I Grabbed 999 Abilities

One hundred and seventy-seven gangster geese

Luo Kuang is one of the few heroes who directly uses his own name as the title of hero, and he lived up to his name when he was young. He was a very arrogant person, which caused him to make many enemies, and he struggled all the way to the S level.

But as he got older, his personality stabilized instead. In the past few years, he chose to retreat to the inland area and became the hero of Shenlong Brokerage Company. Beast, the small days are not comfortable.

Of course, some people speculate that the reason for his return to Yanjing has something to do with the mysterious disappearance of the previous S-level hero of Shenlong Brokerage Company.

As the largest hero economy company in Yanjing, the capital of the first district, it must need an S-level hero to support the scene.

In addition to the burly Luo Kuang, another A-level hero Ziyi from Yanjing's Blue Lotus Hero Management Company was also one of the guests.

Ziyi looks very handsome, and he is a common body-enhancing superpower. He was born from grassroots, and his road to promotion is also difficult. However, with his outstanding strength, he also managed to get to A-level.

It is said that when his back accelerates to the limit, it can emit ionized substances similar to "Purple Wing", so he takes this as his hero title.

As a speedy body enhancement user, he is also considered the idol of many body enhancement users. The sales of goggles endorsed by Ziyi are the best in the region.

The goggled boy was wearing the same style as Purple Wing.

In addition to these two highly popular heroes, the other judges were members of the political circles, representatives of sponsoring companies, and leaders of Yenching University.

After everyone took their seats, the meticulously combed host took the stage to speak.

After a warm-up operation and the leaders finished their lengthy speeches, it was the S-class hero Luo Kuang's turn to speak. At this moment, the examinees who were a little sleepy because of the leaders' speeches just perked up!

S-class heroes, whether you like it or not, you still have to give them some face.

Although these students may not be able to be admitted to Yenching University, it does not mean that the next batch of schools will not accept them. They can be regarded as half-stepped into the world of supernatural powers. Respecting strength is the most basic quality.

You are better than me, so you have to listen carefully to what you say.

After all, Luo Kuang is an S-level boss, and he has never seen any scenes before, such as speaking in public or making a speech, which is still easy to come by.

Moreover, if his son Russell was not among the candidates this time, he might not have accepted Yenching University's invitation.

"Ahem, hello everyone, I'm Luo Kuang, the S-class hero of Shenlong Brokerage Company..."

Before the words fell, the students below applauded and screamed out of face.

This made Luo Kuang have to press his hands up, signaling to everyone to give him a good speech environment.

The crowd calmed down with dignity. Candidates with different shapes, sitting on various vehicles all stared at this burly hero on the stage.

S-class hero!

The ultimate dream in the hearts of many supernatural teenagers!

Of course, there was only a tall young man with a somewhat similar face to Luo Kuang, who showed disdain and whispered, "The old man is going to pretend to be 13 again."

"...I believe that the princes in the audience must be the backbone of the future of mankind. Everyone already knows the rules of the selection test, so I won't emphasize it cumbersomely."

"Finally, I wish you all the best in the competition! The results in the competition! Don't leave regrets for your youth!!!"

Although it was a relatively common and even earthy pre-examination mobilization, but because it was said from the mouth of an S-level hero, the candidates on the starting line were immediately full of motivation.

The short-haired handsome man Ziyi beside Luo Kuang teased quietly: "Brother Luo's opening mobilization was found by Qiandu, right?"

Luo Kuang laughed, patted his head and said, "If you don't accept orders in the face of danger, there's nothing you can do about it."

Amidst the host's enthusiastic countdown, the sound of sports cars and motorcycle engines was deafening, and all the candidates put on the most serious starting postures at their positions determined by the lottery.

The parents behind the cordon all followed the countdown and held their breath. No one would want to disrupt the children's start at such a solemn moment.

In the sky, Wu Yangyang's aircraft scattered like a flock of birds, and the voice of the commentary and the live broadcast were brought to every audience who followed the selection exam.

Of course, a five-second prime-time advertisement is indispensable. This time it is an advertisement for "Nongfu Spring", and the spokesperson is Li Yong, a powerful water-type supernatural being.

