I have a magical world

Chapter 323 The last marked point, the giant city of Atax

The original restraint relationship between the four magical lands happened to be a closed cycle.

The rough restraint relationship is as follows:

To restrain the fire element, you need [Water Element Orb].

To restrain the natural elements, you need [Fire Element Orb].

To restrain earth elements, you need [Natural Element Orbs].

To restrain the water element, you need [Earth Elemental Orb].

And so on.

If outsiders want to intervene, they must use violent means to obtain a certain corresponding material without resorting to elemental orbs, and then conquer and solve it step by step.

In other words, the biggest difficulty in cracking these four elemental lands is to break the cycle first-hand.

Breaking the cycle first and then joining it is the best way to conquer the four elemental lands of fire, wood, earth, and water.

The first element that Chen Xuan introduced was the lava lake.

That was the territory of the "Irritated Fire Elemental", and he didn't have the "Water Elemental Orb" at that time.

The key to breaking the situation lies in the liquid nitrogen that Chen Xuan carries with him.

Using this as a breakthrough, Chen Xuan completed the strategy of the Four Wonderful Lands.

And its complementary relationship is also very simple and clear.

Now Chen Xuan has collected enough materials from four strange places.

When harvesting in the future, as long as you follow specific rules, you can greatly reduce the risk.

However, there are still dangers in the elemental wonderland.

And even if you master the elemental orbs, there is still a law of complementarity and mutual restraint.

But unless Chen Xuan takes action personally, it would still be risky if someone else handles the matter.

And this risk cannot be reduced to 0.

So this matter still needs to be considered in the long term.

After thinking for a moment, he took one last look at Silver Lake and led the team away.

In order to collect [Elemental Orbs] and [Water Elemental Essence] from tens of thousands of water elves, he has been delayed here for three or four water clock hours.

Fortunately, all four circular marking points have been explored.

The only remaining unexplored marked point is the mysterious six-pointed star area.

Referring to the current location, Chen Xuan had to return and drive some distance in the direction he came from.

Then turn onto the right path.

This will be a relatively long journey.

You must know that it took him two or three water hours to drive from the exit of the Misty Canyon to here.

This time, I guess I would have to drive for more than two water hours to get to the last location.

Wait until you finish exploring the hexagram marking point.

The entire misty mountain range has no secrets for Chen Xuan.

And his intuition told him that that was the essence of the entire Misty Mountains.

So far, he has gained enough on this journey of exploration.

There are eight marked points in total.

Three of the star marked points are [Dark Gold Mine], [Mithril Mine] and [Orichalcum Mine].

The four circle marked points are the four elemental wonders including [Lava Lake], [Willow Forest], [Sirn], and [Silver Lake].

Chen Xuan gained a lot from the seven marked points mentioned above.

Then the last hexagram marked point marked as [extremely dangerous] by [Insight] became the top priority of Chen Xuan's expectations.

Of course, gains and efforts here are always directly proportional.

If you want to benefit from it, you must first solve the problems that may arise!

But no matter what, Chen Xuan was more hopeful than anxious.

Build mountains when you see mountains, build bridges when you meet water.

When you encounter a problem, you solve it.

He has never been timid before fighting.

With expectations and determination in his heart, Chen Xuan drove the GAZ half-track truck on the road to the last marked point.

During this period of time, Chen Xuan was busy working hard to open up two realms.

The giant city of Atax is also under construction in full swing.

A large number of previously sealed resources in the city have been unsealed.

Countless secret warehouses are opened.

Millions of people were urgently recruited to build the outer defenses of the giant city.

The local Adventurers Association, Mercenary Association, and Magic Association were all temporarily recruited.

Countless adventurers, mercenaries, and spellcasters were attracted by high rewards to join the temporarily expanded army of the giant city of Attax.

This move greatly supplemented Jucheng's military strength.

Outlying battle forts also sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

The aboriginal people of Naroa continent have the awareness of preparing for a rainy day.

Before a demonic disaster breaks out, a large amount of emergency resources are often reserved.

Now that the mobilization order has appeared, these resources have been quickly put to use.

