I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

144. To this day, do you still have questions?

The seventh level of the magic way is called "breeding demons", and the skills of raising real demons have greatly improved.

Then there is the eighth realm, the demon soul, which feeds the real demon and unites with its own soul to form a demon soul. If the demon soul is not destroyed, the practitioner of the demonic way will not die.

The ninth state is called disintegration.

When the practitioner's physical body disintegrates, the demon soul also disintegrates, and can be divided into different numbers of souls.

If the sub-souls are destroyed, the vitality may be seriously injured, but as long as one sub-soul is not destroyed, the demon practitioners still have a chance to make a comeback.

At the same time, the more souls there are, the stronger the demon soul itself is, corresponding to each clone, which has strong combat effectiveness.

Old Devil Ziri was ecstatic, and amidst grinning laughter, it split into eight Ziri Jiaos, surrounding the mist where Chen Xingwen was hiding.

Then the eight flood dragons spit out purple flames together, enveloping the mist from all directions.

Burned by the berserk purple flame, the fog began to get smaller and smaller, and finally Chen Xingwen himself was finally exposed.

In desperation, he could only draw out his sword and strike with all his strength.

But each of the eight flood dragons stretched out their tails and swung them at Chen Xingwen's sword light.

Chen Xingwen's sword light collapsed before the eight strokes were fully drawn.

His body is combined with the sword, and his blood is combined with the sword light.

Jian Guang was shattered, and his blood was also scattered.

The dignified elder of Wutian Peak in the eighth realm suddenly fell to the ground.

On the other hand, Mu Hongyuan's situation was no better than Chen Xingwen's.

He could only fly a sword and challenge the Thunder Dragon above.

The thunder dragon spewed out a thunder light, shattering the sword light, but only the drawn sword twisted into twists.

It turned out that Mu Hongyuan feigned a shot and threw the sword in his hand to attract Gu Hechuan's attention.

He himself took the opportunity to flee far away.

But Gu Hechuan was not fooled. After knocking down the opponent's sword, Thunder Dragon stretched out its huge dragon head and swallowed Mu Hongyuan in one gulp.

Inside Longkou,

There was thunder and lightning.

Mu Hongyuan resisted with all his strength, but still felt that his whole body was gradually becoming paralyzed.

In just a short time, Wu Tianfeng was born, one of the eighth realm, one of the seventh realm, and two masters of martial arts were all captured.

The blood phoenix looked at the eight purple sun dragons flying around in the distance, and his eyes showed a very humane and dignified color.

It happened that several Ziri Jiaos laughed strangely at the same time, and all turned their heads to look at the blood shadow old devil.

The little monk Huiming muttered to himself, "It should be impossible to break through the realm overnight, and it's such a coincidence, did both of them break through the realm at this time?"

His doubts were also the confusions of the others present.

And just as the old devil Ziri was about to speak, the eight Ziri Jiaos suddenly exclaimed together.

There are seven heads, and they disappear.

In the mid-air, there was only one Ziri Jiao left, and it turned into Ziri old devil again, with a shocked expression on its face.

The momentum around him suddenly dropped.

It wasn't deliberately hidden, but he really changed back to the original eighth realm.

All that just now was like a dream.

However, Chen Xingwen, the elder of Northern Qi Wutian Peak who was defeated by him and now fell to the ground and passed out, can prove that everything just now was not an illusion.

It's just that after the old devil Ziri rose from the eighth realm to the ninth realm, he fell back to the eighth realm again.

Now he is running all over his body with magic skills, exactly the same as before.

The blow of gain and loss made the already crazy old devil Ziri almost go crazy.

However, at this moment, Gu Hechuan's voice suddenly came from the side

"Thank you for your majesty's grace. This junior has lived up to your majesty's expectations. He has successfully captured the gangsters who dared to invade Chang'an. We will escort them back to the city immediately."

Gu Hechuan stood on the cloud of thunder and saluted in the direction of Chang'an City.

Thunder Dragon's dharma form disappeared, and at this moment, he has also regressed from the eighth realm to the seventh realm, which is no different from the original one.

Daochang Gu was both surprised and disappointed in the end.

But he quickly came to his senses and thanked Chang'an City first.

His voice calmed down the old devil Ziri who was on the verge of going crazy.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Long En, the old slave is lucky to live up to his fate."

The old devil Ziri also hurriedly saluted in the direction of Chang'an City. At the same time, cold sweat broke out on his back, and he secretly thanked Gu Hechuan for reminding him.

The actions of the two of them also brought others back to their senses.

Fang Cai, the lord of Chang'an City, raised the strength of Old Devil Ziri and Gu Hechuan with his supreme cultivation, allowing them to successfully take down Chen Xingwen and Mu Hongyuan.

And after Old Demon Ziri and Gu Hechuan completed their mission, this power also left them.

Everything originates from the Lord Chang'an who is hundreds of miles away!

But how could it be so far away?

Could it be that the Lord of Chang'an came here in person?

Just now everyone did hear his voice.

Monk Huiming, Ao Ying, Han Zhe, Hu Yinghua and others looked around in surprise.

"Your Majesty ordered us to go out of the city to pick him up, how could the old man go out of the city by himself?"

At this time, the blood shadow old devil said, "This is His Majesty's supernatural power, supreme and omnipotent!"

The blood phoenix turned into the image of the old devil again, and coldly glanced at everyone present, "You still don't understand His Majesty's supernatural powers?"

"Don't dare!" Han Zhe and others said quickly, "I lost my composure for a while, and it is by no means disrespectful to Your Majesty. Please forgive me, Mr. Xueying."

