I Have a Research Support System

Chapter 474 Fasten your seat belt, the speed may be faster (for subscription)

On Saturday morning, after Xu Qiu had breakfast, he helped his roommate Sun Yifan bring a breakfast, and returned to the dormitory again.

Xu Qiu was very busy these days, and there were a lot of messy things in the laboratory, so he went back to the dormitory very late every day, and didn't communicate with Sun Yifan much. Today, after finally being free, he chatted with Sun Yifan.

Xu Qiu handed over the bag containing breakfast and asked, "Sun Yifan, when are you going home?"

"In a few days..." Sun Yifan thought for a moment, "Well, it will be around the 25th. Anyway, my home is in Lu Province. It is relatively convenient to go back from Shanghai. There are many high-speed trains. Xu Qiu, how about you?"

"I bought a ticket for the 25th."

"That's a coincidence," Sun Yifan smiled, and continued to ask, "When do you plan to come back?"

"The ticket for February 18 has already been bought." Xu Qiu responded.

"January 25th, February 18th..." Sun Yifan thought about it, and then asked in surprise: "Wow, isn't your team always PUSH? Wei Xingsi actually gave you three weeks off?"

"This semester has nearly a month's vacation, and I came back two days early," Xu Qiu explained: "The main reason is that this year is special, the research group has to move, and the glove box needs to be reprocessed, so the vacation is relatively short. Long. What about you?"

"Well, the supervisor of our research group is not at school, and he allows us to choose the vacation time freely, ranging from two weeks to one month." Sun Yifan smiled self-deprecatingly: "Salted fish like me, of course, choose one month. It's vacation."

"It's still a flexible vacation..." Xu Qiu asked suspiciously: "However, with this kind of free choice arrangement, no one will choose two weeks, right?"

"Of course there are still some. For example, several postdoctoral fellows in the group, as well as senior doctoral students, basically have a two-week vacation. As for whether they are 'voluntary', I don't know..." Sun Yifan paused Ton said:

"One of the postdocs was working on an AM article, and now he was short of the last bit of data. In order to write the article and submit it before the Chinese New Year, he finally changed the train ticket to New Year's Eve."

"That's really hard work." Xu Qiu sighed with emotion in a low voice: "A piece of AM was once my goal, but now, it's probably the lower limit for me to publish articles..."

"What did you say?" Sun Yifan didn't hear clearly.

"It's nothing." Xu Qiu changed the subject: "How is your scientific research this year? Do you have any articles?"

"There isn't one," Sun Yifan shook his head helplessly: "The Senior Brother brought me the Small paper when I was an undergraduate, and it was a gift for me. Now I have to think about the topic, design the experiment, and complete the experiment by myself. Only then did I realize that scientific research is really very difficult, and I can’t do it well, and I can’t even repeat other people’s literature.”

"The main situation of our group is similar to yours. We won't publish SCI three or four districts or Chinese journals. If we want to submit, we must submit to the second district or above..." Sun Yifan sighed softly: "It's difficult. .”

Xu Qiu didn't know how to respond, so he could only comfort him: "Come on."

Sun Yifan gave a "hmm" and then asked, "What about you, Xu Qiu? I heard that you published an article on "Natural Energy". Do you have any new jobs now?"

Xu Qiu recalled it for a while, and said, "I don't seem to have a lot of work this semester. There are only two AM papers, two "Joule" papers, one "Natural Energy" paper, and now I just submitted one "Science" paper..."

"Is this also called 'just'?" Sun Yifan was stunned: "You are too low-key, five articles and one district top journal, and you are going to submit to "Science", I didn't hear any news arrive."

"The "Science" article was just submitted, and it is not certain whether it will be published." Xu Qiu smiled awkwardly. Now he does have relatively little communication with his classmates, and he hardly participates in any class activities. Because he has no time, even Roommates may chat with no more than ten sentences per day on average.

"Hey," Sun Yifan sighed again: "If only I had half, no, one-tenth of your scientific talent."

"It's not as exaggerated as you said..." Xu Qiu responded casually, and then changed the subject: "By the way, didn't you say that you wanted to talk to your supervisor about transferring from a direct Ph.D. to a Keshuo? How did the discussion go?"

"The talk is over. I spent an hour carefully writing an email, trying to get my supervisor to agree to my transfer to Keshuo. In the end, I received three words 'disagree'. After that, Wanyousheng launched a project Get a few seniors to do my work, draw big cakes for me, and let me do research with peace of mind." Sun Yifan pursed his lips: "You said he is not bad for me, so why can't you let me go?"

