I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 432: Instant noodles with juice

Zhang Heng himself was not too entangled in the rankings. His goal was only to enter the top 50 at the beginning, so unlike other players, he only played two agent war copies.

However, the scores from these two games still brought him back to the top of the list.

As soon as Zhang Heng left the lounge on the second floor of the bar, he received several messages on his hind feet, basically congratulations to him. The first one was from the black swan, and it was full of hints.

"Handsome guy, I opened a bottle of red wine for you at home. Would you like to have a drink?"

The second one is from a rabbit.

"Ha ha ha ha, I really want to see the expression on the face of the siege in February. It is true and false. You are too strong. The first round of the agent war has only played two games and surpassed everyone? Do you know the history of the β that is below you? Do you know it? It ’s also very good. No, just think about it and be happy. Those guys in the light arc also have today. I have to carry my mother to have a supper. You have to tell Li Bai that good news! "

Considering the conflict between the previous consortium and the arc of light, it is obvious that the rabbit is so happy for no reason. And the third message is from Ding Si of Fulou, with only one sentence.

"Brother is terrific, we have a new batch of props, and I will send you a brief introduction to see if you need anything."

In addition to this, there is a message from Shen Xixi, her content is much simpler, but congratulations to Zhang Heng, but in the end I still could not hold back the feelings of emotion, "You got three thousand points in the first round. No matter how, how can I achieve 3.9 at the same time? "

Zhang Heng turned forward and found a message from Chen Huadong, which surprised him. I thought Chen Huadong knew about it, but found that the content was only, "When I return tomorrow morning, I will walk by the overpass next to the school and bring me For pancakes, add a sausage. "

Zhang Heng has been pulling the information list to two days ago, but she has not found any information about Fan Meinan, and she has not seen her on the list. Although everyone has entered the ID by herself, there are countless idles these days. The child-dried melon party has long found everyone on the list.

In addition to the extremely mysterious β, people who have not revealed any news, basically, the remaining people can already be seated in pairs, and there is no Fan Meinan among them.

Considering the identity of the latter Rocky's agent, she did not bother not to participate in this agent war, then now there are two possibilities, or Fan Meinan did not enter the top 500, which is a bit unlikely, although Fan Meinan Her strength is unknown, but there is no reason to get out in the first round just by her deceitful tricks, and you must know that she is standing behind Rocky, the first evil **** in Nordic mythology, and the Marvel blessing. Even now, the names of him and his brother Sol are still known.

From this point, it ’s very likely that β, which does not know where it suddenly came from, is related to Loki, but if β is Fan Meinan, there is no reason for β not to contact him after the first round of the game. .

Zhang Heng recalled the last time he met with Fan Meinan. It was almost two months ago. Since then, Fan Meinan has never contacted him. Therefore, Zhang Heng prefers Fan Meinan to have any trouble now.

Or more accurately, Fan Meinan has encountered trouble from a very early age, which is why she left home and ran to the city a short distance to live alone, even if she did not return home during the Chinese New Year.

Fan Meinan is still waiting on the reward list of the three guilds because of being implicated by the sunglasses woman. Therefore, she also needs to be cautious in her daily life. Her foothold and whereabouts are secret. Zhang Heng and she were basically Both were on the phone and WeChat. Now she can't be contacted by these two channels. Zhang Heng didn't know how to find Fan Meinan for a while.

As a result, Zhang Heng's mobile phone vibrated again, prompting him to receive a message.

Different from the information that Zhang Heng received before, there is nothing in this message. There is only one place. Zhang Heng glanced at the number, which he did not know.

But after seeing the above address, Zhang Heng raised his eyebrows and seemed to think of something.

Uh ...

Fan Meinan got dressed, and walked through some dark corridors outside the door, trying not to make people who were sleeping on the edge of the corridor walk to the stairs. He glanced back and confirmed that no one found her, so he slipped downstairs.

I walked through a small garden and parking lot. Fan Meinan saw the back door, which also meant that she was very close to her destination.

Fan Meila lowered her coat's hood, blocked her face, walked from the guard in the duty room in front of the night shift, turned a corner, and finally saw the lights of the 24-hour convenience store.

She pushed in and walked in. It was four o'clock in the morning. There was no one in the convenience store except for a salesperson. Fan Meinan turned around the shelf and first took the instant noodles with fresh shrimp and fish plate flavor. Then I grabbed the spicy stick in my hand, but sighed after tangling for half a minute, put the spicy stick back on the shelf, changed the bottle of juice, and took the five-flavored fish tofu by the way, and walked to the checkout counter. Before the checkout, I asked the cashier to help her get hot noodles.

Fan Meinan came to the dining corner holding the instant noodles. While waiting for the instant noodles to cook, she opened the package of fish tofu and ate two slices. Then she opened the lid of the instant noodle box and smelled the taste ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ issued a contented sigh. She also wanted to open the bottle of juice again and drank while eating instant noodles, but did not expect to unscrew the bottle cap.

Fan Meinan doesn't seem to believe this evil. He took the juice in front of himself and tried it again, but it still failed to open. At this time, the cashier seemed to notice the situation and asked her, "Does Miss need help? "

"No, I can handle this little thing." Fan Meinan said almost subconsciously. After finishing her, she wrapped the bottle cap with clothes and made a third attempt, but unfortunately the bottle cap was still motionless.

Fan Meinan feels a little embarrassed at this time. She finds that she really can't open the bottle of juice, but just turned down the help of the cashier brother, who has already sat back to play with her mobile phone. Fan Meinan I'm not too embarrassed to ask the other party to open the cap for myself.

So she could only put the bottle of juice back on the table, and after this incident, Fan Meinan looked at the bowl of instant noodles in front of her, but found that she suddenly lost her appetite, and was lost and powerless like never before. Surrounded by senses.

She didn't expect that she had lost so much power that she couldn't even twist a bottle of juice. Then, in a few weeks and months, would she even slip out and eat bowl of instant noodles like this? No more.

Fan Fannan lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

But the next moment, one hand picked up the glass of juice in front of her, twisted the bottle cap off, and put it back in front of her.

"When are you going to hide from me?"

:. :

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