I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 560: The Strange Event of the Great Cang

Strange things are happening everywhere in the sky.

On the other side of the negative Chong River, on the Xianshui Plain where the country of Xianshui was originally established, Po Xian, the lord of Cangcheng, and many officials of Cangcheng were standing on the Mingyun boat suspended in the air, staring at the scene in front of them with dumbstruck eyes.

I saw the square stone platform bestowed by Wang Jixia in the early days.

It has changed from the size of half a palm to a huge stone platform with a length and width of three hundred feet.

From the stone platform, muscular young men with bare upper body and holding giant axes, giant hammers... and other tools are continuously walking down.

The strange thing is that these strong young men seem to be all stone figurines.

The body is made of gray stone.

After a total of 3,000 stone figurines walked down from the stone platform, one of the stone figurines wearing clothes unexpectedly came from the sky and boarded the Mingyun boat of Poxian and others.

Then came the three-hour negotiation.

Determine the scale and planning of the city, determine the material and style of the city, and determine many other matters.

Cangcheng Mansion has already discussed and drafted these matters.

When the stone figurines asked, they started from the beginning.

Three hours later, I saw that these stone figurines had already started construction!

As for Cangcheng, it was only responsible for transporting materials.

All the officials were amazed by what happened in front of them.

These stone figurines seem to be well versed in the art of building a city.

The spiritual energy in their bodies flashed, and the material in front of them would be cut by the spiritual energy blade, and the size of the material after cutting was exactly the size needed to build the city.

With the fire in their hands surging, they can burn tiles of various shapes and colors in just a moment.


Countless magical powers that seemed to exist exclusively for building cities jumped into the eyes of Poxian and others.

It makes the extremely complicated matter of "building a city" very simple.


Even if Cangcheng uses city guards and stone spirit warriors, the speed of material supply cannot keep up with the speed of consumption.

Poxian had no other choice, so she had to go to the great virtuous teacher Zhang Jiao first.

With a slight movement of his fingers, three hundred huge yellow scarf warriors appeared to help Cangcheng mine the materials he needed from everywhere.

After that, Poxian applied for two more Xuanji treasure ships, and used the huge Xuanji treasure ships to transport the building materials, and only then did they catch up with the progress.

In short, the city-building zombified figures in Taichung have already mastered their fortification skills.

After all, they possess countless supernatural powers for building cities, which can greatly simplify many processes, and can complete tasks that require a lot of time in a short period of time.

Lu An, who came back from exploring the terrain, heard about this strange event, and went to Xianshui Plain to watch the zombies build the city.

For a moment, he was shocked.

Therefore, Lu An made friends with the leader of the zombies many times, hoping to obtain these magical powers for building a city.

But the Zombies remained indifferent and did not even communicate with Lu Case.

After begging to no avail, Lu's case became ruthless, and he recruited a dozen or so talented monks, and brought a dozen or so caster spirit masters, and stared at the Zombies to build the city from afar.

Trying to use the inspiration of the city-building zombies to create a brand-new city-building supernatural power.

Regardless of whether the Lu case will be successful or not.

Far away in the Taidu of the sky.

A group of human creatures with dazed eyes appeared.

In the blink of an eye, they disappeared from their own country and several dynasties, and arrived at a place with beautiful mountains and rivers.

For a very short period of time, they are self-sufficient in it.

Then it was another blink of an eye.

They came to an open plain.

In front of me is a strange giant city without walls!

The dense crowd of human beings find this giant city weird because it is so beautiful.

In the giant city, the buildings with blue tiles and red bodies are in the same line as the previous ones, but the architectural details are better than those of the previous ones.

Whether it is brick carvings, reliefs, wood decorations of various colors, or paintings, textures, and material matching, they all complement each other.

In the streets and alleys of the city, there are often clear springs flowing from small ponds, various flowers competing for beauty, and many sculptures...

This is simply a hundred times more luxurious than the ancient capital of the dynasty!

And now that the sun is still, the city is brightly lit, like daytime.

The temperature is as pleasant as spring.

Such a strange city, shouldn't it be the residence of the gods? Why are there smiling people waving at them?

Then, a number of distinguished officials, and a number of armored generals came in turn to inform them of many things.

Only then did many people realize that this is the capital of the human dynasty.

too pale.

There are weirdness everywhere, a long time ago, even though Tai Cang's prestige was already illustrious.

But these weak creatures at the bottom never imagined that there was a real human dynasty.

And this dynasty seems to be thriving to the extreme.

Many people wept with joy.

Many people yelled frantically.

Many choked up.

This reaction is actually quite reasonable.

Because their previous environment was too harsh and their life was too difficult.

And when they got here, in their simple minds, they deeply felt that since it was a human country, they could settle here.

"Even if it's hard work, handyman, and all kinds of difficult things, doing it under the hands of the human race is better than doing it under the hands of a foreign race."

Many human race creatures thought to themselves.

Then, they saw a portrait.

The portrait of a young king!

"The noble king in the portrait doesn't look like a person."

"Like a high god, so perfect."


Then there is the extremely difficult and complicated resettlement work.

Even if there are already existing houses.

Taidu Prefecture still prepared a large number of tents.

No one is allowed to enter the city before going through the process of entering the city and before engraving the fate tablet.

Of course, even in troubled times, there is no shortage of dudes.

There are also a few nobles from the royal family in the human kingdom who want to enter the city first to see the city like the residence of the gods.

The result is also simple.

It was just thrown out by an indifferent city defender.

After inspection, cleaning, registration, engraving of fate cards, and house allocation, the people of the human race who were able to enter Taidu.

But like in a dream.

The surprise, emotion, joy, and gratitude are indescribable.

And they were also told that they were citizens of Taicang.

"Now the three mountains and one hundred regions, all dynasties, all regions, and all the people of the human race in the country will be continuously relocated to Taicang!"

"As long as you enter the realm of the Taicang Kingdom, as long as you receive the life card, from then on, you will be the clan of the Taicang people, and you will be the clan of the Taicang people for generations!"

A young official with a confident and haughty expression conveyed his will to them.

"From now on, you no longer have to stoop your body, bury your head deeply, or bow your knees."

"As far as we can see, we are the most honorable race!"

"Because we have the glory of the heavenly kingdom, and we have the most powerful king in the three mountains and one hundred regions!"

"Once Upon a Time Wang Yongshou!"

The voices of countless Taos in Taidu merged into a huge wave.

Wang Yongshou in the early days.

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