I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 276 273. The Intruder

"Even if there is such a way, you will tell us?"

"If you don't want to hear it, then I won't talk about it." Hermione looked at them dissatisfied. If she didn't want to help Lynn find out who was behind the command of the basilisk, she wouldn't be ready to do such a serious job. What about violations of school rules?

"No, no, of course we want to hear, tell us, Hermione." Harry and Ron begged together.

Hermione said calmly, "All we need to do is go into the Slytherin common room and ask Malfoy a few questions without letting him recognize us."

"That's impossible," said Harry, and Ron laughed, and they thought Hermione was joking.

"No, it's possible," said Hermione, "we just need some Polyjuice Potion."

Ron and Harry looked at her without speaking, but the two confused eyes showed that they didn't know what it was.

"A few weeks ago, Snape mentioned in class—"

"Don't you have anything more interesting to do in Potions than listen to Snape?" Ron muttered.

Hermione ignored him and continued.

"The effect of this soup is very simple. It may turn you into another person. If the murderer is really Malfoy, he will definitely not hide his own life experience with his personality. None of the students of Raitlin will know it's us, and Malfoy will probably tell us everything."

"I think the compounding thing is kind of hanging," said Ron, frowning. "What if we become three Slytherins and never get back?"

"The potion will wear off after a while," said Hermione, waving her hand impatiently, "but it's hard to get the formula. Snape said it's in a book called Powerful Potions, and it must be in the book In the restricted area of ​​the library."

"Restricted book area? You need a professor's approval to borrow books there. There is no reason for us to borrow this book." Harry shook his head.

Hermione glared at them with hatred: "The solution is thought up by people, so can't you use your brains to think about it?"

Harry and Ron stood there and thought about it seriously, but they still couldn't think of a solution.

Hermione could only speak her own mind in the end.

"Can we go to Professor Lockhart for a note?"

Harry and Ron looked at her in disbelief: "But you just said that you suspect that Professor Lockhart is the real murderer?"

"What does this have to do with us going to ask him for approval notes?" Hermione said, "Among the current professors, Professor Lockhart is the one who approves the most student approval notes, because he assigns too many homework, At the same time, we have to consult a large amount of information, many of which are in the restricted area, and I have heard the administrator Mrs. Pince complain about this many times in the library."

"But we want to borrow the book "Power Potion", which has nothing to do with Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Have you been paying attention to the class recently? What did Professor Lockhart teach us in our Defense Against the Dark Arts class?"

Although Harry and Ron didn't listen very carefully in class, they still knew what was being said.

"The habits, dangers and countermeasures of magical creature ghouls."

"Then how to solve the chronic virus of the ghoul? How to detoxify in the simplest way? What specific materials are needed to prepare the antidote? Do you know these?"

Harry and Ron were not too stupid after all, they heard what Hermione meant.

"You mean we use that as a reason to ask Professor Lockhart for a loan slip?" said Harry.

Ron was pessimistic: "I don't think Professor Lockhart looks so stupid."

"If you don't try, how do you know you won't succeed? Even if we fail, we won't lose anything." Hermione said.

They discussed for a long time on the road, and finally decided to try Hermione's method.

Afterwards, they returned to the Gryffindor lounge, which was full of Gryffindor students, and they were all chattering about what happened tonight. When Harry and the others came in, the entire lounge was suddenly overwhelmed. After a moment of silence, all eyes turned to them.

The next moment, the little lions surrounded them like locusts, asking them about what happened tonight.

The three of Harry only felt that everyone around them was talking and couldn't hear anything clearly, so they could only squeeze out of the crowd and returned to their dormitories.

On Lynn's side, he was heading to the principal's office with Dumbledore.

"The basilisk is actually not difficult to deal with. Its eyes are the most powerful thing, and Fox is an immortal phoenix. It can help us peck the basilisk's eyes blind. After that, any professor in the school will Can handle it."

Dumbledore nodded, and he agreed with Lynn's statement: "The fact is indeed true. I don't know why the basilisk didn't kill the students this time, but we can't pin all our hopes on the mercy of the enemy. Who We know whether it will kill us next time, so we must catch it as soon as possible for the safety of the students."

When they were talking, they had already reached the entrance of the principal's office.

As soon as they arrived here, Lynn and Dumbledore discovered something was wrong at the same time!

The stone monster guarding the entrance seems to have been violently changed at this time, and a long trace was dragged on the floor of the corridor. The stone monster also lost its consciousness, and it was more than two meters away from the entrance. The position does not move.

Immediately, Lynn and Dumbledore's expressions changed!

Such signs clearly indicate that the principal's office has been violently invaded!

Lynn subconsciously wanted to run into the principal's room to see if something had been stolen, but Dumbledore stopped him with a solemn expression, and then stopped Lynn's question that was just about to blurt out.

Dumbledore walked towards the stone monster that had been loyally guarding the headmaster's room, took out the old wand, tapped it lightly, and whispered a spell.

Soon, the stone monster seemed to wake up, and Dumbledore was obviously relieved.

"Someone violently entered the principal's office, Principal Dumbledore." The stone monster said in a muffled voice.

"Did you see who he is?" Dumbledore asked in a deep voice.

"No, he didn't show up, he just cast an extremely powerful confusion spell on me, and then let a huge snake drag me away."

The stone monster didn't provide them with any useful information, but just this was enough for them to guess the real reason for tonight's attack.

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