I have a magical world

Chapter 217 The Fall of the Third Circle [Please subscribe]

The monsters outside the city were hit one after another by 107mm rocket launchers and individual cloud bombs.

The flames never stopped after they started.

Facing such a huge momentum, both the monsters and the Magatan defenders couldn't help but feel surprised.

Explosions, shock waves, high temperature and high pressure, and blazing fireballs illuminated the city outside the city.

The rolling heat flow radiates to the surroundings along the trajectory of the ground shock wave.

After the explosion expanded to its limit, the fire gradually subsided.

Centered on the explosion point, an area with a radius of about thirty meters was reduced to scorched earth.

The beholder whose normal level is level three to level four was destroyed by this energy level attack and turned into a stiff, carbonized corpse.

The deflagration draws out the air within the range, and the temperature and pressure prevent external airflow from quickly influxing into the filling chamber.

This turned that area into an oxygen-free high-temperature purgatory.

Viewed from a distance, the air there is distorted by the high heat.

It will take at least several minutes for it to cool down enough for airflow to resume.

This is still in the open ground. If it is used to attack a fortress, it may turn the entire fortress into a hell on earth in an instant. Even if it escapes the high temperature and shock wave, it will be difficult to escape the damage of hypoxia.

Even if you can barely breathe while hiding in the depths, you still have to endure tremendous pain.

The hot air can burn the respiratory mucosa the moment you breathe it in.

This is why breathing difficulties often occur in fire scenes. In addition to harmful gases, most of the time it is due to the influence of high temperature and high pressure. Every breath is like swallowing sulfuric acid.

For monsters, a high temperature of over 2500°C is enough to be fatal.

At this time, the garrison commander Nasram was holding a spear to fight off a dog demon.

He raised a shield with one arm and withstood the collision of a black-backed pig.

Only then did he have time to look outside the tower where the explosion occurred.

Two or three hundred meters away, the aftermath of the impact that hit me was still hot, just like the sweltering feeling when you suddenly walked out of a cold cellar in midsummer.

"Terrible power! It's comparable to high-level fire magic."

Nasram couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart.

At any rate, he had served on the Kingdom's front for more than ten Naraya years.

I have seen the performance of high-end military force by both the natives of Naroa and the demons.

No matter in terms of power or attack range, the individual cloud explosive bombs are remarkable.

And there seems to be no threshold for this level of attack.

It was simply launched by Ophelia holding a tubular launcher called a "bazooka".

Needless to say, Nasram also knew that this must be the handiwork of the mysterious master.

On the high tower, the two women were also frightened by the power of the individual cloud bombs.

Ophelia was seen gently touching the fiberglass cylinder body that was emitting heat due to the launch, her mouth was slightly open, and her face was full of knowledge.

Just one cloud blast bomb just now wiped out at least a hundred beholder demons!

This greatly reduces the monster's long-range attack strength.

Indirectly relieves the defensive pressure on the tower.

Most importantly, it gives Ophelia the ability to kill large groups of monsters across levels.

This is also the biggest advantage of Blue Star's modern weapons, that is, it is less difficult to get started.

At least this is true compared to the threshold of cultivation in the extraordinary world.

However, local advantages cannot change the overall disadvantages.

Shortly after the individual cloud bomb was detonated, a certain section of the city tower's defense line was completely occupied by monsters.

The swarm of monsters outside the city were like the dark tide that had found its outlet, rushing crazily towards the gap in the defense line.

In most defensive battles, as long as there is a first breakthrough, it means that the entire line of defense will become in danger.

"Reinforce your defenses and retreat to the streets behind you."

"Open magic energy shields in all battle forts to buy time for the defense line to be closed."

"The longbow team and crossbowmen all retreated to the second circle of towers, and the mage team acted simultaneously."

Nasram's spear was stained with blood, and he raised his hand to pat the magic transmitter on his chest.

Then his voice came out from the loudspeakers located all over the defense line, mixed in with the noisy sound of fighting.

Watching the monsters pouring in from the gap in the tower like an overflowing tide.

This forced Ophelia, who was preparing to assemble the second cloud bomb, to stop early.