The blood shadow old devil nodded reservedly, "Everyone is taken down, let's go back to the city."

Everyone in Qingxia Villa, including the owner Yun Mo, was packed up by the old blood shadow demon and bound up with blood cocoons one by one.

Everyone in Wutian Peak failed to escape, and were captured by Han Zhe and the others.

Old Devil Ziri and Gu Hechuan captured Chen Xingwen and Mu Hongyuan respectively, and they also followed Old Devil Blood Shadow back to Chang'an City.

Both of them were slightly lost.

After experiencing the mystery of a higher realm, they longed for it.

How much the two of them hoped that the improvement in strength just now would be permanent.

But if you want to come to such a beautiful thing, it is not enough to get it if you don't make an earth-shattering contribution.

In fact, it was also because they were not strong enough to take down Chen Xingwen and Mu Hongyuan, so His Majesty promoted them temporarily.

Thinking of this, Old Devil Ziri and Gu Hechuan felt guilty for a while.

According to His Majesty, there should be no punishment, right?

However, the reward is definitely not to think about.

The two sighed from the bottom of their hearts.

But at the same time, the yearning for Chang'an in his heart became more and more intense.

What kind of supernatural powers are needed to elevate the strength of two people out of thin air with a distance of hundreds of miles?

It's no wonder that Mr. Wu Yun is at least at the ninth level, let alone His Majesty?

Regardless of the Eastern Tang Dynasty or the Northern Qi Dynasty, they are not enough to compete with Chang'an!

No, they are simply playing tricks on the mantis.

Returning to Chang'an is an extremely correct choice.

The old devil Ziri and Gu Hechuan had the same idea in their hearts.

In fact, it's not that they didn't benefit from this trip.

Even if they only stay in a higher realm for a moment, this experience will be of great benefit to their next practice.

When Old Devil Ziri was feeling endless aftertaste, he suddenly felt someone in front of him.

When he looked up, he saw the expressionless face of the Blood Shadow Old Demon.

"What do you mean by the look you gave me just now?" the blood shadow old devil asked coldly.

Being forced to question him so bluntly, the old devil Ziri was secretly angry.

He has always remembered the revenge that was dealt with by the blood shadow old devil before.

However, thinking that the other party is more trusted by His Majesty, and that the other party is in the eighth realm, and the other party is stronger, Old Devil Zi Sun held back his breath for the time being.

"It doesn't make any sense." Old Devil Ziri said.

The blood shadow old devil didn't let him go, "It doesn't mean anything, what do you mean?"

The old devil Ziri endured and endured, took a deep breath and replied, "I just... ask you for instructions, do you have any other orders?"

"No." The blood shadow old devil stared at him, "Do the errands that the old man entrusted to you, and don't think too much about it."

The old devil Ziri let out a "hmm" and lowered his head.

The blood shadow old devil went to the front of the team again.

"Old Devil Purple Sun" Yuan Shuang raised his head and let out a long breath.

When the old man has a firm foothold in Chang'an, we will settle all the accounts together.

The old man has the experience of the ninth realm, and he must be faster than you to break through from the eighth realm to the ninth realm. At that time, the old man will be the number one person in the magic way before His Majesty, let's see what kind of prestige you can show... Yuan Shuang thought bitterly in his heart .

The group returned to Chang'an City, and Mr. Wu Yun was waiting.

"Your Majesty has orders, and the captives will be handed over to the old man."

Hearing what Mr. Wu Yun said, the blood shadow old devil didn't object, and waved his hand, motioning for everyone to put the captives on him.

"The old man is going to report to His Majesty." The blood shadow old devil passed by Mr. Wu Yun.

Mr. Wu Yun nodded, "Huiming, Ming Yixue, you two will take this little girl to Daming Palace together, Your Majesty will summon you."

The little monk Huiming and Shen Herong immediately took Ao Ying and followed the blood shadow old devil.

"Old Devil Purple Sun" Yuan Shuang watched from behind as Old Devil Blood Shadow was able to go straight to Daming Palace, envious in his heart.

The blood shadow old devil was aware of his gaze, but ignored it.

How could he not know if the other party was convinced or not?

But his gaze was never on the old devil Ziri.

The blood shadow old devil resisted not looking back, looking at the figure in black behind him.

This old boy is the true rival of this old man!

One day, this old man will definitely beat you... The blood shadow old devil came to Daming Palace and returned to Zhang Dongyun while thinking in his heart.

"You did a good job." Zhang Dongyun casually pointed out some obstacles in the old devil's practice.

Within the scope of the Invincible City, he can not only increase the strength of Old Devil Ziri and Gu Hechuan, but also understand the problems of everyone's practice thoroughly, and can give the most subtle adjustment solutions.

The blood shadow old devil only listened to a few words from him, as if he had found a treasure, he quickly thanked him.

Zhang Dongyun said a few words to the old devil, and then asked him to step down first.

Then, little monk Huiming came in.

"Your Majesty has a kind heart, and he only ordered to capture, leaving many lives behind. It is really a blessing for the common people." Huiming put his palms together first.

"I'm not bloodthirsty, but if someone doesn't know good and bad, then he will only kill himself." Zhang Dongyun said lightly.

Huiming clapped his hands together and said, "Your Majesty is merciful, and there will be good rewards."

"I'm not interested in leaving the good news to the monk." Zhang Dongyun said, "Since I brought back Huan Tianlong, I won't pursue your past. You can go."

Huiming was silent for a while, and then said, "The poor monk begged for your Majesty's permission to stay in Chang'an for a while."

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