I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

One hundred and twenty-one. Who is behind whom?

The coverage area of ​​Invincible City expanded, besides the prefectural city of Qinzhou Prefecture, it further surrounded the vast surrounding world.

Therefore, apart from Li Yi and the others in Fucheng who were wiped out in one sweep, the city lord Zhang Dongyun also saw all the scouts scattered around.

These people were all taken down by him without a sound.

There are Tang Jun sentries, there are students of Baima Academy under Yue Chunsheng, and there are Taoist priests of Qingyun Temple and so on.

The eyes and ears sent by the outside world to investigate the situation all fell into the hands of Zhang Dongyun.

People outside were completely blind to what happened in Qinzhou Mansion.

Sending people to contact and inquire again is also like a mud cow entering the sea.

If you don't come back, don't say anything, and you can't even spread the news.

Murong Ting, who was in charge of the dark pavilion for the time being, let out a long breath after learning about the situation: "Chang'an City, let's do something. King Muping and the others will probably be wiped out as well."

The leader of the dark pavilion under him looked solemn: "How many masters are there in Chang'an? We haven't heard any news about such a powerful gathering of forces before!"

He tentatively asked: "Could it be that this Chang'an is actually infiltrated by the power of other dynasties?"

"There was no news about this before." Murong Ting said, "Next, we will strictly investigate the northwest."

He paused and then said: "Qinzhou Prefecture still has Longbei County, please suspend the action first, and act according to the king's will after I ask the king for instructions."

"Yes, my lord."

The commander did not leave, but said with a little hesitation: "My lord, the lives and deaths of the Second Highness are uncertain, we can't find any news, and the pavilion master is also missing now, the king may blame us..."

"Do your own thing well first, thunder, rain and dew are all your grace, don't think too much about it." Murong Ting said in a deep voice.

"Yes, my lord." The commander stepped back.

Only Murong Ting was left alone, he came to the bank of the big river, looked at the rushing river in front of him, and remained silent.

After a long while, he let out a long breath, his expression relaxed and a little excited.

"How does it feel to be the real master of Mingguang Pavilion?"

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind Murong Ting.

The young man's body stiffened suddenly, and the relaxed expression on his face no longer existed.

He turned around slowly.

Behind, a young man in white is smiling, who is it not Gao Yu?

The young man looked healthy and showed no signs of injury.

Murong Ting stared at Gao Yu for a long time, finally knelt down slowly, and bowed to him:

"A disciple sees a master."

"I'm asking you, how does it feel to be in command of Mingguang Pavilion in an upright manner?"

Murong Ting lowered his head and didn't make a sound.

"It should be very good." Gao Yu walked slowly, and came to the kneeling Murong Ting, just like him, looking at the big river in front of him.

"Otherwise, why tell the truth about me in front of Li Yi and borrow Li Yi's people to get rid of me?"

Gao Yu sighed softly: "I sit on the throne of King Tang, you must be my Mingguang Pavilion Master, why are you so impatient?

The little tricks you do behind my back are my acquiescence, and I won't blame you.

Then you are eager to turn against me, do you think I can't beat Li Hong and the others? "

The silent Murong Ting finally got up slowly, and turned to face Gao Yu.

"How could they be your opponents, Master?"

Gao Yu smiled: "Then do you think adding you is enough?"

"I don't have confidence, I just took a risk." Murong Ting said softly.

Gao Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at Murong Ting quietly.

Murong Ting seemed to be muttering to himself: "Master, you scare the disciples, you seem to be hiding something..."

He raised his head and looked at Gao Yu: "Li Hong, Li Yi and the others only thought you were the king's illegitimate son, but this disciple thinks there is something else!"

Gao Yu spread his hands: "What else can I have? You should be the person who knows me best."

"No, no... no!"

Murong Ting shouted suddenly, from silence to hysteria: "What you want is not the throne of Dongtang! It's not about winning over Li Hong and Li Yi! I don't know what you want,

I don't know what you are thinking, I suspect that even the king doesn't know! "

He was panting heavily, his eyes were bloodshot, he stared at Gao Yu, his voice hoarse: "I... even wonder if you are human after all!"

"No basis at all, just a lie based on intuition."

Gao Yu couldn't help laughing, and stretched out his hand to pat Murong Ting's shoulder: "However, it's hard for you to suppress it for so long, it's been hard work."

Murong Ting backed away quickly, trying to avoid the opponent's hand.

But no matter how hard he tried, the opponent's hand still patted his shoulder.

And took several shots.

Every time the palm was raised again, Murong Ting refused to give up and dodged again.

But in the end, the palm still landed firmly on his shoulder, without any deviation from the position.

The other party patted him a few times, but it was completely useless, as if he was really comforting him.

But Murong Ting was completely desperate.

The warriors of the seventh realm frightened away the terrifying and murderous aura of Wanmin, and there was not a single bit left.

"It's been so hard, let's rest early." The other party smiled lightly.

Murong Ting's pupils shrank suddenly.

He seemed to be looking in a mirror, facing a person whose appearance and figure were exactly like himself.

Gao Yu disappeared.

In the world, there are two Murong Pavilions.

It's just that one is smiling and the other is terrified.

Then, soon, there was only one left...

"Murong Ting" moved its neck and limbs, and then left the river bank.

Not long after, the leader of the dark pavilion came to report: "My lord, there is news."

However, it was not from Qinzhou Mansion, Longbei County.

"Hong Xiao, the dean of White Horse Academy, once fought against a Confucian practitioner?"