They were transformed into defensive forts and fortification lines.

Provide extra chips for the giant city of Attax in the coming demonic disaster.

There are many people coming and going at the several gates of the giant city.

Many people did not disguise themselves at all, but only wore hoods to cover their faces. This kind of appearance is quite common among travelers.

There is no doubt about the practicality of the pocket.

It can not only block the wind and sand, but also cover the face to a certain extent.

After passing through many passes from the outer defense line, you can see the tall city wall standing outside the first circle of Attucks in front of you.

This is the strongest line of defense in the giant city of Attax, and it is also the first line of defense facing the giant city itself.

Compared with these towers, the walls of Magtan are like children's play toys.

The towers in the third ring of Attucks are hundreds of meters high, and are generally twenty or thirty meters thick.

The tower was wide enough for four or five carriages to run parallel on top.

Not only that, rest rooms and storage rooms were also built inside the tower.

This is also the origin of the name "city tower".

Both a building and a wall!

And as the perspective gradually approaches the giant city of Atax.

Everyone can see the light of runes on the city wall flickering rhythmically.

Those are high-level defensive runes and defensive magic circles.

When battle breaks out, they can provide additional defense for the tower and the garrison stationed above.

In addition, there are many shooting ports on the city tower, with magic cannons and rune giant crossbows mounted on them.

You must know that this tower will not be attacked by the enemy. It is a dragon turtle with thorns.

All enemies who dare to attack will be counterattacked.

As you get closer, this towering wall becomes even more majestic.

Especially when it extends in other directions, it feels like a head that cannot be seen at a glance.

To be honest, this is the proper territory that should have walls!

If Chen Xuan came here in person, he would definitely sigh like this in his heart.

Compared with this towering tower, which is a hundred meters high, most of the defense lines he has seen seem insignificant.

If you zoom out further at this time, you can clearly see the giant city as the center.

Many roads, large and small, radiate in all directions.

Like the spokes in a wheel.

There are several main roads corresponding to the city gate entrances in all directions of the tower.

There are more sergeants stationed there, many in number, and they are well matched.

There are all kinds of infantry, cavalry, crossbow archers, and spell casters.

In addition, there are many fourth- and fifth-level detection towers.

This type of detection tower can completely detect sneak targets within a certain range.

As long as the stealth level does not exceed the level of the detection tower, there is a possibility of being detected.

If you walk into the city gate at this time and pass through the more than 30-meter-long city tower passage, you will officially enter the giant city of Attucks.

On the ground in the city, all the main roads are hard roads paved with bluestone.

This kind of stone road is not smooth but it is strong enough to withstand intensive driving every day.

And this is just the outermost circle of Attucks.

As you go towards the center of the city, you will pass through the second circle, the first circle, and the core area one after another!

The buildings in the third circle look similar to those in Bangcheng.

It is basically a two- to three-story mixed stone and wood building, with an occasional sentry tower.

In addition, there are extremely tall stone towers with a height of three to four hundred meters everywhere in the city.

If you look around, there are at least hundreds of them. They are like pillars, inserted into the city.

There are many cables connecting different stone towers to each other.

There is a cable car like a square box running back and forth on each cable.

“What a guy, you actually use cable cars to form the city’s public transportation system!”

Not only that, there are airships of different sizes higher up in the sky.

Some small airships can take off and land directly.

As for large airships, they can only land at specialized airship ports.

Various types of mana shuttles and vehicles are also common.

Compared with a real giant city, Bangcheng looks like a small rural town.

This is the real big city from another world!

There are several cable car towers nearby.

In fact, this type of cable car stone tower occupies a very large area. When you get closer, you can find that they are more like a skyscraper.

There is a magic hanging basket inside, and the overall structure is similar to an elevator.

If you want to take the cable car, you must first go to the cable car tower.

Then go up to the cable car platform through the hanging basket, and finally wait for the arrival of the cable car heading in the designated direction.

The load capacity of these things is designed taking into account the weight of aliens.

All baskets and cables are reinforced.

With this kind of transportation, it can greatly increase the traffic efficiency in the giant city.

