Who else but him would open the chamber and release the basilisk?

Even according to the progress in the original book, Tom in the diary at this time is still bewitching Ginny, absorbing her vitality to restore his own strength, and he has not had time to guide her to open the secret room, not to mention that the diary is now in his hands. superior.

Lynn can be sure that after the diary fell into his hands, he did not leave his side for half a second, except for the one time he took it out in the professor's office to communicate, and it was always in his pocket.

Only Parseltongue can open the Chamber of Secrets, and only Tom in the diary knows the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets.

However, it cannot be ruled out that other accidents happened, and Lynn has a few guesses in his heart now.

There are three known Parseltongues in Hogwarts, Tom in the diary, Tom in the ball, and Tom in Harry!

These three people can actually be regarded as one person, and they are all pieces of Tom Riddle's soul.

Now the main soul of Tom in the ball seems to have been successfully brainwashed by Lynn, but Lynn can use the system to brainwash him, so the diary Tom, who is familiar with his childhood character, might as well wash him back.

He deliberately put the small ball Tom and the diary Tom together every day, just to test whether the small ball Tom's character has really changed, and will not return to the original evil Tom because of other bewitching.

So is it possible that the little ball Tom was bewitched by the diary Tom again, and the two have worked together to release the basilisk in the secret room in some way, and the previous play was just for him to see?

If this is the case, then there is a problem that cannot be avoided.

Whether it is Diary Tom or Little Ball Tom, they have no ability to leave their soul-hosting things. How did they open the secret room?

There is also a possibility that there is a problem with the soul fragment hidden in Harry's body.

From the original book until the finale, the soul fragments hidden in Harry's body have never been revealed. He has never revealed that he has self-consciousness except that Harry has a part of the picture, thought and ability to share with Voldemort.

Now that he has captured Voldemort's main soul, will there be an accident with the soul fragment in Harry's body?

Did he control Harry's body, open the chamber, and let the basilisk out?

If this is possible, what is the purpose of Tom doing this in Harry's body?

Sitting under the Slytherin statue, Lynn was puzzled by the disappearance of the basilisk. It was obvious that he had moved fast enough. He was about to attack the basilisk in the third week of school. Who else will open the secret room in front of him?

He searched back and forth in the secret room a few times, but he didn't even find a snake skin, as if there was no basilisk in the Slytherin secret room at all.

It's almost dawn outside, and today is the weekend. I'm sure there will be a little wizard urinating and entering the bathroom on the first floor to see the entrance to the secret room.

There was no other way, Lynn had to seal the cock's mouth again, and then left the secret room.

After he climbed out of the pipe, he asked Tom to say "close" in snake language to the entrance, and closed the secret room again.

Myrtle was still crying in the bathroom, as if she hadn't cried enough all night, when she saw Lynn crawling out of the pipe, she asked choked up.

"What did you find in there? Treasure?"

Lynn shook his head, he stared at Myrtle: "No, the treasure was taken away, do you know who did it?"

"What's the problem with you? Are you suspicious of me? I'm a ghost. What use are the gold and silver treasures used by the living to me?"

"That's not what I meant, I just wanted to ask, you stay in this bathroom every day, have you noticed any other suspicious people coming here a few days ago?"

Myrtle stopped crying, she recalled: "No, there are a few newborn girls who have come here to go to the toilet, but they only come to the toilet, and only once, and will not come next time. Who says I stay here every day? It's just because I died in this place that I miss it, but that doesn't mean I'll live here every day."

Lynn didn't ask for any useful clues from Myrtle, he could only leave the girls' bathroom with the cock in his arms, and Myrtle was crying behind him again.

"You must be thinking that I'm useless, right? But what can I do? I'm just a ghost."

It's about five o'clock in the morning now, and since today is the weekend, most of the little wizards are still sleeping.

Lynn put the rooster and the long sword back into the professor's office first, and didn't go back to the bed to make up for sleep, and now he couldn't sleep even if he let him sleep.

He took his wand and started wandering around the castle, and he still had a little bit of fantasy.

Maybe the basilisk didn't know which pipe in the castle to eat mice in the middle of the night, and fell asleep while eating?

He wandered from four in the morning to nine in the morning, and many little wizards who had woken up saw him and greeted him without finding anything.

One night and half a morning of futility forced Lynn to accept this reality.

The Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets is really missing!

He returned to his office, sat in a chair and raised his head in thought.

This is troublesome. The most crucial part of Lynn's original plan in the third grade is the basilisk.

He not only has to solve this danger in advance, but also relies on the deed of killing the basilisk to improve his prestige in Hogwarts and lay a solid foundation for taking over his leadership of educational reform.

As a result, the basilisk is gone now!

If someone solved it in advance, it would be fine. There are still many ways to gain reputation. There is no shortage of this one. The key is that it is inexplicable.

The original book failed to kill people because of various coincidences, so what about now?

Lynn unconsciously drew messy lines on the blank parchment, and after thinking for a long time, he couldn't come up with a good solution.

There are two main problems he is facing now. One is that the basilisk is likely to appear at any time and attack him or the little wizard at Hogwarts. The Tom in him, it could be the Tom in Harry, it could be someone else, what was his purpose?

"Hey, when did you come back?" Just as Lynn was thinking, Xiaobu walked out of the bedroom in the office with a doll in his pajamas and rubbing his eyes.

Lynn came back to his senses and glared at her: "Why did you sleep with me? Are you still sleeping until now?"

Xiaomai said confidently: "Ian and Cedric today invited you to do your homework in the library. In order not to reveal anything, I didn't sleep until the middle of the night when I was preparing for the third-grade transfiguration preview!"

