I Have A Virtual Universe

Chapter 542 Return to Earth

Real Universe, Rania Cluster, Ursa Major, Outer.

With a slight fluctuation in space, Su Li's figure suddenly appeared in the starry sky. Looking at the galaxy that nominally belonged to him, Su Li didn't hesitate, he directly stretched out his left hand.

In an instant, black shadows floated out from his left hand and quickly began to expand. In just a moment, the starry sky with a radius of millions of kilometers was occupied by thousands of densely packed giant spaceships.

These spaceships are the one hundred professional galaxy development teams that Su Li hired from the Cosmic Race Alliance. Ten minutes ago, he personally went to the Hill Empire and received these spaceships here.

With the order issued by the Cosmic Race Alliance, the Hill Empire's request for Su Li is of course unusually cooperative.

And when the people of the Hill Empire saw with their own eyes that Su Li took thousands of huge development ships into their palms, they were even more honest.


After all the spaceships came out of his palm, Su Li instantly used consciousness to virtualize into each spaceship.

"Remember what I said to you, the sooner you complete my requirements, the higher the reward value I will give you..." Su Li asked again, and then he stopped.



With Su Li's order, thousands of spaceships were immediately divided into one hundred teams and sailed in different directions. Soon after, as the wormholes were opened one by one, the hundred teams also quickly Disappeared from Su Li's sight.

"Everything is ready, I only owe the east wind!" Looking at the starry sky that had become quiet again, a smile appeared on Su Li's mouth, three huge galaxies rich in resources, and a hundred fully equipped development teams. There is no doubt that he 's resource point is about to usher in a huge outbreak period!

. . . . . .

Earth, Donghai City, Detective Bureau.

Su Li's figure silently appeared behind Xia Ke!

Looking at Xia Ke, who was lying on the table looking at something, Su felt relieved. Sure enough, no matter what happened outside, his real home was still here!

This really reassuring feeling is really comfortable!


A bunch of thoughts flashed through Su Li's heart, and at the same time, he slowly stretched out his hands and suddenly hugged Xia Ke in his arms!


Xia Ke, who was shocked by Su Li, burst out with C-rank power almost like a conditioned reflex. If you let this wave of power burst out, if nothing else, Donghai City will definitely suffer.

Fortunately, Su Li responded quickly enough to suppress the outbreak in Xia Ke's office in time.

"Su Li?!!" Xia Ke reacted quickly, she instantly knew who was attacking him, this familiar feeling couldn't be faked!

"Haha, do you miss me?" Su Li smiled and put Xia Ke down, then hugged her from the front.

"Where have you been for the past two weeks?" Xia Ke didn't answer Su Li's question directly, but rolled her eyes at him.

It's just that this guy hasn't come back for so long. When he comes back, he deliberately scare her, it's really...too bad! !

"Run to play with aliens!" Su Li laughed.

"What's so funny about aliens?" Xia Ke was speechless.

She still remembers the bunch of aliens she saw for the first time in the life planet called Moyuexing.

There is absolutely no high-level technology, not to mention ugly, and it is especially easy to be provoked.

If the first time was an accident, but Su Li also took her out to play several times later, and the so-called "aliens" she saw were all those kind of shitty guys, it's just irritating!

"Haha, this time it's real aliens, even more sci-fi than sci-fi!" Su Li said with a smile.


Xia Ke was surprised at first, and then she asked worriedly, "Is there no big problem?"

"Don't worry, the earth is very inconspicuous and will not be looked down upon by others!"

Su Li knows what Xia Ke is thinking. This is due to the fear of the unknown. Not to mention Xia Ke, even if he is not aware of the basic situation of the Cosmic Race Alliance, he has a great sense of the outside world. fear.

"Is it unremarkable?"

Xia Ke's expression was a little relaxed, and at the same time a little weird, she said, "Although what you said is probably true, there is an inexplicable feeling of unwillingness!"

"Okay, let me introduce you to the 'alien' I encountered this time!" Su Li touched Xia Ke's head, and slowly started from the Cosmic Race Alliance to talk about the cosmic pattern he knew.

Of course, although he bought a lot of information from the Cosmic Race Alliance, this so-called "cosmic pattern" does not really include the entire universe. After all, no one dares to rashly say that what they know is the whole of the universe!

Perhaps in the farther distance, there are things that the Cosmic Race Alliance does not understand!


However, even this part of what Su Li knew was scary enough!

There are the Cosmic Race Alliance with hundreds of galaxy clusters as its territory, as well as the Seven Gods Alliance, Miracle Alliance, etc.

There is also a human race alliance whose form is mainly based on concepts.

Within any alliance, there are countless civilizations and countless lives. These civilizations and lives are entangled with each other and have an indescribably complex relationship.

The Milky Way, which is well known to people on earth, is just an inconspicuous little place on the edge of the Rania galaxy cluster, and the earth can be regarded as an inconspicuous speck of dust in the Milky Way.


"You're right, the earth is really inconspicuous!" Xia Ke nodded vigorously.

She has no thoughts in her mind. In the face of this situation, is it wrong to say that the earth is inconspicuous? There's really nothing wrong with that!

"The unknown is the fear. After knowing it, I feel better?" Su Li asked.

"When you say that..."

Xia Ke thought about it carefully. Although she felt a sense of shock in her heart now, the worries and the like at the beginning completely disappeared.

After all, there is only a small earth, and it is not so easy to have an alien invasion. What's more, don't talk about Su Li in general invasion, maybe she can solve it herself!

"Don't think about it, come, let me show you something good!" Su Li smiled, and then took out a bunch of energy-rich "wine" that he had brought from Hall Master Wu.

"what are these?"

Looking at these colorful things in front of her, Xia Ke felt that her eyes were all blurred.

"Although you can't drink some energy-rich drinks, after I study for a while, I'm guaranteed to make your energy accumulation speed fly!" Su Li explained with a smile.

"Is this for me?" Xia Ke asked in surprise.

"if not?"


Xia Ke did not speak, she decided to express her gratitude to Su Li with practical actions.

Feeling the moist feeling in his ears, Su Li did not hesitate, he silently put away all his things, and then directly carried Xia Ke to the outside of the earth......

PS: One more update.

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