I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 338 Injecting Animals

We talked about other things from the zoo.

Natural wetlands, dug up a cement road, and build a pond. It is said that the wetland is protected, and none of the original aquatic plants and reeds are left, and the ecological function of the wetland has also been destroyed.

There are also abandoned farmland turned into wasteland, planting trees, looking at the scenery, but animals do not pay. The grass family, covered with sedges and seemingly barren wasteland, is actually a paradise for squirrel birds.

The bright lights of the city at night have a huge impact on animals.

When migrating at night, many birds rely on natural light to navigate. Due to the interference of artificial light sources, they may misjudge the direction, turn around and fly in the opposite direction, collide with other birds in the migrating team, or hit buildings.

Some scenic spots have bright light shows, and the mountains are brightly lit at night, but all kinds of insects have suffered and fell to the ground. In addition, it will also affect the normal dormancy of plants and cause damage to chloroplasts.

In fact, not only zoos, but the architectural design and planning of many places should take into account the ecological impact, but this aspect is indeed very weak.

Fang Ye sighed in his heart as he watched the big guys in the group communicate.

Originally, some tourists thought that the zoo was the root of all evil. Why should animals be locked up and their freedom restricted? Is it okay to let them all go?

After visiting the Hai Zoo, I felt that it was different from the zoos I had seen before. It was a very subversive impression, and my perception of the zoo was also much better.

However, there is still a dead-headed tourist who asks him a question, why does the zoo exist?

You promote the content of protecting animals, protecting tigers, etc. We ordinary people have nothing to do with tigers, wolves, and lions. Do you know that it is meaningless?

In fact, how can it be meaningless? When people live on earth, they cannot live without living with nature.

Knowing that game cannot be eaten, if you don't buy wild animal products, there will be less killing if there is no sale. Knowing the impact of pesticides on animals, soil and water sources will lead to more choices of environmentally friendly organic agricultural products that are not sprayed with pesticides to promote the development of ecological agriculture.

The choice of food in life, talk about it with relatives and friends, and see inappropriate content, such as videos of feeding animals, you can make correct science, donate to relevant organizations, pay attention to the revision of the Wildlife Protection Law, The ecological impact of the construction process of the city where you live, to provide comments through the mailbox, and to contribute to environmental protection, these are things that ordinary people can do.

When there is understanding, there is concern, and when there is concern, there is action. If the overall awareness of environmental protection is raised, the ecological environment will naturally improve.

However, the promotion of public awareness of environmental protection is a long process. Now, how many years can human beings make it by themselves?


Anyway, let's do things right now, there is still hope for the future.

After Fang Ye designed the exhibition area, he decided to build the Elephant Pavilion, the Golden Monkey Pavilion and the Japanese Macaque Pavilion first.

The exhibition area of ​​golden monkeys and Japanese macaques is smaller. Golden monkeys are still very rare, unlike dozens of macaques when they are introduced. And there are so many ordinary macaques, Japanese macaques just need a dozen or so, mainly to get the cherry blossom forest and the supporting hotel.

The construction of the exhibition area is still reliable by the system construction team, which is too worry-free and labor-saving. However, in the dormitory building for employees, such a building that does not involve animals, it should be ok to find an outside construction team.

There is one more thing, although the zoo ticket now supports electronic payment, but it is still checked by people.

Too much trouble!

Fang Ye pondered that it was time to update the gate of the zoo, replace it with an electronic gate, and put several ticket machines at the gate.

Scan and buy tickets yourself, or buy tickets directly on the public account, and scan the code to issue tickets, and the speed of ticket purchase and ticket inspection can be much faster.

So I found a company that I had cooperated with several times on WeChat and communicated.


The zoo has been very busy these days!

Not only because of the start of a new round of construction, but recently animals are also preparing to start vaccination.

Generally, spring and autumn are the peak periods of epidemics. Therefore, in spring in March and April and in autumn in October and November, in order to prevent animals from getting sick, zoos will vaccinate animals collectively.

Felines have cat triples, canines have canine quadruples, and birds have bird flu vaccine.

Herbivores, primates, have their own vaccines.

The vaccines for birds have been vaccinated by the way during the isolation and quarantine process. Otherwise, catching birds is a very laborious process. So many birds have to be caught and vaccinated one by one, and none of them can be left behind.

An animal like the macaque, ring-tailed lemur, and red panda can be easily controlled if you catch it, hold it down, and vaccinate it.

As for beasts like lions and tigers, to vaccinate them, either through behavioral training to know how to cooperate and give injections obediently, or directly use a blowpipe to anesthetize them and then inject.

In general, of course, it is better to have an injection after behavioral training. Anesthesia has never been numb.

However, the animals in the Linhai Zoo are still familiar with each other with the breeders, and there is relatively little behavioral training at present.

However, with Fang Ye present, there is a third option, that is, he is responsible for accompanying and comforting the animals when the veterinarian gives injections.

After getting ready, Fang Ye asked Lan Li to start the live broadcast.

Soon netizens poured into the live broadcast room!

Fang Ye greeted everyone with a smile: "Hello, hello!"

"Hello, gardener!"

"I don't want you! I just want to see cute animals!"

"Brother Six, you have learned to answer quickly!"

Fang Yezheng wanted to make a joke with netizens to liven up the atmosphere. He asked everyone if they thought about themselves. When they saw this barrage saying that they didn't want to be themselves, half of the words were choked back.

Netizens couldn't help laughing when they saw his deflated expression!

"Hey." Fang Ye sighed dejectedly, "If you treat me like this, you will lose the director of the garden!"

Some netizens saw a sassy-looking girl wearing a white coat and carrying a suitcase beside him: "Hey, has the principal changed his girlfriend? What about the assistant lady?"

"I have some impressions! This young lady seems to have met when the principal took us to visit the veterinary hospital. With this dress, she should be a veterinarian, right?"

Fang Ye explained: "Zoos usually vaccinate animals in spring and autumn to prevent diseases. Today we are going to vaccinate animals such as lions and tigers to show you!"

By the way, I introduced: "The one next to me is Lin Ying, the leader of our zoo's veterinary team!"

Lin Ying greeted the camera with a hearty smile: "Hi, everyone~"

"Hello, Miss!"

"Miss, I love you, ah!"

Many netizens have shown great interest!

"Hey, the zoo also has to give animals injections?"

"It's definitely going to be an injection."

"When I gave my cat an injection, it kept wailing, holding it down and resisting, but the thief was unwilling to get the injection. But I have never seen an injection for a lion or tiger!"

"By the way, how do the animals in the zoo get injections? I'm still curious."

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