I have a magical world

Chapter 354: Do something big [please subscribe]

Chen Xuan made Baron Bezos put aside his worries in a few words.

His expression was visibly relieved.

He picked up the wine glass in front of him and took a long sip.

"Don't be happy too early."

"Your task now is to select the 15,000-man garrison to support Attucks as soon as possible."

"Before setting off, I also plan to clear out the surrounding caves."

"There should be enough time."

Chen Xuan ordered loudly.

Immediately, he also picked up the wine glass and took a sip of the slightly cold wine.

Don't worry, love is behind your back, he continued.

"By the way, how many language instructors have been trained by the Mage Tower?"

The previous trilingual plan has been implemented for some time.

It should be starting to bear fruit now.

Baron Bezos was also prepared for this, and he gave a relatively accurate answer after thinking for a while.

"There are 117 trilingual tutors, mainly entrusted to positions such as blacksmith shops and alchemy workshops."

"In addition, Ms. Ahn'Qiraj has officially set off for Attax two Naloa days ago."

After listening to his words, Chen Xuan nodded seriously.

Ahn'Qiraj Laud is not only his woman, but also the person in charge of the Magatan City's Mage Tower.

After she advanced, she was obliged to go to the nearest giant city to report to the higher-level mage tower.

At the same time, practice spells of corresponding levels in the Giant City Mage Tower and lay a solid foundation.

Normally, the study time will be 3 to 5 Naraya months.

Not too long, but not too short either.

After the study period is over, Jucheng Mage Tower will conduct an assessment.

Then based on the results of the assessment, it will be decided whether you are qualified to take charge of your own business.

Finally, they will be entrusted to a new position.

No longer responsible for the city-level mage tower.

Therefore, it was not surprising that Chen Xuan Ahn'Qiraj left Magtan City.

This was already part of the arrangement.

“How is the equipment installation going in the industrial area?”

He nodded and asked the next question.

Baron Bezos looked embarrassed.

"The installation work is all over."

"Two 100KW integrated air-cooled diesel generators are responsible for supplying power."

"But the training of operators has not been smooth."

"The workers you sent from that world cannot complete the relevant teaching work very well."

After this period of adaptation and running-in.

Baron Bezos is quite familiar with many Blue Star terms.

Encountering another problem, Chen Xuan couldn't help but frown slightly.

The difficulty in achieving initial self-production of military industry in Naroa is not only in equipment.

Even the production training of workers itself has big problems.

The ordnance production workers of the Burmese civilians do not have much cultural heritage.

Although he had rich practical experience, he could not effectively impart this experience to the first batch of workers selected from Magatan City.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Only the indigenous people have mastered the production technology and experience.

Only then can we take a new step.

In short, the transfer of skills from Burmese workers to indigenous workers counts from 0 to 1.

This is the most difficult part.

As long as the first batch of Aboriginal workers master the relevant skills, they can pass them on to subsequent Aboriginal workers in a more efficient way.

This is equivalent to going from 1 to N.

From nothing to something, from something to more, from more to essence.

This law of development also applies to Naroya.

Chen Xuan didn't have a good idea, so he could only try to use time to grind it out.

So he shrugged his shoulders and said in a helpless tone.

"We can only take our time."

"Be careful and try not to allow irreconcilable conflicts and disputes between the two parties."

Although both parties have entered into a contract.

But the subject of their contract is Chen, not each other.

The reason why they can maintain relative harmony is only because of the constraints of the contract terms.

However, constraints are not omnipotent. In the process of getting along, all kinds of frictions are naturally unavoidable.

These situations will hinder related progress.

"Okay, that's it for now."

"Tell Ophelia to come to me."

"I'm going to take her to the other side."

Chen Xuan stood up and gave instructions in a calm tone.

The other side of his mouth refers to Blue Star.

In this operation, he planned to take Ophelia with him.

Silver-level magic cultivation, coupled with many magic items.

Ophelia is strong enough to defend herself in a hail of bullets.

At least it won't be a hindrance.

Besides, Chen Xuan always takes care of her.

After being strengthened multiple times, [Flash in the same domain] can move several people it comes into contact with.

