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There are a total of ten groups in the second round competition, which is much smaller and the speed of the competition is much faster than the first round.

It didn't take long for the second round to be over, and the number of participants dropped from 20 to 10, but the remaining players are relatively strong.

Because I don't know which one will be his own Rival in the next round, Yuzu is watching other people's games very seriously after his game is over.

A few people’s Pokemon left a deep impression on Yuzu. They are all well-known figures among the Pokemon participating in this competition.

Needless to say, Robert and his Baltoy, who were very strong in the first two rounds, also have a Numel.

This Numel's Aptitude is not conspicuous, just Yellow, but its level is very high, with a full level of 38, which is almost the highest level among the Pokemon in this competition.

And although this Numel looks dull and silly, but it's unambiguous in the fight, the trick Flame Burst is very skillful.

Flame Burst is already the Intermediate Rank Ability in Fire Type’s Attack Ability. The formidable power is not bad. This is very conspicuous among a group of Pokemon who are still using Primary Rank Ability. (Ability with formidable power below 60 is Primary Rank Ability; formidable power above 60 includes 60, and below 90 is Intermediate Rank Ability; formidable power above 90 includes 90 is Top Rank Ability. This rating is only used for Attack Type Ability , Not used for changing Ability.)

There is also a Shuppet which is also very powerful.

The Ghost Pokemon is notoriously difficult and weird. This Shuppet uses its erratic silhouette with Ability Shadow Sneak and Will-O-Wisp, which is very difficult to deal with.

And this Shuppet is not only green in Aptitude, but also in Level 30, which is strong.

The Contest Category of the third round competition came out soon. Yuzu's Rival is a boy named Oda. The Pokemon he used in the second round competition was an unusual Snorunt.

This time Yuzu's game was not as far ahead as the second round, but the last group. The first group was still the same as the second round, Robert.

The Pokemon used by Robert's Rival is a Grass Type Cacnea. This kind of Pokemon is very common in the Hoenn Region, which has a large desert area.

Robert still solved the game cleanly.

In fact, the strength of this Cacnea is not weak. After all, it is the Pokemon that can reach the third round. How will it not be weak? The main reason is that its Rival is too strong.

Then Numel and Shuppet and their Trainer also successfully advanced.

The two players in the fourth group did not perform very conspicuously in the previous games. They advanced to the game in a satisfactory manner, and finally won by a Gulpin Trainer.

The last is Yuzu and Oda.

Speaking of Oda, he is probably one of the weakest players who have advanced from the second round. The Snorunt is not high in Aptitude or Level, and Oda himself does not have much combat experience.

However, in the game against Yuzu, Oda did not use the Snorunt, but instead released a Bug Type sweet firefly.

Originally, Yuzu watched him release a new Pokemon, and thought that this sweet firefly would be stronger than Snorunt, but the strength of the two Pokemons is almost the same, the same level, and the same Aptitude.

If she insisted on speaking of which, Tian Tian Ying had some advantage in race. In fact, she was not at all in strength from Snorunt. Yuzu easily won the game with Floette.

The end of Yuzu and their group of matches means that the third round is over, followed by the fourth round.

There are 4 players who can participate in the 5th round, which means that one player will have a bye.

The order of the competition is drawn by the referee of the competition, namely Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny and the boss of the organizer.

They take turns to draw 2 slips of paper with the names of the contestants each time, and the one drawn by a referee is each other's Rival.

The order of the game came out quickly. The first group was Robert, and his Rival was the Trainer with Numel; the second group was Yuzu and the Trainer with Gulpin; and the Shuppet Trainer had a lucky bye.

Robert's game ended very quickly. His Baltoy was so strong that he didn't give Rival any room during the game.

Although the Numel of Rival was outstanding in the previous game, it was forcibly beaten by Baltoy without the slightest strength to fight back.

This Numel loses because its Aptitude is only yellow-rank, which is too far behind the young Peak Baltoy.

But Robert's Baltoy is so strong and Yuzu is not surprising at all. Aptitude is high, Level is high, Ability is skillful, and the Trainer works in a tacit understanding. It is strange that such Pokemon is not strong.

Then comes the Yuzu Yuzu game.

Yuzu Rival is a male child named Kiyono. He looks very young. He has a round Doduo baby face and looks very cute.

His Pokemon is a Gulpin, and his strength is not very strong. Even Cacnea’s Trainer and Oda, who were eliminated before, are not as strong as the Trainer of Numel, who has just been eliminated, but he walks smoothly and smoothly. Arrived in this ranking.

At the start of the game, both sides released their own Pokemon. It is no surprise that Gulpin was still on the opposite side. Yuzu also sent Floette as the Pokemon for this game as always.

"Gulpin, use Acid Spray."

As soon as the prelude of the game was kicked off, a group of purple liquid shot from Gulpin's mouth Spit Up moved towards Floette with extreme speed.

As a Fairy Type Pokemon restrained by Poison Type, Yuzu knew that if he ate this Acid Spray bluntly, Floette would immediately be cold.

"Floette, use Fairy Wind."

With an order from Yuzu, Floette immediately rolled up a pink Horacio all of a sudden and smashed the Acid Spray moved towards him.

One blow didn't work, Kiyono immediately wanted to order Gulpin to attack again, but Yuzu didn't give him a chance.

"Floette, magic leaf."

Four magic leaves shot straight at Gulpin like blades, and Gulpin, who was about to launch an attack, was immediately interrupted by Ability.

Yuzu was very satisfied with Floette's attack, and the timing was just right.

As Yuzu and Floette get along longer and longer, the tacit understanding between them is getting stronger and stronger. In the past, Floette could not understand Yuzu's intentions so easily.

After being hit by the magic leaf, the chubby Gulpin rolled on the ring for several laps before stopping. After stopping, it was still dizzy and did not find its direction.

Seeing Gulpin look like this, Yuzu did not let go of the opportunity and ordered Floette to send another magic leaf. Kiyono intentionally prevented it, but Gulpin did not react at all, and was immediately hit and immediately lost the combat capability.

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