I Have a Little Black Hole

Vol 2 Chapter 540: The social responsibility of Infinite Gravity Group!

His reply received a lot of likes in an instant, because such talents are the most, don't you know the benefits of learning knowledge?

Do not! Of course you know, but knowing is one thing, and doing it is another thing. The word "knowing easy and hard" is very suitable to describe this state.

Of course, there are still many netizens who are very interested in this topic, because if it were not for the reminder of the original poster, everyone would not have linked the 10 billion RMB spacecraft design competition with the 60 billion RMB year-end award. stand up.

These two news stories themselves are hot topics, and now they are actually linked together. Of course, the heat exploded in an instant. Many media began to discuss this topic enthusiastically. After all, this topic seems to be really very relevant nowadays. Representative!

Infinite Gravity Group's artificial intelligence level is the highest in the world, but they have only now begun to cautiously put such advanced artificial intelligence technology into the market, and now they have customized an artificial intelligence system for the police system.

The same is true of intelligent robot technology. Household robots are obviously limited in many functions, otherwise they can definitely let many people laid off!

And adding these two together is not a matter of one plus one equals two!

Had it not been for reducing the impact on society, Huaxia could now officially enter the era of artificial intelligence under the leadership of Infinite Gravity Group!

This topic was once again driven by the news of Infinite Gravity Group. Many media have invited experts to reinterpret the impact of their company's spacecraft design competition on the future.

And a scholar said "The Social Responsibility of Infinite Gravity Group in the Age of Artificial Intelligence! "The signed article published under this title has been recognized by many people.

"The fourth industrial revolution represented by artificial intelligence is here, and the artificial substitution effect it triggers cannot be compared with the Internet.

Robots can directly replace human labor, such as more mechanical work, a considerable part of manufacturing industry workers, etc., and hardly create too many new jobs.

Many people have not realized that all occupations with a single skill may be replaced by machines. Voice recognition has replaced the stenographer. In recent years, electronic police is more effective than security. In many communities, camera recognition of license plate numbers has replaced the past. Swipe to enter.

The manual customer service of e-commerce and express delivery industry has been replaced by machines. The "cashierless supermarket" of a certain supermarket group made the shopping crowd cheer. Customers only need to install a specific app without queuing or swiping the card at the counter, just take the goods and leave.

The intelligent system will automatically determine and deduct money from the user's bank account. This experience is like free robbery, making consumers hooked!

This is an upgrade of the consumer experience, but the paradox is that the cashier loses his job, thereby reducing the ability to shop. This is like a quantum collapse phenomenon. The relationship between technology and happiness is also the same. When you see happiness, you are behind Some things are collapsing.

In the future, only those non-standard jobs that require intuition and creativity, such as art design, planning and organization, are irreplaceable. The famous thinker Marx believes that exploitation is the main cause of poverty in the working class, which in turn leads to underground consumption and overproduction. .

In the intelligent age, efficient machine production can meet the basic needs of more people. Factory owners may not even have the will to "exploit" people, because robots work better than ordinary workers.

The population who has lost purchasing power can share the basic welfare from the abundance of machine production. By then, will ordinary humans who have no worries about food and clothing achieve freedom? Maybe it is possible, maybe not.

Because you don’t have the ability to create value, you won’t be recognized by others if you don’t have the ability to create value. What kind of negative state will those without value enter? Maybe they will reorganize into a circle and live a lifestyle different from the smart world.

In the face of the intelligent revolution, the government should grasp the priorities and balance the areas related to the national economy and the people’s livelihood. Large companies should also take social responsibility in the development of technology, think more about social responsibilities, and strive to embed artificial intelligence technology into social development, not Put the development of artificial intelligence itself above society!

The Infinite Gravity Group has done a very good job at this point! The first artificial intelligence system provided externally is the [Excalibur] artificial intelligence system customized for the police!

With the launch of this artificial intelligence system, our domestic people's sense of security and sense of gain instantly rose to a higher level. This is the best manifestation of their company's good sense of social responsibility!

So advanced robotics technology limits them to household robots, so that we have time to adapt and change ourselves, and will not be laid off due to the large-scale deployment of intelligent robots to the market, which will trigger economic and social problems. turmoil!

This is also a manifestation of Infinite Gravity Group's sense of social responsibility!

So now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Infinite Gravity Group spends an astronomical prize of RMB 10 billion this time to host such a design competition, in order to stimulate our interest in science! Isn't this a manifestation of social responsibility?

Although they hold such competitions for the promotion of their company and to screen new blood for the company, I hope that the more competitions that encourage the use of knowledge to create wealth, the better!


This scholar's article has won the support of many people. After all, this is an obvious thing. The Infinite Gravity Group does this. You don't know how to make it black if you want to be black.

Of course, there are also a lot of people in the Black Gravity Group, because now many companies see their company upset, MMP, by the end of the year, don’t you guys want to promote yourself?

Your Infinite Gravity Group is good. Waves from the left and the right dominate the hot news. We will endure you with a prize of 10 billion yuan. After all, even if we are unhappy, we will not pay such a big price. Such a game.

But now that you are so hot about year-end awards, we all really can't bear it!

Okay! Now the whole world is discussing your company’s 60 billion yuan year-end bonus. Employees of our companies now even look at us as bosses with contempt!

It seems that the companies in the world are the biggest party of your Infinite Gravity Group! How can you let us tolerate such a situation? If we can't beat you again, then we can add a little more heat to your news. After all, black and red are also red!


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