The tower is not far from the city tower, and with the speed at which the monster spreads, it will soon be surrounded by the tower.

The preparation for launching a cloud bomb requires at least two or three minutes.

This is because Ophelia has silver-level magic cultivation and is relatively strong, so she can complete team operations alone.

This high tower is regarded as a forward sentry point and command post, with a height of about 100 meters.

Rapid zip lines are set up in all directions to enable timely evacuation.

Seeing that something was wrong, the two women decisively used space storage jewelry to put away all the firearms.

And he came to the ropeway facing the rear and slid down with the wheel set.

Shrinking the defenses was a huge test for the garrison on the front line.

Every minute, people are killed by monsters.

When the entire city tower fell, the monsters' numerical advantage was finally brought into play again.

One after another, they crossed the tower and entered the third circle.

No one knows how many people will be able to safely retreat to the second circle of defense in the end.

The only ones on the front line that could still resist were the battle forts.

Each battle fort has raised an independent magic energy shield.

They are like rocks in the dark ocean, bearing the impact of despair one after another.

On average, each battle fort contained approximately one squadron of garrison troops.

I have to say that they are all real warriors.

Standing on the tower of the battle castle, looking at the densely packed monsters below, no matter who you are, you will feel a sense of despair like being trapped on an isolated island!

At the same time, the evacuation of the third circle was underway.

In the underworld, the two major forces, the Coolie Mule Gang and the Broken Finger Gang, unite closely under Chen Xuan's instructions.

They assisted the Qingqi Battalion in evacuating civilians living in the third circle.

At the last moment, one more person can give you more power to resist.

Fortunately, most of the supplies had been transferred before the monsters officially attacked.

After the tug of war just now.

On the southern battlefield, more than 100,000 monsters were killed in the process of breaking through the city tower, and more than 30,000 were lost.

Most of them are goblins, black-backed pigs, and dog demons.

Climbing the highest wall and receiving the most severe beatings are their true portrayal.

In addition, the few beholders suffered heavy damage from the bombardment of that cloud bomb.

This way of forming a fixed ethnic group can easily be disabled in a battle.

The main garrison only had about 14,000 people.

Among them, there are more than 1,600 longbowmen, more than 500 crossbowmen, and about 12,000 garrison troops guarding the city tower.

To be able to achieve this result is already considered very good.

After all, the number and average level of monsters are there.

Even though the southern front has achieved more results than expected, the remaining monster clusters are still like mountains and seas.

The numerical advantage is still evident.

However, after the defense line shrinks, the defense density of Magtan City will be further increased.

The biggest variable at present is the batch of monsters that "airborne" directly into the first circle, with a total of about 30,000 monsters!

This has led to the current embarrassing situation.

The defenders in the first circle left their fighting positions and went to support the castle.

The second circle became the only buffer.

If you compare Magtan City's defense system to a multi-layered egg.

Then the third ring layer is the eggshell, the second ring layer is the egg white, and the first ring layer is the egg yolk.

The Baron's Castle is the center of the egg.

As for the temporary defense line outside the city, it was barely a layer of dirt.

The current situation is that the monsters are attacking from both inside and outside.

The monster outside has broken through the eggshell and is heading towards the albumen area.

The monster inside rushed directly to the location of the yolk, preparing to attack the center of the egg.

The situation is not complicated, but it is very critical.

In this unequal war, it would be abnormal if the monsters could not win.

It's nothing unusual to win.

Throughout the history of Naroa, there are records of demonic disasters breaking out in almost every place.

For a state city, there are only a handful of cases that can withstand [Medium Void Teleportation Channel]-level demonic disasters.

Everyone knows which outcome is most likely.

But everyone in Magtan City had no choice.

Even if you die, you must kill as many monsters as possible and bring a few backers with you.

Kill one to earn one, kill two to earn a pair.

Anyway, death is inevitable, so it is better to fight first and then die.

With this awareness, death is no longer scary.

Unfortunately, determination to resist alone cannot turn the tide.

The miracle of Magtan City has not happened at least until now.

Inside the castle of Baron Bezos Chebman.

At this time, the castle has truly fulfilled its original intention of building it.