"Murong Ting" looked calm, as always: "The result?"

"It is visually estimated that Hong Xiao was superior and the opponent was defeated. However, Hong Xiao did not pursue and did not continue to Chang'an. Instead, he returned to the White Horse Academy. The situation is unknown."

Hong Xiaoyuan, the dean of White Horse Academy, plans to go to Chang'an City.

Li Yi and the others stayed in Qinzhou Mansion just to wait for him to join Qingyun Guanzhu or Tang Wang.

As a result, Li Yi and others were wiped out, but Hong Xiao didn't go at all.

"I'm not sure if Hong Xiao was also injured." The leader of the dark pavilion replied.

White Horse Academy also had conflicts with the Eastern Tang royal family.

Although Chang'an is now the number one enemy of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, if Hong Xiao is known to be in poor condition, no one can tell whether the King of Tang will sweep the White Horse Academy first.

At least White Horse Academy is unwilling to gamble.

"Report this matter to the king, and at the same time continue to investigate the movement of the White Horse Academy."

"Murong Ting" ordered: "Also, is there any news about Guanzhu Qingyun?"

"It hasn't been discovered yet," Commander Ang replied.

"Murong Ting" nodded: "Continue to investigate, don't relax."

The Lord Qingyun, who is missed by everyone, has actually arrived in Longbei County.

He even witnessed with his own eyes Li Yi and his party, chasing and killing everyone from Dahe Longmen, passing by along the way.

However, Master Qingyun did not show up immediately, nor did he approach Qinzhou Mansion or Longling immediately.

A disciple of Qingyun Temple first went to Qinzhou Mansion to contact Taoist Huang Ye, the elder of the sect, to convey the news that the master of the temple will arrive later.

It's a pity that Taoist Huang Ye and his party were wiped out before he arrived at the capital of Qinzhou.

This disciple later also fell into the hands of Chang'an.

However, the young disciple himself did not know that there was a talisman attached to him.

The seal is composed of thunder and lightning, which contains the mana of Qingyun Guanzhu.

Like one of his eyes.

This is his unique secret method, relying on the practitioners who are also the inheritance of Qingyun Temple, manifesting the "eyes", observing things from hundreds of miles away.

But unfortunately, before seeing what he wanted to see, the "eye" suddenly lost his sight.

Master Qingyun frowned slightly, and stood silently on the spot, not catching up.

He looked at the distant horizon, and after a long time of contemplation, he left this place.

A few days later, through other news channels, he learned that Li Yi and others had all lost their voice.

A group of masters from the seventh and eighth realms, together with tens of thousands of elite Tang troops, were all defeated.

Moreover, according to the previous news that they were guarding the capital city of Qinzhou, they probably did not enter the mountains or approach Chang'an City, but were raided by Chang'an masters, and eventually the entire army was wiped out.

Knowing these things, Master Qingyun frowned even tighter.

This shows that Chang'an does not rely on the powerful formations or terrain advantages in the city, but also possesses extremely powerful forces.

When the news came out, no matter Qingyun Temple, Baima Academy or Eastern Tang Dynasty, everyone was shocked.

In Chang'an City, in the Daming Palace, Zhang Dongyun took down all the sentries within the Invincible City, and then continued to project Mr. Wu Yun, interrogating everyone carefully.

He wanted to confirm how many spies the other side had sent out in total, so as to judge whether this sweeping would expose the true scope of the Invincible City.

Just like Li Dang and others came in with blue sky eyes before, he immediately noticed the spell of Lord Qingyun and blocked it.

Because the disciple of the Qingyun temple hadn't arrived at the capital of Qinzhou, the master of Qingyun temple couldn't see the scene of Mr. Wu Yun sweeping Li Yi, Situ Jinsheng and others.

Otherwise, Qingyun Guanzhu would be too frightened to come in.

It's a pity that the other party didn't come close to investigate the situation because the spell suddenly failed.

Compared with Tang Wang and the dean of Baima Academy, Zhang Dongyun actually hoped that Qingyun Guanzhu would come over.

If he wins the other party, he will know why the Qingyun Temple is looking for Chen Chaoyan, who is carrying the pure yang immortal soul.

What a pity... Zhang Dongyun shook his head lightly.

Mr. Wu Yun, who he projected, commanded everyone in Chang'an, and while taking prisoners, he also took care of those Tang troops who surrendered.

There were a group of surrendered soldiers from the Tang army in Longbei County who had completely surrendered to Chang'an as lobbyists. These newly surrendered Tang army soldiers quickly settled down.

However, if they want them to have no worries and sincerely serve Chang'an, the time has not yet come.

Their hometown and their family members are far away in the heart of the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

Right now, let's just be a coolie honestly.

Zhang Dongyun was thinking while checking the system task list:

【Construction Task 5.1——The city expands and the population increases. Please open up a new and stable financial source for the city so that the residents can have jobs. 】

There is a saying that relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, in Qinzhou Prefecture, a market town at the foot of the mountain near Longling, a very important business is to rely on the wood in the mountains.

Now the owner of Zhang Dacheng is rich in a section of the Longling Mountains, of course he will not let it go, and he will definitely have restraint and planning.

Compared with mining, this is easier, but it requires a lot of manpower to form an industry on a large scale.

Now that there are tens of thousands of reform-through-labor personnel in the city, there is no shortage of labor.

City Lord Zhang waved his hand in satisfaction: "Cut down trees for me."

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