The sky is high and the clouds are light.

   Du Si disappeared into the sky.

   Zhouyi thought for a long time on the side of the road.

   Yan Chixiao, Bai Yutang, Du Si...

   "There are a lot of enemies, so make friends a lot."

   Zhouyi returned to Qingfeng Xiaozhu and took out the white paper of transmission.

   "Dao Master, are you there?"

   The most annoying thing about previous life chats is the two words? I don’t know how to answer. What should I do if the other party borrows money, but I still use it smoothly.

   After a while, a paragraph of text appeared on the paper.

  ——Something is wrong with fellow Daoists?

   "Dao Master, is it troublesome to refine this messenger paper?"

  ——The refining of communication spirit paper is not complicated...

   After the explanation by the Taoist of the Three Enlightenments, the spiritual paper is widely used in the spiritual world, and both the seal and the formation are needed, and it is not a rare magical thing.

   Communication Spirit Paper is refined from the skins of male and female animals called Tongxin Demon, and then arranges the Communication Array, and then the monks use mana to accumulate them until the breath of the two Spirit Papers blends.

   "So, the principle is not complicated."

  Zhou Yi personally killed the concentric demon, knowing that the characteristics of this type of demon clan must be that male and female appear at the same time, and they have the innate and magical power of concentricity.

  ——The difficulty is the accumulation of mana. It takes ten years of hard work for the old way to make two pieces.

   "Thanks to Mr. Daochang for this."

  ——Haha, if you want to thank you, just write a few more books.

   "I have a solid wish!"

   Zhouyi chats with the real person Sanwu on weekdays, and the two are already familiar.

   The Book of Changes does not explore the identity of the San Wu, and the San Wu does not explore the details of the Zhou Yi, but only talks about books, wine and sword. It feels like a gentleman's friend.


  Fifteenth day of the month, suitable for marriage.

   Zhouyi and Zhang Cheng both received invitations a few days ago to attend the wedding banquet in Bai Yutang together.

   "A pair of Baibi, Mr. Zhang congratulates the newcomer."

   "One volume of Taoism, Mr. Zhou wished the couple a hundred years."

   After the door boy rolls his name, a maid immediately leads the way.

   Transferred through the hall, and after two consecutive doors, I arrived at the banquet hall.

   "Tsk tusk, Lao Zhang, a cheap apprentice, is fine, and he will be accounted for when he goes to the Chunfeng Tower in the future."

  Zhang Cheng said: "The five-entry house in Qinghuafang doesn't have three to five million pennies, and the relationship is not strong enough, so don't ask."

   Zhou Yi followed behind him, like a follower.

   "Senior Zhang, you are here too, sit here." Li Xun greeted the two quickly when he saw them.

   He is located at the front of the banquet hall and belongs to a distinguished guest.

   "Why are you here too?" Zhang Cheng doesn't care about position. With his status, age, and status, he can sit anywhere.

   Li Xun bowed to help Zhang Cheng pull the seat: "According to the genealogy, I have to call Dingdu Houzu Grandpa. Grandpa Grandpa’s daughter is married and must come to congratulate."

   Zhou Yi almost couldn't help laughing. Li Hongling was a decade younger than Li Xun, and turned out to be a grandmother.

   The royal family of Li has been passed down for 1,500 years. Among them, the powerful monks are three to five hundred years old, and there is a big gap between the generations of each branch.

   "You kid, it's useless to do all these things. At the beginning, I asked you to copy the scriptures and enlighten the Tao, fish for three days and hang on the net for two days!"

   "Hey hey, we don't have the perseverance of Brother Yi, let alone the talent for cultivation."

   Li Xun helped to pour the wine and said, “The 120-year-old Autumn Lunon just stolen from the wine cellar. It is said that the top wine sent from Yuzhou is specially for the guests of Houfu.”

   "Li Lao Ba is a good face for decades, there is a fart!"

   Zhang Cheng took a sip and nodded slightly. After a hundred years of ordinary wine, it is no less inferior in taste.

   Other people on the table, seeing Li Xun being so flattering with Zhang Cheng, they immediately understood his identity.

   All of them are human spirits, and it became lively in a short period of time, and the Zhouyi together with it did not feel cold in the slightest.

   The wedding banquet is semi-open, and there is no division of internal and external positions according to identity. It is mainly Luojing's guest status. A random white family has to be a good reception. Instead of treating offenders differently, they simply let everyone move freely.