"I don't know about that." Xu Qiu spread his hands and changed the subject again: "By the way, aren't you going to broadcast live today?"

"Live broadcast, wait until I finish eating breakfast." Sun Yifan took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun and complained: "Now doing live broadcast is really similar to clocking in for work. You need to broadcast for a long enough time every month to get your basic salary. It's like working two jobs."

"Then what's the market for your live broadcast now?"

"It's okay."

"A monthly salary of over ten thousand?"

"Depending on luck, the game anchors receive relatively few gifts, and most of them are prostitutes. They mainly rely on guarantees. Now my guaranteed salary is less than 10,000."

Xu Qiu didn't ask about the specific salary, but instead said, "I'm going on vacation soon, go out to get together at night?"

"Okay, you choose the location," Sun Yifan finished the last bite of steamed stuffed bun, turned on the computer live broadcast platform, and said, "I'm about to broadcast, and I have to spend more time before going home for the New Year."

"Well, you are busy."

Xu Qiu occasionally pays attention to the news of some live broadcast platforms.

Now, he found that the live broadcast platforms have begun to differentiate, and the traffic and live broadcast styles of different platforms are quite different.

At the same time, every once in a while, it will be heard that a new platform has been established, and some unknown platforms have closed down.

Sun Yifan, or the master who brought him in, has a good vision, and the Dousha platform he chose survived the first wave of live broadcast platform closures.

Not only that, it is said that the Dousha platform has just received further financing.

It seems to be the B round, with a total of 100 million U.S. dollars. Nanshan Pizza Hut led the round with 400 million Ruanmeibi. Redwood Capital also made follow-up investment on the basis of the A round.

Internet companies, after getting the money, will start to burn a large amount of money and use the money to buy users.

Of course, in addition to users, the anchors under the platform can also enjoy a wave of bonuses and certain subsidies.

For example, Xu Qiu listened to Sun Yifan. Although the other party's basic salary did not exceed ten thousand, there is a certain probability of exceeding ten thousand after counting the reward. Not bad.

The increase in wages was accompanied by an increase in working hours. Sometimes when Xu Qiu came back after eleven o'clock, he could still see Sun Yifan still broadcasting live.

However, usually when Xu Qiu comes back after taking a shower, he will see Sun Yifan also downloading and sleeping.

On the other hand, because the live broadcast industry has become a phenomenon-level industry and is no longer a small business, the country's rectification has also followed.

Recently, many young ladies in ragged clothes have disappeared.

For example, Fighting Shark 3S, perhaps because it was too famous, was hit hard, and the recent live broadcast room was blocked. It can be said that people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong.

But Xu Qiu estimated that after a while, they would regroup and come back again.

Because for the platform, the existence of these people can be said to be a sharp tool for drainage, with low cost and good effect, so as long as it is not during the crackdown period, they will choose to turn a blind eye.

Moreover, for this kind of nascent industry, if it is just to play around the edges instead of breaking the law directly, even if the state takes action to crack down, there will usually be a buffer period. The opinions of all parties will be discussed, and finally an implementation plan will be reached through discussion.

This time span may be two or three years, which is enough for a platform to grow and then be washed.

Most nascent industries will play some edge balls in the early stages.

There are many examples, and the live broadcast industry is just one of them.

For example, shared bicycles embezzle deposits; a payment company does things that banks can’t do, and it takes several years or more than ten years to do it; some duoduo, early fakes are rampant; in the early days of the real estate industry, developers empty-handed and white wolves, buying land , The money for the construction of the building is all borrowed, and after the completion is mortgaged to build a new building...

This is like the family history of the rich in the last century. When they made their first pot of gold, nine out of ten were not so clean. After they developed and grown stronger, they would then launder through charity and donations. Own.

In the process of industry evolution, in fact, individual natural persons or the capital behind the industry are constantly testing the bottom line that the country can tolerate, and adjusting their strategies based on this bottom line.

Under this kind of game, the final result is to achieve a delicate balance.

Now many companies implement the 996 system that violates the labor law, which can be regarded as a balanced result.

Because everything has advantages and disadvantages, although there may be non-compliant practices in the industry, they can also provide social value, such as solving employment or filling certain gaps.

The world is not black and white, and the law only stipulates the punishment for doing a certain thing and being found out.

If the cost of breaking the law is much lower than the expected income, capital or people alienated by capital will choose to break the law.

For example, for some economic crimes, the maximum fine is 50W, and the profit may be tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. Naturally, some people will break the law to obtain high profits.

However, just because the legal provisions are like this, we should not blatantly take advantage of legal loopholes and make troubles, especially for individual natural persons.