When the advertisement ended, the starting gun sounded, and the white smoke drifted away with the wind. The candidates ran towards the end of Yunhai Road according to the route they had planned in advance.

Although it is nominally the most convenient route along Yunhai Road, everyone has different ideas, and there are always talents who find another way.

And in order to simulate the most realistic hero support environment, although the Yanjing City Transportation Bureau deployed police forces at major intersections, they did not close the roads.

This means that citizens can walk freely on the "track" of the candidates. Whenever this happens, there will be citizens who like to join in the fun and turn to the selection track to become "obstacles". cause traffic jams.

At this time, it is the Eight Immortals crossing the sea to show their magical powers.

Hero Live.

Nabi smiled at Rita and said: "Every time this kind of mobility trial, there will be various equipment masters appearing. From Rita's point of view, which candidate's equipment do you think is the best this time?"

Rita signaled to wait.

Sure enough, when a candidate driving a BMW P1025 track motorcycle had already rushed several hundred meters, the real bosses at the starting point finally launched their single-person aircraft successfully.

Puff puff! ! !

Three air waves soared into the sky, and with the help of the aircraft carried on their backs, the three rich candidates overtook several motorcycle players in just a few seconds, and chased after the two candidates who had the ability to fly.

They form the first echelon of this group of exams.

Only then did Rita smile and said: "Naturally, these candidates equipped with expensive single-person flying machines, it is only a matter of time before they catch up to the previous candidates of the Transformation Department and the Wind Department."

Nabi nodded and said, "I think so. Although the supercars on the road are also ruthless in terms of the level of local tyrants, it's just that the road conditions are definitely not as convenient as the sky."

"But isn't it a bit unfair to those candidates who rely on their legs to race?"

However, Rita shook his head and said: "Yanjing University has its own reasons for setting up this type of selection competition. According to the usual practice, there will be various traps and accidents on the road. Now the leading candidates, in a sense, are the ones behind. It's really hard to say who has the upper hand among the pathfinding mice of these candidates!"

"I also want to remind all the enthusiastic citizens here to pay attention to safety when going to the scene. If you are involved in an accident, the beast insurance will not take care of you!"

As soon as Rita finished speaking, the five flying candidates in the sky ran into trouble.

On their straight line to the finish line, a flock of "flying geese" appeared blocking the way.

These quacking geese flapped their wings, or wore sunglasses, or gold necklaces, or toothpicks and cigarettes in their mouths, and a few bald ones had tattoos!

Nabi and Rita suddenly realized that at the same time, they couldn't laugh or cry: "It turns out that the person responsible for intercepting in the air this time is the B-level hero gangster goose envoy of the White Grass Brokerage Company!"

"This B-level hero of the Summoning Department has a single-handed record of destroying organizations. If it weren't for the low combat effectiveness of the big geese, maybe he can still be rated as an A-level hero!"

"I rely on rely on!!!"

"I'm most afraid of creatures with beaks!!!"

After seeing this group of big geese, a black, long and straight local rich girl fainted from fright, and the aircraft that lost her control immediately fell towards the ground!

Just when other students were hesitating whether to rescue them, the attack of gangster geese also arrived!

Facing this group of menacing geese, the remaining four students immediately scattered.

The two tyrants of aircraft were quickly disarmed by the big geese, and even the wind-type elemental superpowers panicked because of the approach of the big geese, and were drowned in the big geese, screaming endlessly!

Only the candidates who turned into birdmen escaped from the "goose mouth" in a thrilling manner, but they couldn't get past the "goose wall" like a moat, so they had to choose to bypass it far away.

When the black long straight local tyrant girl fell halfway, the big geese also grabbed her clothes and threw them on the air cushion that had been prepared earlier.

At this time, the first team in the sky has already encountered Waterloo.

The supercar team on the ground began to ride away, but what awaited them were the traffic police uncles on duty at the intersection!

Heroes do have traffic immunity when performing tasks, but the candidates who participated in the selection competition today do not have a hero professional license!

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