I have a paradise

Chapter 8 Fruit Shop

"Hey, this is not what I bought." Wang Yi said triumphantly: "Dad, this is a new variety grown in a classmate's home. Give me a try. There is no money to buy this."

"The new variety of watermelon, your classmate's family grows?" Lao Wang immediately became energetic when he heard this: "We don't grow a lot, can our fruit shop ask for quota sales."

"I heard that it was cultivated and planted in cooperation with the Academy of Agricultural Sciences in the province. The number is not large. He specially reserved some for our family. The price is much more expensive than ordinary watermelons. I will bring them back in the afternoon. ."

"You think your father is so stupid, and you talk about everything. Expensive is expensive, so good food must be expensive." Old Wang rolled his eyes and said, "Cooperated with the Academy of Agricultural Sciences? No wonder it tastes so good. Thank you for looking for a chance."

Wang Yi patted his chest and said, "A brother in the dormitory, I must be grateful, so don't worry."

"It was a male classmate you went to see yesterday!" Chen Lixia said suddenly.

"Sit on the way, on the way, I stopped by when I was sending off my female classmates today." Wang Yi's forehead was in a cold sweat, and his strong desire to survive was shown at this moment, and he kept winking at Lao Wang. .

"I'm going to eat, I will move around first and go to the store." Lao Wang pretended not to see it, and took the key and left.


"True than pearls!"

"If you don't believe me, look at my consumption record, xx hotel still has my consumption record." Wang Yi's hair stood up, and he quickly turned out the hotel check-in record on his mobile phone for his mother to see.

"It's pretty much the same, let me see when you bring it back." Chen Lixia looked at Wang Yi's cell phone record before nodding.

"Mom, you haven't written the horoscope yet, why are you in a hurry."

"How come the horoscope hasn't been swiped yet, it's all there..."

"It's almost time. I made an appointment with my classmates, and I will leave mom first." Wang Yi saw his mother still ask about it, worried about revealing things, so he ran out of the house with a reason.

After leaving the door, Wang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat from his head, and then looked at the door with lingering fears: "I almost exposed it."

If he let his mother know that he was cheating the two thousand dollars, his fate would definitely not be much better.

When I arrived at the fruit shop near the commercial street, Wang had already opened the door of the shop. Wang Yi greeted him and then picked up the car key to solicit the goods.

Wang Yi’s fruit shop buys goods at the farmers’ market. Small shops like theirs don’t buy a lot at one time. Especially in summer, when the weather is hot, the shelf life of the fruit is not long. If you buy too much and do not sell the fruit in time Spoilage, especially fruits with a short shelf life such as bananas, requires more caution. Although it is the peak season for fruits to go on the market, there is still a lot of loss that is thrown away every day.

Behind the farmer’s market is a large area of ​​cold storage. Fruits are kept in these cold storages. Unlike the south, where fruits mature throughout the year, cold storage storage is very important.

Many people in Wang Yi’s hometown planted peaches. Last year, there was a bumper harvest of peaches. The fruit growers thought they could sell them at a good price. However, that year there were no foreign merchants to buy them. In addition, the peach harvest caused the price of peaches on the market to plummet. Two yuan a catty peaches fell to two cents a catty last year. They couldn't sell at this price, and they ended up rotten in the ground.Because some villages have cold storage, they can be stored in the cold storage for more than a month, and then staggering which month is listed the most, finally made some money.I heard that many people have switched to pear trees this year. After all, pears are stored for a longer period of time and can be stored until April or May the following year.

The price of fruit is generally the highest when it first goes on the market, and it will gradually decrease after half a month. Of course, the price of off-season fruit has not been cheap.The price of fruit grown by fruit farmers is not high, and the bulk is usually taken away by the intermediate links. For example, watermelon. In the peak season, the price of a catty of watermelon is generally in the range of 50 cents to 70 cents per catty, but the price sold by melon farmers may be Only a dime, a dime and a catty.When Wang Yi was in college, he went to shopping malls to buy watermelons. When watermelons were on the market in those shopping malls, one or two yuan per catty was normal.

Wang Yi came to the farmer’s market while driving the sacred car of Wuling. At this time, the cold storage was opened, and it was crowded with people and cars.

"The boss brought me two boxes of pitaya, for red hearts!"

"Bring me two baskets of kiwis."

"Five hundred catties of watermelon."

More than 80% of the fruits in XC City flow from here to the market. The fruits sold here are generally divided into two types, one is locally produced and the price is relatively cheap, and the other is transported to other places. .

The local fruits are watermelons, pears, peaches, apples, etc., and the southern fruits are the main ones from other places.

Wang Yi’s small shop would buy some of both types of fruits. Wang Yi looked at the list given by his father. The quantity of each kind of fruit is marked on it. You can buy so many in one purchase.

Parked the car to the Li Ji wholesale store, Wang Yi began to pick fruits, Lao Li smiled when he saw Wang Yi: "Why is Xiao Yi here, where is Lao Wang?"

"Look at the store in the store."

"Well, how much do you want today?" Old Li asked with a smile.

"This is the list." Wang Yi passed the list.

"Sit here for a cool meeting first, I'll prepare it for you. The weather is too hot." Lao Li took a look at the list and went to stock up.

This time Wang Yi crossed out the watermelon on the list. There are more than a dozen watermelons in his storage space. He is going to sell them, so naturally there is no need to buy watermelons.

All the seats at the back of their Wuling sacred car have been removed, and only two seats in the front row are left, dedicated to pulling goods. Although it is not big, it is easy to pull a kilogram at a time.

Wang Yi also took out a few watermelons from the storage space and put them in the car, and then returned to the store. The two unloaded a car of fruits, and then took a break before it was too early. The weather only took the fruits. After the removal, the two sweated.

The peak of the flow of people in the store is after the evening, when the sun sets and the temperature is not so hot, people start to go out shopping in a hustle and bustle.

After resting for a while, Wang Yi and Lao Wang began to place fruits. The most conspicuous place was the watermelons that Wang Yi took out of Xanadu. These watermelons weighed 20 to 30 kilograms, and they looked green on the outside. , The appearance is full, and it looks unusual.

Today’s main item is these watermelons. Wang Yi picked one at random, then took out a watermelon knife and cut it open. Half of it was wrapped in plastic wrap and put in the refrigerator. The other half was cut into small pieces and packed in a fruit plate. Wrap in plastic wrap and put in the refrigerator.

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