"Queen Yan and Queen Lorna are not in this universe at the moment. They went to another universe to deal with very important things. They won't come back in a short time, and you don't have the ability to go to another universe!"

Well, in another universe, Steve looked at the angel in front of him in disbelief.

"Then let me get in touch with them!"

Steve said.

It can be regarded as a second choice! "I'm afraid it won't work either!"


Steve asked again puzzled.

"They know you won't give up, so they told me before that they can't help you contact them!"

Steve: "..."

"you can go now!"


Chapter 866 ━━━━━━━━━━

Steve is helpless! He really has no idea what's going on.

Obviously everyone has found it, but there is no way to really see it, and the other party seems to be guarding him like a thief.

Saying that we want to see each other... It's not enough to talk face-to-face, and it's not enough to ask for the next thing, and it's not enough to have a little contact with the other party.

Even, don't let yourself stay here too much, and directly drive yourself away.

If he didn't leave, the other party directly controlled the spaceship and let his spaceship return to his starting point.

Steve is not doing something, and not doing something is not, and it is really speechless to a certain extent.

After thinking about it, in the end, he still didn't do anything! He didn't want to tear his face like this! In the end, he could only return and wait for news::.

This can be considered a fairly correct choice! Steve himself thinks so! Anyway..., he felt that if he really did something, he would definitely encounter revenge, according to the other party's means, said There may be no way to go back.

It's fine now, at least I can go back and wait for news::.

However, the news came a little too slowly, and when he returned to Earth, there was not even a little sign.

"Did you succeed or fail in your trip to the universe this time?"

Tony Stark asked Steve helplessly.

"You ask me, I ask who to go!"

Steve is also bound to have some small resentments.


Of course you ask that angel!"

Tony Stark didn't care about such a little resentment at all, and said to himself.

"I also wanted to ask, but the problem was that I had no chance at all. She drove me back directly without leaving any means of contact!"

"What on earth did you do to be so protective of you?"

"If I did something, it would be fine, at least I could resolve it in a targeted manner, but I really didn't do anything, which also gave me a headache!"

Steve really didn't do anything! He and the angel didn't say a few words together, so how could he really offend the angel, it was clearly... the angel's problem.

"That shouldn't be so! Could it be that there are other reasons for this not to be a problem?"

"Who knows!"

Although Steve had some such thoughts in his heart, he knew that just having such thoughts was of little significance and needed evidence.

He happens to have no such evidence! "Otherwise, you or I will go again"

Stark thought for a while and said so.

This is also a good idea.

Steve thought about it, and finally gave up on such an idea.. "Why"

Tony Star asked.

"It doesn't make sense to run again. We don't know the situation of the other party. If we rashly go there, I'm afraid it will be self-defeating. Relatively speaking, it is better to stay here and wait for the news. At least Lu Chen can know!"

"How long will that take!"

Tony Stark said helplessly.

"Wait slowly!"

Tony Stark is also very helpless! However, there is no other way, he can only wait like this, hoping to get some gains.

Time passed so slowly, until Steve and Tony Stark became impatient, and finally got a reply.

The content of the reply is also very simple, just a few words.

I got it! Steve and Tony Stark didn't respond to the reply for a long time, and after waiting for so long, they just knew about this..." I really shouldn't have What great expectations!"

Tony Stark rubbed his eyebrows and said annoyed.

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