I Have a Little Black Hole

Chapter 339: 4 star company's black data exploded!

Li Dabing hesitated a little about his proposal. Now it is a war between the two companies. If their four-star company develops the war to the national level, can the Bangzi government bear it?

With their company's influence in the stick country, their four-star company can indeed allow the government to join the war and use sanctions to attack the Infinite Gravity Group. Li Dabing also very much wants to agree to this proposal.

But what if the Chinese government is also involved? You must know that a large company wholly owned by Huaxia people like Infinite Gravity Group will definitely be protected by the Huaxia government, let alone a company with world influence!

The Chinese government will never sit back and watch the unreasonable sanctions imposed by the government of the stick country! If the Huaxia government also adopted reciprocal sanctions against their four-star company, it would be a big blow to their company! We must know that their four-star company has invested a lot in China!

Although the Huaxia government may not take reciprocal retaliatory measures against the Huaxia employees of their companies in Huaxia, because they don’t want their company’s employees to be unemployed, it is not afraid of ten thousand but just in case, if it really reaches that point, The loss of the four-star company is definitely greater than the loss of Infinite Gravity Group!

"Forget it, don't take this step for now. If you really want to do this, then our four-star company must also be prepared. At the very least, we must obtain the support of the company's major shareholders. Sanctions are of little use! If American dad and his followers are willing to sanction together, then the Infinite Gravity Group cannot afford it!"

Li Dabing still rejected the tempting idea of ​​immediately letting the Bangzi government sanction the Infinite Gravity Group, but he did not give up this option, and even wanted to bring more countries to impose sanctions on the Infinite Gravity Group!

"In this way, you let the company’s publicity department begin to discredit their company. For example, their company’s robots will collect user privacy, foreign versions are inconsistent with domestic versions, etc., as well as products of other companies under their group companies. Black places are black again!

Let me see if the sales of robots and other products have dropped, can they continue to fight with us so hard! "Li Dabing thought for a while and ordered.

Such operations are routine operations, and he himself understands that if the Infinite Gravity Group does not do this, he will despise them.

Kong Yu laughs here, regardless of what Li Dabing thinks, anyway, the company’s propaganda department has sent elites from the group company, and everyone began to contact various media to remove all the blackmail from the four-star company they found. All the materials were sent to them, and the money was sufficient. You must know that their boss granted them 1 billion US dollars in promotional expenses!

The famous media all over the world are climaxing! Such generous customers are rare, and even news media of anti-China forces will not refuse such a large sum of money! Capitalists' morals are basically that whoever gives more money is the god, and they are just trying to gain attention when they are anti-China. If someone pays attention to their advertising prices will be higher!

And this time, the four-star company and the Infinite Gravity Group have had a large-scale war. Such news has already attracted the attention of the people who eat melons. What's more, Infinite Gravity Group is still willing to spend money to build momentum!

And can the four-star company fight back? When the price is high, they will help whoever hacks their opponents. They have learned from the people from the Infinite Gravity Group's propaganda department who came to them to negotiate the contract. Their boss has granted them 1 billion US dollars in propaganda fees! What a big piece of cake!

The reason for disclosing this figure is that the benefits of doing so are too much! First of all, if these media want to make more money, they must use their best efforts to black four-star companies, otherwise they will not make more money.

Secondly, from such a huge sum of funds, you can see the strength of Infinite Gravity Group and its determination to attack the four-star company. These media should take this into consideration when choosing the camp. If they choose to help the four-star company to hack them , Will it allow a lot of money to flow from one's side to the competitor's side?

So for a time, the black materials of the four-star company began to explode on a large scale, whether in newspapers, on TV and on the Internet! Anyway, the four-star company has been developing for so many years, there is too much black history, just find one and then various interpretations!

And in order to obtain the next publicity fund from Infinite Gravity Group, they have to make these news tears of men and women! The professional sprayers raised by various media began to use all their strength to spray this time! In short, in their writings and words, a company like a four-star company simply does not go bankrupt and sorry to the people of the world!

Four-star companies have a lot of well-known black histories. A large domestic network media published an article titled: "Four-star companies' black history (1)!", look at how the article is written!

"Bangzi people are well-known in the world. Whether it is sports events or business competitions, they always like to engage in small moves behind the scenes. As a "state-owned enterprise" of the Bangzi country, the four-star company has naturally inherited a lot of "good genes". How disgusting is it!

1. Selling teammates is handy!

During the period from 2004 to 2007 ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Four Stars joined Sanyo, Sony, and Panasonic to form a cartel alliance to monopolize the lithium battery market, raise the price of lithium batteries, and exchange sensitive business information with each other.

As the antitrust situation intensified, things finally came to light. Sanyo was fined 97 million euros, Panasonic was fined 39 million euros, and Sony was fined 29.8 million euros. And four stars, even a dime is not fined!

Why? Because it was reported by four stars. Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Four Star turned around and became a "stain witness" and decisively sold three teammates, not only making a fortune but also avoiding punishment.

The reason for the four-star trick is that it is not the first time it has been played like this. In the early years, in order to monopolize the LCD panel, Four Star teamed up with AUO, LG, Chi Mei and other companies to hold a "crystal meeting" once a month to exchange market information and manipulate LCD panel prices.

When facing antitrust review, Four Stars played this trick and took the initiative to expose teammates in exchange for avoiding punishment. As a result, several other companies suffered huge fines, with AUO alone fined 300 million euros. After that, the Panasonic mobile phone, which was so popular in China, disappeared.

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