The towers everywhere were filled with archers.

With Axl Manor as the boundary, several surrounding blocks have become a gathering place for monsters.

As early as when the mutation first occurred, the defenders stationed in the first circle rushed to the castle in a hurry.

Originally, only about 1,200 garrison troops were stationed here.

As the first circle of defenders was gradually replenished, the final number reached more than 5,600.

The closer to the core area, the smaller the scope of the defense line, and the fewer garrison troops left.

Being able to gather a garrison of more than 5,000 people at the castle in a short period of time is already considered good.

In addition, the castle also has an independent defense system.

Including a well-maintained magic energy generating device. However, its strength and scale cannot be compared with the large shield covering the direction of the tower, but it is enough to completely protect the castle.

At this moment, the conference hall in the castle.

Several magic projections are projecting the situation in several areas of the city from an overhead perspective.

You can often see ravens flying in and out carrying letters.

The situation on the southern front battlefield was reported to the castle from the moment the tower collapsed.

At the same time, the picture transmitted also included the Akso Manor in the first circle.

The chaotic magic there turned into a mist, blocking most of the vision.

Baron Bezos looked ugly. Through the existing pictures, everyone discovered that most of the demons in this monster army were different from the monsters that descended from the void passage.

They all seem to be native monsters from local caves.

This means that they have already laid a foreshadowing in the city and are ready to divide their forces to attack!

"Ansetus! It is indeed you!"

Facing the faint projection, Baron Bezos gritted his teeth and said.

What followed was deep worry.

More than ten minutes have passed since the light pillar of the Gray Flash Altar appeared.

It's not that the monsters are too arrogant and deliberately leave them with buffer time.

But for group operations after the number exceeds 10,000, assembly and preparation are essential.

We can't let more than 30,000 monsters attack in all directions.

Any large-scale team formation will basically take a certain amount of time.

Therefore, there is actually not much time left for preparations in the castle.

The current strategy is simple.

On the one hand, continue to enhance the castle's defense.

On the other hand, more garrisons were dispatched from the second circle to support.

However, this support may not be as effective as it should be.

Because of the lack of favorable geographical factors, the garrison actually suffered a huge disadvantage in the face-to-face confrontation.

Even if some of the disadvantages can be offset by forming a formation, the numerical advantages and disadvantages of both sides have already been determined here.

The total strength of the garrison is only 20,000 to 30,000 people, and the number of monsters dominating the first circle is more than 30,000, which makes it difficult for the Magatan City side to attack them in turn!

Fortunately, the backup teams all have magic tears in reserve, which is one of the few advantages they have.

Baron Bezos looked confused when he thought of this.

"If the master is here..."

Shaking his head, he didn't think much about this idea.

The monster's attack seemed urgent and fierce.

No one could figure out what prompted the monster to launch a strong attack in such a short period of time.

The motive for the dragon's attack was its coveting of the master of the law.

These are not something that Bezos and others can understand. After all, the gap in levels lies here.

Just as everyone in the conference room was mobilizing their troops, the melodious horn sounded.

"woo woo woo woo…"

It is different from the previous trumpet sound.

This time the blast was short and urgent.

"There has been a strange movement among the monsters from Axl Manor to the Library Block!"

The messenger brought bad news.

At the same time, the group of monsters in the projection screen also officially started.

They passed through an area of ​​rippling black mist.

This means that the "airborne" monsters have launched an attack on the castle!

Ansetus Axel still wore the high-collared cloak.

The face was covered with tiny purple-black scales, and the horns on the top of its head shone with a cold light.

His original wise eyes were long gone, replaced by reptile-like vertical pupils.

The four-winged magic eagle under his crotch flapped its wings gently, allowing him to rise into the air and direct the monsters to move forward.

These monsters did not come from the void passage across domains.

It was a monster that was dormant in the caves around Magtan City.

There are also two guardian-level monsters among them, but they are subject to the influence of the cave level. These two guardians are not fifth-level, but fourth-level, but they are stronger than the regular fourth-level monsters. The most important thing is They all possess certain intelligence and can exist as command nodes.

Looking at the baron's castle close at hand, Ansetus' expression became even more indifferent.

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