"Sorry, I'm the one who blamed you." Lynn didn't express the emotions in his heart, as usual.

"It's okay, I forgive you." Xiaobu sat down in front of Lin En with her bare and tender feet happily, and reached out her hand to pick up the breakfast she brought her.

Lynn slapped her paw off with a slap.

"Go to wash first, then change your clothes. In the afternoon you go to see Ian and the others, and I'll go with you."

Xiaobu looked at him suspiciously while holding his little red hand: "Since you are going to see them, why are you taking me with you? I want to lie in bed in the afternoon."

Lynn pinched her face, which was already a little baby fat.

"You either sleep or eat every day like this, and sooner or later you will become a little fat girl."

Xiaobu broke free from his clutches and quibble: "I weighed myself, and now it's only 31 kilograms, which is two kilograms heavier than before! This is natural growth!"

Lynn didn't listen to her sophistry and explained to her: "In the afternoon, you change back to yourself in front of them, and I'll introduce you to them."

"Why? If you introduced me to them, wouldn't my previous efforts be in vain?"

"Your poor acting skills can't deceive them at all. Sooner or later, you will get through the gang. It's better to take the initiative to tell them and ask them to help cover. I won't have time to deal with other troubles."

Omi was keenly aware of other meanings in Lynn's words.

"You didn't go well last night?"

"It'd be fine if it just didn't go well." Lynn rubbed his forehead with a headache, "This has nothing to do with you, after I explained your identity to them, if you have any questions about learning magic, just ask ask them."

"Then did you tell them that you are Professor Lockhart?" Xiaobu asked.

Lynn shook his head: "I have to hide this from them. I have made an agreement with Dumbledore about being a professor and cannot disclose it to others."

"The key to transforming a dead object into a living one is to endow the original dead object with spirituality, which is the so-called spirituality in the mind of the shapeshifter that the living object he has transformed possesses.

For example, we normal people think that monkeys like to eat bananas, so the monkeys we transformed from dead objects naturally like to eat bananas. But if a wizard's recognition of the monkey is biased, he thinks that the monkey should like to eat steak, then the monkey he transformed using Transfiguration will naturally like to eat steak instead of bananas. "

Library, Lynn offers an example of an explanation for the Transfiguration assignment Professor McGonagall left them.

Ian nodded, and then wrote the example that Lynn said into his paper.

"Your recent state is very strange. Sometimes you make some very basic mistakes when using magic, and sometimes you are very knowledgeable like a professor."

"I do have something to confess to you about this." Lynn got up and raised his eyebrows and said to them, "You should have done almost all your homework, right? Why don't we go to the Black Lake? I'll give it to you. Introduce someone."

Ian and Cedric looked at each other, they packed everything on the desk, and followed Lynn out of the library.

"In other words, Ian guessed right, that Lynn who was a little dumb before was not you." On the way to Black Lake, Cedric couldn't help asking.

Lynn spread his hands and said, "Yes, it's not me who has appeared in front of you most of the time since the beginning of the school year, but someone else."

Ian complained: "The acting skills of the pretender you found are too poor. I found something wrong at the beginning. Later, when I was having lunch, I tried him with a tomato, and he leaked."

Cedric looked at him in surprise: "Have you tried it yet?"

"Lynn hates tomatoes, even when he cooks for us, he subconsciously doesn't use tomatoes, but last time I handed that fake Lynn a sandwich with sliced ​​tomatoes, he just took it and ate it."

"You're observing too carefully." Lynn looked at him with vacant eyes. "It's not that I hate tomatoes, but I'm not used to eating them as vegetables. In my opinion, I always think they are fruits."

"Since you found out, why didn't you just say it?"

Ian said: "Because sometimes you will become normal again, so I guessed that the fake Lynn should have been specially found by you for what purpose. I didn't know what you planned, so I didn't take the initiative to see through it, but Wait until you tell us the truth."

Cedric shrugged: "It seems that the day is not too late."

Lynn looked at them and smiled apologetically: "Sorry, I didn't intend to hide this from you, but I have an agreement with an elder that I will do something else this year, so I can't stay for a long time. class at school."

Cedric patted him on the shoulder: "It's okay brother, we know you didn't mean to deceive us, but if you encounter any difficulties and need our help, you must speak to us, but you can't forget us. "

"My current status as a duke still has some status in normal society. If you need anything, you can come to me." Ian also said lightly.

Although Lynn suspected that he was avenging himself for calling him his father last year, he was still very moved.

"Don't worry, if there is a need, I will definitely not be ashamed to trouble you."

They came to the Black Lake, because today is the weekend, so there are still couples in twos and threes by the lake, but their attention is on their boyfriends and girlfriends, and they don't pay attention to Lynn and the others.

Xiaobu turned into a human body in front of Ian and Cedric.

"Hello two brothers, I'm Lynn's cousin. My name is Sophia Basak, but you can call me Xiaobu. This is the nickname Lynn gave me." Introducing herself, Lynn was very pleased that she had a rare performance that did not embarrass herself.

Ian and Cedric were very surprised when they saw Xiaobu.

"I remember Lynn, didn't you say that you were an orphan in a Muggle orphanage?" Cedric asked in confusion.

Lynn briefly explained some of his background to them.

"Do you remember the house elf who attacked Ian in first grade? My parents were both wizards, but because of some accident I was sent to a Muggle orphanage not long after I was born, the house elf. Kazumi is my family, and he did the various attacks at Hogwarts to protect me."

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