   In this way, the familiar sitting together, on the contrary, it seems lively.

   After the wedding banquet began, Bai Yutang toasted from table to table. The guests from Yuzhou were okay, and Luo Jing, the guests who came to the capital because of the capital, took advantage of this opportunity to roar.

   Li Hongling is well-known in Kyoto, and she is also a royal noblewoman. No one would have thought of marrying a country boy.

   Fortunately, in recent days, Bai Yutang has become famous because of the case of feeding monsters in Yanhe Village. Many people who know the insider admire him for what he has done.

   It is Zhou Yi's turn, and Zhang Cheng is the theme.

   "See Master..."

   Bai Yutang already knows the identity of Zhang Cheng. He is a second-grade master of God, and he is all top among immortal masters. It is definitely a great opportunity to be a teacher.

   "Mother-in-law, help me carry a few altars of Qiu Luong... and give me another copy of your famous post."

   Zhang Cheng is already a little bit drunk in the compliment of a group of people.

   Some people who followed Zhang Cheng and Bai Yutang couldn't help being shocked when they heard the word "Master", and put away a lot of careful thoughts.

  An old guy who has lived long enough, hummed: "No wonder Li Laoba has to marry a girl, and he has to do a lot of work, it turned out to be a high climb!"

   Bai Yutang showed embarrassment, handed over the famous post, and then sent someone to move the wine.

   Zhouyi smiled and groaned, secretly glad that he did not approve of Zhang Cheng, it was a bit unreliable, he had imagined that one day Li Hongling discovered that Bai Yutang spent a lot of money in Chunfeng Tower...

   At this time.

   A middle-aged man came over with a wine glass.

   "Senior Zhang, I haven't seen you for many years, you still have the same style."

   Zhang Cheng glanced at the man and said, "You are not staying in Shunzhou, what are you doing in Beijing?"

   "I haven't seen my father for several years. It just happened to be the birthday of the two firstborns. I specially celebrated."

   The middle-aged man toasted to Bai Yutang: "Li Si, Shunzhou, come here uninvited. I wish the bridegroom a hundred years and grow old together."

   "Thank you Mr. Li."

   After Bai Yutang finished speaking, he heard a cold snort in his ear.

   Li Sijing turned around and left after drinking. He paused for a moment at every table passing by. He was in harmony with other people, and he looked like he had a vast friendship.

   Zhang Cheng snorted coldly, and said to Bai Yutang: "You and Li Si stay far away, the prince is approachable, it's not a good thing!"

   "Shunzhou, Li Si, the prince!"

   Li Xun was shocked suddenly, and said dumbfounded: "This is King Yan?"

   Hearing the words of, his eyes flickered, and he glanced at Li Si.

   A black dragon was wrapped around him, without the slightest concealment, as long as the monks who knew how to look for life could see through it.

   "Senior Zhang, can you recommend me?"

   Li Xun approached Zhang Cheng and pleaded: "The first time King Yan was sealed Shunzhou, there must be a shortage of talents."

   "Are you a talent?"

   Zhang Cheng glanced at him, and then said, "I haven't given up on it after so many years?"

   "How can I give up?"

   Li Xun said: "My grandfather, grandfather, father, me, and my son and grandson have only one purpose, which is to restore the glory of King Zhongshan."

   "Legacy is the most harmful!"

   Zhang Cheng was about to agree, when he heard a roll call from outside.

   "Qin Qiong of Wagang Mountain arrived, chasing a pair of wind, and a mandarin duck and ice sculpture."

   As soon as the voice fell, some uninvited guests in the banquet hall suddenly stopped and looked in the direction of the door.

   Qin Qiong!

   After a while, the maid came in with a yellow-faced and black-clad man.

   It really is him!

   Some uninvited guests came forward to salute.

   "Senior Qin."

   "I have seen Mr. Qin."

   "Master Qin is here to invite Mr. Qin to visit Wuliangshan as a guest..."

   "Bai Yunguan invites Mr. Qin to taste tea."



   Prince Li Si didn’t know when, he just walked to the entrance of the banquet hall and said, "Shunzhou Li Si, I’ve heard of Mr. Qin’s name for a long time..."

   Zhouyi is a table.

   Li Xun was shocked, and pointed at Qin Qiong with trembling fingers: "This, this...what's going on?"

   "Did you see, this is the right way!"

   Zhang Cheng straightened his clothes to show respect.

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