There is also the BUG-level ability of [Time Stop]. As long as he is a little more cautious, it is almost impossible to be hurt.

Taking this opportunity, I can take Ophelia to relax.

Previously, she had been on standby in Myawaddy, assisting in the training of mobilized soldiers.

Chen Xuan's original intention was for her to sneak into Ba'an City in Kelun State to solve Wu Lepa's matter.

Unexpectedly, Wu Lepa came to the door by himself and found Yi Qinnong, who was impressed by him first.

This makes Ophelia lose her usefulness.

So after that, Chen Xuan simply asked her to return to Magatan and be on standby.

Now, taking advantage of the opportunity to do things in Japan, I just happened to bring her with me.

Baron Bezos took the order and left. After getting up, Chen Xuan came to the terrace of the secret reception room and quietly looked into the distance.

Not long after, Ophelia arrived.

Chen Xuan briefly explained the itinerary and plans.

After Ophelia used [Disguise Powder] to change her appearance, Chen Xuan took her to initiate [Crossover].

He was delayed for almost half of the water clock in Magtan City.

Converted to Blue Star time, it's about more than two hours.

Half an hour ago, outside a large Internet cafe in the suburbs of Kagoshima City.

Several Toyota Crown sedans were parked here.

They were lined up in a straight line, leaning crookedly against the parking space.

Then he turned off the car lights almost at the same time.

In the leading car, there was a middle-aged man with a flat head wearing black toad glasses.

He sat in the passenger seat and glanced at the Internet cafe advertising light on the roadside.


"The location address sent by Boss Xiaoshan is here!"

"Everyone get out of the car and block the front and rear entrances and exits."

"Tokuda Teruyoshi, Yoshino Hideki, please accompany me in, don't hurt the eldest lady!"

These Crown cars are actually equipped with walkie-talkies.

The middle-aged man with a flat head picked up the walkie-talkie and quickly made arrangements for deployment and personnel transfer.

There was a response from within.

"Hey! Boss!"

Soon, the car door opened, and in addition to the driver, about a dozen people came out of the car.

The scope of Kagoshima City is not small, and the positioning of Chigako Koyama has been changing before.

Masayuki Koyama can only get location information every 15 minutes.

Under such circumstances, it took them almost two hours to finally catch up to the Internet cafe.

Chigako has been here for more than 30 minutes.

I think I should be hiding inside.

But it is not ruled out that people from the Shengshan Group are present.

In this regard, Xiaoshan Masayuki is cautious.

These cavalrymen transferred from Kagoshima locals all carried guns.

It was inserted into the holster, and was tightly covered by the jacket.

The Internet cafe occupies the entire first and second floors.

There are entrances and exits at the front and rear, and a safe passage on the side leading directly to the second floor.

At each of the three intersections, guards were sent to watch.

The little boss named Yamamoto led him to point out the two guys to enter through the main entrance.

They all wore black shirts with the word "春下" embroidered on their collars.

Yamamoto put his hands in his pockets and walked into the Internet cafe with his two younger brothers swaying their arms.

The network manager in front of the bar immediately stood up and took a look after hearing the noise.

After seeing the menacing three men, he immediately sat back and pretended that nothing happened.

Although the Yakuza is legal in Japan, this does not hinder its nature as a violent group.

It doesn't matter if ordinary people see the Yakuza in broad daylight, most of them just pass by.

But it's different at night.

At this time, those Yakuza members are often causing trouble.

If you are not careful, you can easily be affected.

The network administrator at the front desk is a young man working part-time wearing thick glasses.

Night shift is a hard job, and few people are willing to stick to it. Only these young people who are not afraid of hardship and tiredness in order to earn part-time wages are willing to do it.

At least there is free internet, breakfast, dinner and drinks.

After the young man sat down, he lowered his head and prayed secretly in his heart.

"Don't come here, don't come here..."

As the saying goes, whatever you don't think about comes to you.

This seems to have become a certain law, and it is very effective.

Several shadows suddenly appeared at the front desk, followed by two lingering shouts.


"Why don't you take the initiative to receive us!"

He raised his head tremblingly, and came over were the three Yakuza members just now.

The person who spoke was a horse boy standing at the side and behind.