The most important thing is ease of management.

After all, there are many places in the giant city where driving or riding horses are not allowed.

As for flying, it is even less allowed.

Except for couriers, airborne scouts and those with special privileges.

The giant city of Attucks is closed to the air all year round. Any foreign flying target that enters may be shot down by various defense towers and giant crossbows.

The height of 100 to 1,200 meters above the ground in the city is a no-fly zone.

Usually you can only see the airships, magic shuttles, dragon eagle troops and a few special aerial knights licensed by the giant city wandering around.

Any other unauthorized flying objects and monsters at this altitude are subject to attack.

Even birds that approach the tower will be shot down.

Jucheng has already had an extremely rigorous process in place for internal defense.

This set of standards was implemented for hundreds of Naraya years. .

It is said that people become better with age, and a city can also become better if it is old enough.

The giant city of Attucks basically has no problems internally.

Even if there is, it has been exposed over thousands of years.

It can be said that this city has withstood the test of time, and many problems have long been solved or optimized.

Therefore, when coming to the giant city of Attucks, most people can only choose to take the cable car or walk.

Or just drive on a limited stretch of road.

However, for many people who come to the giant city for the first time, riding the cable car is a novel experience.

Sitting in the cable car overlooking the city is another kind of style.

Cable car charges are based on the station. Generally, the distance between the two cable car towers costs 2 to 3 crowns.

The price is not cheap.

Because after entering the city from the third circle, you need to transfer 8 times at the cable car tower to reach the second circle.

It feels a bit like changing to a bus at Blue Star.

In other words, if you want to take the cable car to the third circle, you will have to spend at least twenty or thirty kronor.

There are all kinds of people riding the cable car, and it always seems busy and crowded.

But they are like blood vessels that build a new ecology of communication between giant cities.

If you walk along the third circle toward the center, you can see the towering towers of the second circle.

Located on the cable car tower several hundred meters high, you can still vaguely see the edge of the first circle wall.

It is worth mentioning that the tower on the second circle is actually taller and more majestic than the tower on the third circle.

The accurate data of the height of the tower in the third circle is 125 to 135 meters.

The heights of different tower sections are slightly different.

Some are higher, some are lower.

The height of the tower on the second circle reaches an astonishing 165 to 180 meters.

The average thickness has also increased from 35 meters to 50 meters. It is really tall and thick!

Speaking of which, this is a typical layout that is tight inside and loose outside.

This layout shows the class differentiation in the city.

Ordinary people and poor people live in the third circle, while wealthy businessmen and minor nobles live in the second circle.

The great nobles live in the first circle.

As for the ruling class, they definitely live in the core area.

Maybe there are many manors in the first circle.

The "simple and unpretentious" life of the nobles of Naroa continent.

Everyone has a luxurious manor.

Compared with the third circle, which covers the largest area.

The first and second circles are like the real core and prosperous areas of the city.

This is also the essence of the giant city of Tuckers.

The third circle is more like the result of years of population growth and expansion.

After all, most of the human kingdoms and giant cities in the Endless Continent have an ancient history of thousands or even thousands of Naraya years.

Under such circumstances, the degree of class solidification can be imagined.

And because of the external causes of the invasion of demonic disasters.

Whether it is a giant city or a state city, it has great defensive potential.

The average starting line of three city wall defenses is definitely an exaggeration.

In this regard, even state cities like Magtan are no exception.

In the second circle, not only the towers are taller and stronger.

Even the soldiers guarding the city looked more elite.

The magic arrays and runes arranged are not only more numerous, but also of a higher level.

There are also various types of rare city defense equipment.

By analogy, the defense level of the towers on the first level of Attax City is definitely more terrifying.

However, when a demonic disaster breaks out, the defense pattern should be adjusted.

Changing from internal defense to external defense is almost inevitable.

Otherwise, the current giant city of Attucks would not actively build peripheral battle forts and defense lines.

Only by blocking the defensive positions outside the city can the defenders' advantages be maximized.

At this time, in the city hall of this magnificent city.

A meeting is being held urgently.

...(End of chapter)

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