I Have a Little Black Hole

Vol 2 Chapter 574: Concerns about the safety of the earth

There should be so many pulsars in the universe. Why are they only discovered on Earth until now? The main reason is that the capital investment and technical requirements are too high, and most countries do not have the capital and technology to build radio telescopes.


Take the Sky Eye of our country as an example. It took 22 years to design and cost more than 1.2 billion RMB to build it. This is still a radio telescope fixed on the earth and a radio telescope that can be launched into space. higher!


   Although it is said that radio telescopes detect the electromagnetic signals of cosmic objects, radio signals are not as easily affected by the atmosphere as optical signals. The role of radio telescopes is the same regardless of where the radio telescope functions. It is mainly used to detect cosmic objects.


   But the star area that a radio telescope fixed on the earth can observe is limited, which is incomparable to the area where a radio telescope is launched into space for observation!


However, the 8 high-power radio telescopes planned to be launched by the Deep Space Laboratory of Infinite Gravity Group can form a huge array of radio telescopes in space, and the star area that can be observed will become very large, looking for pulses. Star speed will be faster!


   "Haha! Then we have to confirm whether the nebula where the small black hole is located is in the Milky Way. If it is not, it will be no good if we find a pulsar that can be located in the future!" Lei Tiantang said with a smile.


"Even if it is not in the galaxy, we cannot say that we have no hope. We can almost certainly say that there are many extraterrestrial life in the universe, and the technology of those extraterrestrial life may be advanced to our planet by tens of thousands or even higher. Millions of years!


   With such advanced technology, their spacecraft technology must also be very advanced. It should be very possible to create spacecraft that can sail across rivers.


So even if the spacecraft manufactured by our company cannot sail across rivers in the future, we can still use our spacecraft to dress up as interstellar pirates, as long as we can successfully grab a spaceship that can sail across rivers or Technology, then we can shorten our research time by slowly analyzing their technology!


Of course, we can’t do things like flying directly to the earth to pick up the boss with such a spacecraft. No one knows what kind of positioning system such an advanced civilization can load on their own spacecraft. The location is exposed, then our trouble will be big!


   So we would rather hide away slowly to analyze their technology, than to save trouble and expose our position. After all, we don’t believe that those alien civilizations that can develop to such advanced civilizations are developed through peace!


   If our position is exposed, maybe people will directly cross the river system to kill us or destroy human beings and occupy a living planet. What is even more frightening is to sell us as slaves or commodities.


   That way, even if you are the boss, you are not immune to it, so I have always wondered what people on earth think that aliens are gods!


  Especially the governments and people of the old American countries were so stupid that they collapsed. It would be an exaggeration to install a golden disk that can locate the earth's position on the Voyager system detector!


   They even sent a plaintext signal directly into the universe, hoping that their alien father would find out the location of the earth, and then come to spoil them, it was speechless! "Quafu said with a smile.


For Kuafu’s worries, Lei Tiantang also agrees very much. The destiny of mankind should be in his own hands, rather than expecting the kindness of aliens. Therefore, Lei Tiantang also strongly agrees with Kuafu’s pirate theory. Of course, the initiative must be in your own hands!


   The universe is like a dark forest. You don't know what exactly exists in this forest and whether there is a stronger opponent than you. Hawking once advised us not to expose the position of the earth, because you don't know the consequences of exposing civilizations. If there are other civilizations, it will bring unpredictable consequences to the earth.


   If there are other advanced civilizations, broadcasting your position in the universe is like lighting a torch in the dark forest, revealing your position to all those hidden in the dark.


   However, we have already broadcast our existence to the universe a long time ago.


   Pioneer Nos. 10 and 11, launched by the United States in 1972 and 1973, flew out with missions to the depths of the universe, carrying information about our civilization. A gilded disk was specially installed on this aircraft, which contained a letter to alien civilization, the image of human beings, and the position of the earth in the solar system.


   The purpose of the Voyager 1 spacecraft launched in 1977 was also to explore the universe. It happened that it also flew out with various information about the Earth.


This time the assembly is a gold-plated record with a diameter of 30.5 cm. On this record, the old NASA deliberately uses greetings made in 60 languages, specially selected famous songs, and 113 photos of local customs in various regions of the earth. And a telegram from the American president at the time to other civilizations in the universe.


   In September 2013, NASA announced that it had confirmed that Voyager 1 had left the solar system and flew into the universe with information about our civilization.


The strongest exposure of the earth’s civilization was on May 24, 1999~www.wuxiaspot.com~, an organization used the Ukrainian Yevpatoriya radio telescope on the Crimea Peninsula with a diameter of 70 meters to point 4 satellites 50 meters away from the earth. A sun-like star ~70 light-years away emits radio signals. This is the first time that human beings have consciously and purposefully carried out interstellar broadcasting to the universe.


   This time the frequency of transmission is more than any previous time, and it is repeated several times. And this time, the transmitted signal includes the shape of human beings, DNA, the position of the earth, and the shape of the radio telescope.


   Human civilization is still in a state of exploration. We don’t know what exactly exists in the universe. If human beings are not the only life in the universe, the launch of Earth coordinates may bring rapid development, but it may also be a devastating blow.


Lei Tiantang has always despised these so-called'scientists' who can be described as surrenderists or kneelings. For their so-called ideals and beliefs, these people use the future destiny of the entire earth as a bargaining chip. Gambling, it's not an exaggeration to describe it as a ball rape!


   If their actions really cause trouble to the earth, Lei Tiantang will definitely get rid of them immediately before solving this trouble, and even now he has the idea of ​​solving these flies first when he thinks of this matter!

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