Yamamoto, who was wearing a toad mirror, stayed where he was.

There was an unlit cigarette in his mouth.


"Do you want to go online?"

he asked as he stood up and bowed.


One of the gangsters slapped him on the back of the head.

The crisp sound attracted the attention of some guys who were surfing the Internet in the hall.

Japanese Internet cafes also have lobbies and private rooms, with fewer lobbies and more private rooms.

There are also hot water and washing services.

Many people come to stay overnight in private rooms because the cost is much cheaper than accommodation.

Several guys who were surfing the Internet in the lobby saw something was wrong and got up and left.


Even after being slapped on the back of the head, the young man did not dare to say anything.

I can only nod and bow my head to apologize.

At this time, Yamamoto suddenly spoke.

"Tokuda-kun, you are too irritable."

"I am a legitimate organization and a collaborator of the Metropolitan Police Department. How can I resort to violence against ordinary people?"

"Sorry, boss!"

The person who slapped him immediately bowed and apologized.

Yamamoto did not answer him, but looked at the young man pretending to be gentle.

He also took the initiative to help him straighten the crooked frame of his glasses.

"We don't go online."

"I came here this time to find someone."

"Well...a young girl."

After that, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and opened the photo of Chikako Koyama.

"You just need to tell me her location."

While Yamamoto was talking, the two boys stared at him fiercely.

This reaction was in sharp contrast to the gentle tone.

Young people are even more fearful and uneasy.

He pursed his lips for a moment before finally speaking in embarrassment.

"Sorry sir..."

"The company has regulations that we cannot disclose this information to others..."

As soon as these words came out, Yamamoto suddenly sneered.


"In this case, I can only check them one by one."

"I'm afraid you will receive countless complaints after tonight."

The young man had no doubt that Yama could do such a thing.

So there was a look of struggle on his face.

Seeing this, Yamamoto decided to strike while the iron was hot.

"We were entrusted by the girl's father to do something."

"So don't worry, there won't be any bad consequences from this."

"As long as you cooperate, tonight will still be a peaceful night."

After hearing his words, the young man fell silent, and finally made a compromise after more than ten seconds.

"In private room No. 03..."

After getting the answer, Matsumoto smiled evilly, turned around and left.

The private rooms here are divided into three categories: pine, bamboo and plum.

The highest-grade pine has only four private rooms, each of which is about 40 square meters.

The accommodation conditions are not much worse than those of a hotel.

Of course, the cost of accommodation is more expensive than that of a hotel.

Watching the three people leaving, the young man gritted his teeth and pressed the direct call to Song Room 03 through the network management terminal.

At this time, inside Song 03 private room.

Chikako Koyama was sitting by the bed, using the laptop she brought to check bank information.

Her mind was a little confused.

I don't know if this is the right thing to do.

My previous behavior of hanging up the phone would definitely offend my father.

Growing up, she never dared to disobey her father.

She knew the possible consequences of doing so.

Just when she was restless, the intercom on the computer desk in front of her rang.

Chigako Koyama was a little confused.

She closed her laptop and walked over in her slippers.

Only the network management can connect the intercom, mainly for feedback from the front desk service and some notifications.

Reduce the workload of network administrators and ensure everyone’s privacy.

Many people don't want to be bothered.

Coming to the computer desk, Chigako Koyama chose to connect.

"What's matter?"

she asked doubtfully.

After just a slight pause, the network administrator's slightly urgent voice came from the intercom.

"Miss, you'd better leave immediately!"

"Some Yakuza came to you just now with photos!"

"They are coming up the stairs on the left now, you can leave from the corridor on the right!"


Chigako Koyama was stunned for a moment, but she came to her senses after only a few seconds.

I don’t know if it was someone sent by my father or someone from the Shengshan Group.

She had no idea how her location was leaked.

Either way, this means things are getting serious.

Before she knew it, she seemed to have caused something big!

Carry the handbag and stuff the laptop into the bag.

He put on his sneakers and walked quickly to the door.

Open the door and walk to the right.

It was too late to doubt at this point.

At this time, a shout came from behind her.


She was shocked and couldn't help but quicken her pace.

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