, eighty-eight-year-old Ai Luwei, and from time to time I say "old iron sixty-six"...

Zhou Yi said: "His nerves are damaged and he can't remember the past. He can just help you two farm. He must be a good hand!"

"Then what are you doing in the village? After studying for more than ten years, you can't also farm?"

Mother Zhou said: "Besides, there is no suitable girl in the village..."

"Don't worry, Mom, I will find you a good daughter-in-law. I used to like literature, but now that I have money, I plan to practice calligraphy and write a book."

Zhou Yi looked at his homestead and planned to change it into a villa courtyard.

Plant a peach tree and a jujube tree.

"You studied science, what kind of book can you write?"

Zhou's father has not gone to school for a few years, but he is a middle-aged literary man who watches poetry programs all the year round.

"I've thought about it for a long time. The title of the book is I spent fourteen years slaying demons in the Demon Slayer Division."

Zhou Yi picked up a branch and wrote ten big characters on the ground.

Even people who don't know calligraphy will feel very comfortable just by looking at the elegant fonts and flowing handwriting.

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