I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 625: The Design of the Countryside Exhibition Area

The rescue center of the zoo sometimes rescues some severely disabled animals that cannot be returned to the local exhibition area.

However, the rescue center has not yet encountered a situation where it cannot be released!

Either the injuries were too serious and they died, and the rest were actively helping them heal and recover.

Fang Ye saw news in the past two days that a certain zoo rescued a snow leopard. Obviously, there was no problem with his health. After a while, he was ready to put it on display in the park.

He also said boldly, "Our park simulates the wild living environment of snow leopards, and specially installed air conditioners for snow leopards, simulating the characteristics of snow leopard habitats with rocky and snowy mountains, creating a living atmosphere and greatly improving the welfare of snow leopards."

Snow leopards live well in the wild, and the vast snow-capped mountains are its territory. It seems that people are very rare about air conditioners? And the snow mountain stickers on the back of the pavilion, the so-called "simulated snow mountain environment"?

Fortunately, netizens actively reported it, and the Forestry Bureau conducted an investigation. After two days, the zoo could only release the snow leopard.

This behavior is disgusting.

A real zoo: It integrates many functions of entertainment, breeding, rescue, scientific research, and conservation education. It allows tourists to relax their minds and bodies while improving their awareness of environmental protection and animal protection, and strive to build a better world.

False zoo: Do ​​business with the slogan of protecting animals and abduct rare wild animals back.

Pull away.

The local exhibition area needs to be down-to-earth, and animals that are too precious are not suitable.

For example, get a tiger or something. In the past, tigers were distributed so widely, and they did leave traces in Linhai a long time ago, but disappearing for so long, as an animal display in a rural area, it may not resonate with tourists.

Because in the previous investigation of wild boars, the infrared cameras arranged in various nearby villages, after the sorting out by Wang Yan and the others, probably figured out which animals were haunting nearby.

Just can choose from these animals.

Fang Ye had a lot of thought before, and soon settled on the types of wild boar, red fox, raccoon dog, porcupine, and otter, which will be expanded later.

Starting from a small farm, the local exhibition area is built, and a spare site in the back can just be used.

There should be a pond in the local exhibition area. The one on the edge of the test field is smaller, and the pond is changed to a larger one. Large reeds are planted on the edge, which can not only create a local atmosphere, but also attract more native birds.

In addition to pond reeds, some local trees represented by hackberry and crops such as peanuts, corn, and sweet potatoes are planted to enrich the local landscape. At the same time, these crops are also the favorite food of wild boars and porcupines!

The existence of these crops can better help tourists understand why these native animals live here. It is precisely because of the large-scale reclamation of farmland and wasteland that the habitats of the animals are reduced and fragmented, and their lives are affected.

The local exhibition area is not only to show local animals, but more importantly to tell tourists how they were in the past, how they are now, how people get along with them, and why there is such a change. Only in this way can it reflect the theme of the country, otherwise it will be different from others. The animal exhibition area is no different.

With a general idea, we first designed the otter pavilion.

Originally, it was considered that otters and gibbons were mixed together, but the gibbon exhibition area and the ring-tailed lemur exhibition area were next to each other, and a moat around the island was public.

Therefore, we still put them in the local exhibition area. Otters are also very attractive animals, which are worth highlighting!

The environment displayed by otters must have a clean water environment!

Therefore, the exhibition area is dominated by water, including ponds and streams, and the bottom of the water is covered with pebbles.

In addition to streams, a variety of bedding materials on the ground is also important, dry sandy soil areas, humus areas, sawdust, fallen leaves, rocks, tree branches, and some large tree trunks. The rocks enrich the environment and provide shelter for otters. Hollow trunks You can get in and sleep.

Intricate tree branches, otters can sneak in to avoid, lie on top of it to rest, rub it on it, and tear wood chips to play.

There are small islands in the middle of the pond, connected by large trunks and small branches.

Otters can swim ashore from the water or walk over tree trunks.

The underwater behavior of otters is also very interesting!

Therefore, the exhibition area is designed like a hippo pavilion. Through the glass curtain wall, you can observe them jumping up and down among the tree trunks in the water, swimming flexibly and freely.

A shallow water area, a deep water area, let the otters choose freely.

Animals can make more expressions only if the environment is rich enough.

Visitors can also observe the otters in the water and underwater, deep water and shallow water in different postures.

As for the exhibition area of ​​wild boars, wild boars like to live under the forest and use trees and shrubs to shelter from wind and rain. In addition to shrubs, pigs also like to roll in mud ponds, which are covered in mud, which is also a natural barrier to block UV rays and prevent mosquito bites.

Although pigs like to roll in mud ponds and are dirty, but contrary to the general impression, they are animals that love cleanliness!

During the black cyclone they stayed in the zoo rescue center, the toilet and defecation were always in a fixed corner of the cage.

Therefore, in the exhibition area of ​​wild boars, in addition to various trees, mud ponds where they can roll and play, and stream water, they can wash their bodies and wash their food.

Wild boars usually use their noses to plan food in the ground, and the ground of the activity field needs to be a soft soil bedding material.

Visitors stay in front of the pavilion to visit, to prevent the sun from drying people, need a awning.

The awning can be made into an environment similar to growing loofah in a small farmyard, leaving gaps between the wooden boards at the top, like a climbing frame, and plants can climb up along it.

Climbing to the top in this way is completely covered, not only green, but also has a rural atmosphere, and tourists have a stronger sense of immersion.

Not necessarily a loofah, eggplant, morning glory, whatever.

Fang Ye designed it for a long time!

Some dissatisfaction, I feel that the environment of the exhibition area is not very natural.

But don't worry, the details are slowly adjusted.

It's a bit like a chef's cooking, making braised pork, double-cooked pork, these use a lot of seasonings, and dishes that are cooked for a long time can be delicious.

But the most technical test is the simple vegetarian dish of fried shredded potatoes.

Cutting potatoes into thin shreds, cooking the heat, and controlling the time requires solid cooking skills to do well.

The yin and yang tai chi map of the Giant Panda Pavilion is placed, and everyone can see that it is powerful, high-end and high-end, and praised in unison.

The simple theme of the rural exhibition area needs to be designed with a sense of proportion, moisturizing things in a silent way, and walking in the middle of it can give people the feeling of playing in the countryside with their friends and accidentally encountering animals living here.

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