The walls of the Advance City, the outermost and innermost layers are made of Sea Lou Stone, in order to prevent those Sea Kings from crashing into the Advance City and the ability to prevent the Devil Fruit.

In this world, when encountering the sea lou stone in the powerful devil fruit, it has no effect. Maybe the Devil Fruit can destroy diamonds, but it definitely can’t destroy sea lou stones that are as hard as diamonds.

As for the middle layer, this is the cornerstone of the Advance City, and nothing can destroy it.

In theory, no one can break the wall and run out of the propulsion city, but if it is an upper and lower compartment, it is different. The ceiling and floor are only poured with something as hard as diamonds, and even sea floor stones are rarely used.

It’s not that you don’t want to use it, but you can’t afford to use it at all. Building the inner and outer two-story sea floor stone walls is already extremely labor-intensive, material and financial resources, and when the partition is built, there are not so many sea floor stones.

Originally, Kaido and they could discover this secret, even if there was no way to break the surrounding walls, they could break the ceiling walls and escape.

But before Whitebeard deliberately broke the wall with a punch, he first showed them the defense of this Advance City, giving them a preconceived idea that the Advance City was so impregnable in all directions, so no one broke the ceiling in the end. In the end, all members were killed by Whitebeard.

“It’s a pity~~” Whitebeard looked at the sea water that had already flooded his calves and frowned slightly.

He was an ability of the Devil Fruit, and his calves were soaked, which actually made him feel a slight weakness, which was an extremely unusual thing in the eyes of Whitebeard.

“Devil Fruit…” Whitebeard sighed deeply, success is also fruit, defeat is also fruit, sooner or later, he must solve this weakness.

“Margao.” Whitebeard shouted softly, and suddenly, the big bird that had been watching from the side and had never shot blue flew into the sky.

Without thinking too much, Whitebeard stepped on his feet fiercely, grabbed Margao’s bird’s claws, and made Margao fly towards the ceiling with Whitebeard.

The ceiling of Infinite Hell is tens of meters above the ground, which was specially built to hold those giants. Looking at the ceiling that was getting closer, Whitebeard raised his fist.

The milky white light condensed on the fist, and without hesitation, it slammed into the ceiling.


In an instant, tens of meters of spatial cracks emerged, and unsurprisingly, a huge shock wave directly penetrated the thick ceiling, even if the hardness was comparable to diamonds, under the power of Whitebeard, they were all chickens and dogs, which was not worth mentioning.


Five floors underground in the city, this is an extremely cold hell, full of wind and snow.

But at this moment, the entire extremely cold hell has been shrouded in purple-black venom, purple-black wind and snow are whistling, the earth is making a noise, green smoke is everywhere, and the whole human purgatory.

Suddenly, a booming sound suddenly sounded from the ground. The earth broke apart in an instant, and a ferocious and violent shockwave directly rushed into the place, raging in this venom-filled place.


With a birdsong, Margau flew out of the hole in the ground with a white beard.

Whitebeard’s huge body fell on the ground full of purple-black venom, looking at the venom that happened to be stained on his body, he couldn’t help but flick it slightly, and the venom that was enough to melt the steel was thrown away.

There was no one around, nothing but venom and poisonous snow.

The trees have been corroded by venom, and the creatures have not even had a single bone left, and the prisoners here are naturally the same, dead without corpses.

Whitebeard closed his eyes, slightly sensed everything here, and couldn’t help but sneer after opening his eyes: “Navy… ”

Raising his head and looking at Margao flying in the sky, Whitebeard said lightly: “Next, Margao, you just need to watch from the side.” You don’t have to make a move. ”


Although Malgau was a little worried, he knew that it was his father’s anger, and he had to solve these things himself to make Whitebeard feel good.

Raising his legs, Whitebeard walked towards the passage to the upper layer, unlike the Infinite Hell, the passage of the upper layers is not so easy to block, which means that as long as there is an Infinite Hell, people with strong strength can fight all the way out.

However, Whitebeard had just raised his foot and walked a few steps, and countless spikes whizzed out under his feet.

Completely ignoring these spikes that are enough to pierce a person, Whitebeard can smash the spikes with every foot he goes. This situation made the navy hidden inside the walls tremble in their hearts.

Next, there are countless guns and nets of sea lou stones.

However, none of this has any effect, and even if the gun is blessed with domineering, it will not hurt Whitebeard a little.

When the net of the sea lou stone touches the white beard, it does not have any effect at all, after all, as long as the strength reaches a certain level, the weakening effect of the sea lou stone will be weakened to the minimum.

Like other capable people, once handcuffed to sea floor stone, it is almost impossible to break free, after all, once handcuffed, the strength will inevitably weaken, and the opening that is impossible to break free with the strength of the flesh alone is comparable to the diamond hardness of sea lou stone.

But Whitebeard is different, his physical strength is enough to crush the Sea Lou Stone with one hand, and the Sea Lou Stone has no other use except to limit his ability.

This fifth level of hell is full of all kinds of traps, each of which is coated with poison that will kill if touched. As long as it can pierce the skin of the white beard, the toxin can work.

Unfortunately, no trap can leave a trace on the skin of the white beard.

When Whitebeard and Margo walked down the passage to the third level of the Scorching Hell, they were greeted by an endless array of navies.

Among them, this includes Sengoku, Karp, Borusalino, Sakaski, Kuzan, Tsuru, Magellan and other extremely powerful people.

Seeing this scene, Whitebeard narrowed his eyes, immediately tapped his head with his finger and chuckled, “Sengoku, your head is in water here, right?” ”

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