Because if it really caused a huge social impact and was caught as a typical person, the country has plenty of ways to deal with an individual natural person.

As for the company or capital, it will be a little more complicated. After all, the legal person or CEO standing in the foreground is likely to be used to resist the thunder.

Even if we know who is behind the manipulation, it may be difficult to sanction from a legal point of view, not to mention that the actual manipulators may not necessarily be in the country.

You can only write down a note in a small notebook, or please have a cup of tea and type it.

Of course, in flower growers, the power of capital is still relatively weak. If you really do not restrain yourself after several warnings, you will definitely be punished by heavenly thunder.

Even if the individual cannot be fined, at least the company is in the country, and it must not be able to escape.

On Sunday morning, the moving company drove two cars to Caiyi.

A foreman, two drivers, and four workers, under the guidance of Xu Qiu and Wu Feifei, carried the packed boxes inside the laboratory in an orderly manner.

Among them, most of the instruments and equipment are relatively easy to move. The master workers can carry them up and fix them with straps, and then they can directly carry the boxes on their backs and take the elevator downstairs.

Only the evaporation glove box is relatively difficult, because the evaporation equipment is basically all iron and has a net weight of several tons, so it is definitely not possible to manually move it.

Fortunately, moving companies have specialized tools for moving heavy objects.

Objects weighing several tons like this are not particularly large. They used hydraulic vehicles to easily send the glove box and the evaporation equipment downstairs and load them into the vehicle.

If it is heavier or larger equipment, it may be necessary to break the window and then lift the instrument out of the air with a crane.

There were more than 20 boxes in total, and after they were all removed, Caiyi 216 became empty.

There is only a spin-coating glove box, a few steel cylinders and experimental benches left in the inner laboratory;

The office outside was also "ransacked", leaving only a desk folded up and standing against the wall, and several bookcases, together with the books inside, were taken away.

Next, the workers drove to the Jiangwan campus.

Sun Wo and Fan Wentang were left behind and were responsible for cleaning Handan 216.

The others went to the bend of the river together.

However, because it is now a holiday, the school bus is out of service on Sunday, and the people heading to Jiangwan had to divide into two groups. Xu Qiu and Wu Feifei got into Wei Xingsi's car, and the others took taxis to Jiangwan. bend.

Arriving at Jiangwan, the workers transported all the boxes and placed them in the designated location.

Next, everyone in the research group worked together to disassemble and check whether there were any instruments in the process of transportation, and then connected and debugged the equipment.

In the end, I worked until after 8 o'clock in the evening, and finally successfully completed the work of relocating the laboratory.

This work efficiency is actually quite exaggerated.

Xu Qiu felt that maybe it was because of the PUSH atmosphere in the group that everyone had a very strong ability to deal with problems, and at the same time, everyone's work efficiency was also very high.

Students trained in this way can adapt to high-intensity work in various industries even if they change careers after graduation.

To some extent, this is also the reason for the distinction of academic qualifications.

Having a high degree from a prestigious school usually means having high communication skills, stress resistance and learning ability. This may be part of the reason why big factories especially like to recruit students from prestigious schools through school recruitment.

Even if the major is not the right one, if I recruit people back and support them for a year, I can basically be qualified for most non-technical positions.

Of course, everything has two sides.

High education has the advantages of high education, but for the company, it also has certain disadvantages.

People with higher education are generally more rational, and the more they can weigh the pros and cons, the more they tend to be self-interested.

In the current era of "there are as many college students as dogs", one manifestation is the awakening of leeks.

The capitalists want to use 996 blessings to draw big cakes to fool the "leek queen", but find that the fool doesn't move, and sometimes they feel emotional:

"Why do you all see that money is open, can't you fight for your dreams together?"

In fact, everyone wanted to understand: "Even if the dream comes true, it is still the boss' dream. What does it have to do with being a worker?"

Another manifestation is that when the country calls for mobilization, if it is a person with a relatively low education level, it may respond after a few waves of publicity.

Now the middle class has become "smart" because they have received education and learned more about things.

For example, if they have children, if they can't see hope and see the future, there will be a higher proportion of the middle class than the bottom people who will choose selfishness instead of having children.

Although they may also know that for the whole country, fertility has a positive effect, but it is not necessarily positive for individuals.

This can be regarded as an inevitable contradiction in the process of social development and after the people's wisdom is enlightened.

If one is not handled properly, resulting in the solidification of the class, lack of upward channels, and the complete loss of vitality of the middle and bottom layers, the consequences will be very serious, and it may cause the entire country to develop slowly or even stagnate. The neon country is a lesson from the past.

