I have a magical world

Chapter 132 The Drowsy Venue [Half Revision Version]

Just when Chen Xuan quickly sneaked into the venue.

Surapai and Burmese representative Suoqi Duzheng accompanied the main members of the PBS camera crew to sit behind a row of long tables.

There are microphones and Burmese Eagle bilingual shikas placed in front of everyone.

The flash light came on accompanied by a series of "click" sounds.

The banquet has not officially started yet, and it is still in the interview stage to shape public opinion.

Sulapei, who was wearing a green J uniform, and Sochido, who was wearing a dignified uniform, had several speeches printed in advance in front of them.

At this time, Surapai was reading the manuscript into the microphone in Burmese.

There were obviously hundreds of people present, but there was a sense of drowsiness.

No one interrupted at the scene, and the scene was like watching the principal deliver a speech in front of the stage when he was young.

The PBS crew members sitting in the seats looked embarrassed.

They all had a slightly stiff smile on their faces.

Fortunately, this is not the first time they have participated in such boring entertainment and they know what to do.

Judging from the number of speeches, Sulapei and Sochido had to read for at least ten minutes.

At present, Surape has been reading the manuscript for a long time, and he has just finished reading half a chapter.

Except for reporters and bodyguards, all the heads of major parks in Myawaddy came to the scene with their assistants.

Everyone is dressed in formal attire, their hair is meticulously combed, and they look like successful people.

Among them is the manager of Jinxin Park——

——Xiong Haibo.

He was holding a glass of red wine, and beside him was a female assistant with an Eastern European face, fair skin, and a deep-collared evening gown, holding his arm affectionately.

Almost all the leaders of the surrounding parks brought male or female companions with them.

But at this time, Xiong Haibo didn't have many charming thoughts in his mind.

He just stared at the American reporters with names like James, Irving, Cody, Aaron, etc. on the cards in front of their desks.

Xiong Haibo had already inquired in advance, and the four of them were responsible for the interviews in the park and hospital.

And today we have finished visiting the first stop, KK Park, which should now be called KK Garment Factory.

As one of the parks under direct control, production there has been completely "stopped" and it is perfectly disguised.

Unless American reporters search carefully, there will be no clues.

If the real and cruel Myawaddy Park is shown in front of these reporters, I am afraid that even if they temporarily agree to keep it secret, they will immediately use the materials at hand to expose it when they return to Bald Eagle's homeland.

It's not based on the so-called sense of justice, but at that time, exposure is far more popular and gimmick than turning a blind eye to a documentary.

These two almost determine the future of the journalist profession in the United States.

As for Jinxin Park, in the final analysis, it is because Xiong Haibo is too greedy and unwilling to cooperate in acting.

This guy is trying to find a simpler and cruder way to solve the problem at hand.

Surape was actually quite dissatisfied with his personal adventurous idea.

However, considering Xiong Haibo's background and his "shares" in Jinxin Park, it was decided to let him try to "contact" reporters in person.

See if we can get James and the other four to skip over there.

The recent online gambling project in Jinxin Park has attracted quite a lot of money.

In terms of profitability, it is even close to surpassing the old pig farming project.

After comprehensive calculation, even if there is only a partial shutdown, millions of dollars in profits will be lost every week.

As a large-scale park with annual profits of hundreds of millions of dollars, white money is flowing there every second.

Other parks such as Yulong Bay Golden Rosewood are also dominated by Xia people.

Although I am somewhat dissatisfied in my heart.

However, he still took certain disguise measures and fully cooperated with DKBA to perform the show well.

Try your best to create a prosperous and peaceful Myawaddy.

Only Xiong Haibo, who is greedy to the core, is unwilling to give up this part of the interests.

He is actually a weirdo among all the "heroes".

But speaking of it, the reason why this guy was able to rise up in Burma and climb to the top of the local armed forces was also thanks to his own greed.

Without this inner drive, he would not be where he is today.

Xiong Haibo's life is now free and happy, and there are thousands of "piglets" in the park making money for him.

There is also a group of soldiers brought out by Guo [*], plus well-trained armed guards.

His obese first wife stayed in Guogan under the pretext of his excuse.

He has a great mind for food and money, and the money he earns can perfectly satisfy all the material desires of his original wife.

Both sides are just using each other.

Just talking about the talent for “business” and the energy devoted to the park.

Xiong Haibo is far better than Bai Ying, a playboy who got into the park management position by relying on his father's relationship.

Of course, not many of the park’s “big bosses” who can appear at the venue are fuel-efficient lamps.

Everyone present has their own agenda, and each has different ideas and purposes.

DKBA's Surapai is to obtain the full support of the Burmese military government in order to have a legal status as soon as possible.

Maybe you can still catch up with next year's selection for Panzhi, and even if you don't become the chief officer, you can still strive to enter the federation.

Since the Aung San family came down, the slightly famous warlords from various places have begun to make moves again.

The Myanmar government wants to embrace the Bald Eagle's lap, try to completely solve Myanmar's internal problems, establish a joint government as soon as possible and ask for assistance from the United States.

Assistance in ordnance, medical care, education, infrastructure, international trade and other aspects are all urgently needed by Myanmar.

However, the so-called joint government is definitely still a team of the bacterial government.

Local armed forces such as Ka*chin, Ka*lun, Ko*gan, and Mongla will definitely not be able to carry the flag.

The people in charge of the park and Fanzui Group just want to continue making money here.

The relationship between the two parties is like maggots growing on a piece of smelly meat.

Therefore, the atmosphere at the scene was somewhat strange.

When Surape put down the last page of his speech.

The smart guy was the first to applaud.

Then there was thunderous applause in the venue.

The PBS reporter smiled awkwardly and clapped his hands.

In fact, they did not understand what Su PL was saying at all, and there was no simultaneous interpretation at the scene.

The DKBA people just gave them a few English versions of the manuscript.

After all, they are all drafted in advance.

At this time, Suo Qidu coughed lightly, picked up the manuscript and started reading it again.

At the same time, an elite bodyguard in civilian clothes wearing a black suit quietly came behind Surape with his headset pressed, leaned over and spoke in an unintelligible voice.

"Report, the Security Department discovered something unusual."

"You turn on your phone and they've already sent the video."

After finishing speaking, the bodyguard stood up straight again and stared at the venue warily.

This is half of the revised version of the original Chapter 130.

I didn't dare to send it all, so I could only send it out while changing it, and I could send out as much as I could.

Otherwise, I will be forced to suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder, but background modifications actually have a 48-hour cooldown!

Editors are on vacation again.

I've had enough today.

In the future, most professional titles will be replaced by other homophones or alternative names.

If there are any irregularities, please bear with me.

The main storyline will also be slightly adjusted in the future, and ZZ content will be avoided as much as possible.

To be outrageous, I said in this chapter that every recovery (Jun Yang) will be harmonized.

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