I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 579: Doctor Baker

After another section of gravel road, the SUV finally entered the city of Nuuk.

As the largest city on Greenland, it is also the administrative center of Nuuk, where about 17,000 people live. In China, this may be the number of two communities, but it is already dense on this island. After all, the third largest city of Greenland, Ilulissat, has only 5,000 people, and the whole city has a total of Six policemen, in fact, locals are also more used to calling all cities except Nuuk as settlements.

Although Nuuk is small, it has all the internal organs, and I don’t know if it is affected by Denmark. The colors of the houses on the coast are also varied, and they are available in red, blue, yellow and purple. Just like the fairy tale world, the city’s various infrastructures are quite perfect. The location of the wharf is the most lively. Fishing boats come and go, sending a basket of fresh seafood just ashore.

Fisheries and mining are also the economic pillars of Greenland, and probably because of summer, the snow in the urban area is all gone, and there are yellow flowers blooming on the roadside, swaying in the wind.

Songjia parked the off-road vehicle outside a convenience store, bought two cups of hot cocoa and padded his stomach, a cup to drink for himself, and a cup was handed to Zhang Heng, who thanked him for taking the cocoa, but when Songjia took his cup After drinking, he found that Zhang Heng didn't touch another cup at all.

"Don't you try it?" Song Jia asked, "It's delicious. Especially in winter, the temperature here will drop below zero. At that time, drink a cup of hot cocoa, there is nothing happier than this. Now."

"I'm a little allergic to cocoa." Zhang Heng casually found an excuse to hide.

Greenland is a completely strange place for him, and he came to investigate things 18 years ago. Although he did not tell others before he left, he was not sure if Koronos would have any means to know him. After all, he is the agent of the former, and Cronos is himself as his guardian angel, always haunting.

In addition, Zhang Heng surveyed Song Jia’s resume. After contacting the plane, he didn’t find any problems with the girl, but he wouldn’t relax his vigilance. Know that his current opponent is not only the player but also the gods, so many Things cannot be judged according to common sense.

"Oh, sorry, I should ask you before I buy." Song Jia quickly apologized.

"It doesn't matter. If there is nothing else, let's proceed to the business."

"Okay, it's close to the University of Greenland. Let's go to the school first and see if he is there."

Song Jia replenished the hot cocoa to replenish her energy, and then drove the SUV to the University of Greenland, but she asked the students of the school to ask before she realized that Baker had just left here not long ago.

Although both sides regretted to miss it, Song Jia also knew where Baker was now, and soon took Zhang Heng to Baker's residence.

Dr. Baker’s house is close to the sea and can see sunsets and sunrises, and because of Greenland’s unique geographic location, the ratio of day to night is also amazing. Taking the current example as an example, in summer, Greenland has more than 21 hours of sunshine, so although it is already six o'clock in the afternoon, the sky is not darkened at all. On the contrary, in winter, Greenland will have only three hours of daytime.

"Huh." Song Jia tweeted after stopping the car.

And Zhang Heng on the side also looked around, "What's wrong?"

"I didn't expect his clinic to close so early." Song Jiadao explained afterwards. "Dr. Baker's residence is with the clinic. The first floor is where he received the consultation, and the second floor is his bedroom."

"Does he have a wife or child?" Zhang Heng asked as he opened the car door.

"No, he usually lives alone. It is said that he had recruited a young girl to receive patients when he first came, but later found out that the clinic had no business, he resigned and reduced costs, plus The other salary received by the University of Greenland can only be considered to last."

Song Jia turned off the engine and got out of the car, and came outside the closed door of Dr. Baker, but then she found that Zhang Heng, who was very active in this matter along the way, stood still next to the car without moving.

Song Jia followed Zhang Heng's eyes and saw a row of glass windows, "Oh, there is a tavern, do you want to come here for a drink when you are busy?"

"Let's talk about it later." Zhang Heng was undecided, withdrawn his gaze, and came to Song Jia's side.

The latter took a breath and then reached out and knocked on the door.

Nothing happened in the room.

"Don't he come back directly after get off work?" Song Jia whispered softly, adding some strength to ensure that it could be heard by the people inside.

However, there is still no response.

So Song Jia went to the window on the west side of the hut~www.wuxiaspot.com~ put her hand on the window and looked in, but she soon regretted this action.

Zhang Heng heard a scream, and then saw Song Jia quickly retreated two steps, but did not pay attention to the **** of the foot, almost did not roll down from above, but at a critical moment, a hand dragged her back.

"Are you OK."

"I... I'm fine." Song Jia was obviously still in a state of shock, and Zhang Heng quickly found the reason for her screaming.

This is because a middle-aged man about fifty years old is standing behind the translucent curtains, looking at them coldly, there is no blood on his pale face, Song Jia just estimated that he was opposite his face. Together.

"Dr. Baker?" Zhang Heng raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, that's Dr. Baker's right. I didn't expect him to be at home, and he was on the first floor. Why didn't he come to open the door just now?" Song Jia had already stood firm now, out of fear. After she was relieved, she and Dr. Baker knew each other. Just now the latter just stood by the window.

Afterwards, Zhang Heng saw that Dr. Baker also moved. After a while, the door of the room was finally opened, but he didn't go out. He stood behind the door and said something in Danish.

Zhang Heng had already spoken in English before waiting for Song Jia to say, "I feel that I have a problem with my spirit. I often feel nervous for no reason. I can't sleep normally at night and sweat. I heard that you are the only one on the island. Psychologist, let Song Jia take me to see you."

Dr. Baker frowned and looked at Zhang Heng. After a moment, his eyes moved to the travel bag in Zhang Heng's hand. "Are you a tourist?"

"Yes, not long after he got off the plane, I picked him up at the airport." Song Jia said.

"come in."

Dr. Baker said nothing more, and finally gave up from the door.

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