Of course, it's not just the neon country. Western developed countries have more or less similar phenomena. This is also the inevitable result of the serious solidification of the class, but it cannot be broken.

There seem to be three solutions. The first is to start over and start over, so that the number of "elites" in the "elite + ordinary people" model will be zero.

But in fact, this path is very difficult to follow, because in the current international situation, if it is overthrown, it is really down, and there is almost no chance to start over.

The second is to develop the entertainment industry, games, videos, and variety shows, that is, "sex music", supplemented by cigarettes, and other things that can paralyze people's nerves, so that the middle and bottom layers are addicted to it, and do not go too much Rational thinking is actually a means of reducing intelligence.

This article can only alleviate the contradictions, but cannot solve the contradictions at the root. It paralyzes the people and also seals the productivity of the people.

Therefore, there is only the third way, which is to make progress in science and technology, increase productivity, and then increase the number of "elite" seats in the "elite + ordinary people" model, so that people have the motivation to roll and go Fight for new "elite" seats.

But this kind of progress or improvement must be a breakthrough, which will be very difficult and can only be hoped for by luck.

For example, the "gambling on the country's fortune" proposed now is actually a bet on whether it can make breakthroughs in technology, break the monopoly of Europe and the United States, and achieve overtaking in curves.

The reason why the word "gambling" is used is because everyone knows that it depends on luck, and God knows when technology will be able to break through.

Going deeper, the purpose of overtaking in curves is to strengthen oneself, seize resources from other countries, subsidize its own people, allow itself to continue to improve, continue to seize resources from other countries, and form positive feedback.

This is why the rise of flower growers will be jointly suppressed by other countries, because the cake is so small, if you eat more, I eat less.

After tidying up the laboratory, everyone left Jiang Wan Xiancai.

Finally, it's officially a holiday.

On January 25th, Xu Qiu and his roommate Sun Yifan greeted each other. They only carried a computer bag and set out on the road lightly. They left school and took the subway to the Shanghai Pudong Airport.

The flight Xu Qiu booked was Ruyi Airlines, which is a small airline. There was only one flight home from Shanghai, so there was no choice.

When Xu Qiu arrived at Pudong Airport, he remembered Wei Xingsi's previous instruction to ask about printing the itinerary.

Going around inside the airport, Xu Qiu finally found the check-in counter of Ruyi Airlines from A, B, C, D... among a bunch of counters.

Before printing the itinerary, Xu Qiu went to the self-service machine and tried to print the boarding pass.

As a result, after Xu Qiu swiped his ID card, he found that it could not be printed, and the ticket information showed "Magic City Hongqiao T2".

"Hongqiao...Pudong..." Xu Qiu's heart skipped a beat, "This...couldn't be the wrong airport for me. '

He hurriedly glanced at his phone, and sure enough he came by mistake...

During the four years of college, Xu Qiu only flew once, and that time he stopped at Pudong Airport, so he subconsciously thought that this time was also Pudong Airport...

After booking the ticket before, Xu Qiu actually deliberately remembered that it was Hongqiao instead of Pudong, but he ran to Pudong without reconfirming before departure.

However, now that something has happened, it cannot be undone, so I can only find a way to remedy it.

At that moment, Xu Qiu's body secreted excessive hormones, and he felt a slight hardening somewhere. His eyes began to search for the surrounding signs, and his brain spun rapidly, thinking about countermeasures.

'subway? Too slow, definitely not. '

'Take a taxi? too expensive……'

'At this time, if you still consider Jiage, it should be more expensive. '

Xu Qiu quickly confirmed the countermeasure of taking a taxi, and found the taxi pick-up point at the airport.

Fortunately, there were not many people queuing up, so Xu Qiu quickly got into a taxi. The driver seemed to be an old man in his 40s.

Xu Qiu breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a deep voice, "Master, go to Hongqiao Airport T2, depart domestically, please drive faster."

The old master glanced at Xu Qiu, and while starting the car, he said casually, "Come to the wrong airport? How long is it to get on the plane?"

"Hmm... one hour and twenty minutes, is it too late?" Xu Qiu usually has the habit of reserving time in advance, this time he left the dormitory three hours before boarding the plane, and after arriving at Pudong Airport, it was still too late to find the counter After a period of time, if you don't reserve time in advance, you may choose to go back to the dormitory directly now.

The master thought for a while and said, "It depends on the road conditions. I will try my best to send you there, but the fee will be more expensive. I agreed in advance that 7 yuan per kilometer is acceptable?"

Xu Qiu also had no choice: "Yes, as long as I can board the plane on time."

The master smiled and said, "Okay, sit still, fasten your seat belt, the speed may be faster."

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