I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Six hundred and twenty. More people make things easier

Chu Xin has been assisting Zhang Dongyun and Lou Ning in coordinating and managing all aspects of government affairs in the vast Middle-earth, and keeping everything in order.

Later, his field of work expanded to the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Confucianism does have a unique advantage in this aspect of self-cultivation, self-cultivation, family governance, and world peace.

And Chu Xin's own Confucian practice is not purely based on literary knowledge.

It contains the thoughts of economical economy and people.

For him, it is more and more beneficial to his cultivation to display his ambitions on a wider and wider platform.

From the Dayin Dynasty, which is one-sixth of Middle-earth, to the whole Middle-earth, and then to the whole Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Being able to manage the food and clothing of hundreds of millions of people is better than thousands of reasons.

So a few months ago, Chu Xin successfully moved forward and reached the fourteenth state of Confucianism.

With the talents and talents he displayed, it is not impossible to become a Confucian literati in the long run.

Like Gu Pu, his personal practice is closely related to the entire Chang'an city.

Moreover, compared to the fact that Gu Pu is only temporarily settled, Chu Xin's journey is longer.

Zhang Dongyun is already considering that in the near future, the civil affairs of the entire Yanhuang Realm can be handed over to him.

If Chu Xin could do things well, then he would not be far from the fifteenth realm of Confucianism.

In addition to Chu Xin, there was another surprise from the Confucian side, which was Zhao Shu, the dean of Zhongtu Mingde Academy.

Originally, he broke through from the twelfth realm to the thirteenth realm after joining Chang'an City.

Now, he has reached the critical point of breaking through to the fourteenth realm, and he is only short of the final kick.

The practice of Confucianism emphasizes talent and culture. Zhao Shuyou entered the country today, and his talent is one aspect.

On the other hand, it is because he has been assisting Shen Herong and presiding over the promotion of culture in Chang'an City.

It is also one of Zhao Shu's ambitions to educate all living beings and spread the literature to all directions.

Although he is on a different path from Chu Xin, he is actually moving forward on the path of practice.

In addition to Shen Herong himself, Zhao Shu also benefited a lot from this cultural popularization and literacy campaign.

There are many others similar to it.

For example, Cao Ranran, the dean of Dongjiang Shaoyuan Academy, directly sprouted from old trees, and like Zhuo Zui, Li Jie and other warriors, their cultivation realm has improved.

He was already old, and it was extremely difficult for him to break through from the ninth realm to the tenth realm and become a Confucianist Wenzong.

Now back to the next level, it can almost be called a legend.

Cao Ranran's potential may have gradually bottomed out, but a large number of students and even teachers in his school have devoted themselves to the popularization and promotion of culture. The future development will not be as good as that of Huanglei School, Dahe Longmen, Wutian Peak, etc. The sect is weak.

Their activity has also begun to attract more and more Confucian practitioners to join them.

The only thing that made Zhang Dongyun and Shen Herong scratch their heads a little was that they didn't find any particularly outstanding young seedlings.

Therefore, Zhang Dongyun occasionally jokes:

Yanhuang Wenhua's energy is one stone, Shen Herong alone has twelve dou, and the rest of the people add up to two dou.

Shen Herong teased his elder brother so much, he could only smile wryly.

However, she is not in front of Zhang Dongyun right now.

During these days, Shen Herong and Su Po have been searching around the outer universe.

Even though many masters of the fifteenth realm gathered in Yanhuang Realm, they did not come back.

The two have been searching for clues related to Li Shulou.

"Brother, the information I got from Yu Tianquan and Fomen in the past seems to be true."

In the vast universe, Shen Herong said softly: "He really fought a battle with a warrior god. Looking at the traces left by that warrior god, he came from the same source as Eighth Sister. He should be the so-called Fu Tianshu."

A rune flashed on her forehead.

Zhang Dongyun was in the Daming Palace of Chang'an City in the Yanhuang Realm, looking at the illusion of light and shadow in front of him, and fell silent.

Through the seal on Shen Herong's forehead, he could see the scene in front of Shen Herong and Su Po.

It was a seemingly normal, empty cosmic void.

But there is a faint aura flowing in it, which shows that an amazing battle broke out here.

After a long time, such traces can still be left behind, which reflects the high cultivation strength of the two warring parties at that time.

At that time, they shattered the void of this universe.

"Someone cleaned up the relevant traces after the incident."

Su Po, who looked around carefully, said.

In Daming Palace, Zhang Dongyun nodded slightly: "Not bad."

He can see more.

Although separated by the illusion of light and shadow, Zhang Dongyun with the blessing of the Invincible City has sharper eyesight than Su Po and Shen Herong:

"It was Li Shulou who cleaned it up."

Both Su Po and Shen Herong were slightly surprised: "Why did he do this? Looking at the traces left here, the battle was quite fierce. If they didn't end up together, it might be the result of both sides being wounded. They dragged their seriously injured bodies and even cleaned up the traces here?"

Zhang Dongyun was thoughtful: "Keep looking, find him, everything will be clear."

Su Poyan said: "Speaking of this, big brother, it seems that there are other people looking for him now."

Zhang Dongyun asked: "How do you say it?"

Su Po replied: "In addition to Buddhists, there are also Confucianists, who seem to be the disciples of the small academy you mentioned."

Zhang Dongyun leaned back on the back of the chair: "Is that so..."

It is not surprising that people from the Buddhist sect are looking for Li Shulou.

They have dealt with Li Shulou a lot.

Mahaloni and the others had thought about counterattacking the Yanhuang Realm earlier, and one of their reliance was Li Shulou's help.

Zhang Dongyun also knew through Mahaloni that Buddhism is helping Li Shulou complete a large formation.

City Lord Zhang naturally hoped that they would finish as soon as possible.

But what Mahaloni was worried about, and what he was worried about, was, would Li Shulou really want to come to the Yanhuang Realm after completing the formation?

This guy, don't cross the river and tear down the bridge, just throw it away after using the Buddhist gate.

According to Zhang Dongyun's impression, Li Shulou is not such a person.

But according to his impression, Li Shulou is not what he is now.

So anything is possible.

However, Small Academy is also looking for him?

Are Buddhism and Confucianism already so closely related?

Then they never came to Yanhuang Realm to take revenge?

"Pay attention to relevant news, if they have clues, it will also help us find someone." Zhang Dongyun ordered.

Su Po, Shen Herong responded, "Brother, don't worry."

The two acted carefully, and news would come back later.

"Not only looking for Li Shulou, but also searching for other people on a large scale..."

In Daming Palace, Zhang Dongyun nodded slightly after receiving the news.

It seems that Lu Shengren and Ananda Bodhisattva have taken it seriously.

Not only pay attention to the Yanhuang Realm, but also pay attention to the rest of the Twelve Yamas.

While properly preparing to counterattack Yanhuang, they are also investigating other places in Dongfang Cangtian, in case there is another accident, and they are suddenly stabbed in the back by unexpected people.

Li Shulou, whose whereabouts are unpredictable and whose thoughts are unpredictable, is also one of their targets.

It's not that we need to deal with Li Shulou first, but at least we must grasp his whereabouts and thoughts.

"They seem to have found some new clues." Shen He Rongyan said.

Zhang Dongyun nodded: "Speak."

Shen Herong replied: "There are disciples in the Pure Land of Ananda, and I heard a rumor that there is a little demon who wants to go to a certain place to listen to a lecture by a Mr. Taiqing."

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