Ninjas are cunning, and what they are best at is deception and assassination.

But Sakurai Ye knew that when the strength reached a certain crushing level, many superb avatars, or transformation techniques, became insignificant existences.

What is “mine warfare” ?! What is it called “cannon fire washing the ground” ?! It can be summed up in one sentence.

“Explosions are art!”

Akihara was dumbfounded, looked behind him, and suddenly understood in his heart – this group of cunning Konoha ninjas knew that their role was to contain, and their real target was actually the escort! Thinking of this, Akihara immediately took off his earthen armor, and then rushed towards the canyon.

However, in this short period of time, the explosions of the two sets were nearing their end.

Among the elite ninjas, although many ninjas have relied on the Earth Escape Enchantment to protect themselves, there are at least 4 members who were instantly killed by the detonation charm.

There was even 1 Iwa Shinobu, and the body could not be found, I am afraid that because I was at the center of the explosion, it was shattered….

“Lord Akihara! We’ve already lost more than half of our casualties…”

“Leave two ninjas with the wounded and leave, and the rest of them will join me in strangling the medical department!”

The explosion of the detonation charm was finally extinguished, and five grizzled ninjas, who had no real damage and were not harmed, burst out of the woods.

There are five people left… Akihara only felt his chest, as if there was a burning anger.

Then he took the lead and suddenly headed towards the narrow valley.

Before he touched anyone, his own team actually lost more than half … Simply unforgivable!

“Little ghost, get out of my way!”

Akihara’s right arm condensed and slammed a heavy punch towards Sakurai Ye.

Sakurai Ye’s shadow doppelganger couldn’t even harass for a moment, and suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke.

Then, it’s a short encounter! The short-range shuriken flew up and down, and then Sakurai took the brunt of it, and together with the remaining ninjas of Konoha, rushed towards each other.

Behind are the wounded, and the valley is a dead end.

Even if it is to delay time and wait for the arrival of the Great Snake Pill, he can’t retreat! Moreover, he himself is not without the power of the First World War … Sakurai counted the fetters in his system, and then sealed his hands.

“Wind escape, big breakthrough!”

A hurricane hit Akihara’s earth armor hard, but the dirt armor on his body only produced fine cracks, and he rushed towards Sakurai like a tank.

Immediately behind him were a group of the remaining five Iwa Shinobi elites.

And Sakurai Ye, together with all the Konoha ninjas who were still able to fight, took the initiative to rush out of the valley mouth to face the battle.

One side is to carry out the orders of his own adults, completely strangle Konoha’s medical department, and probe the development process of the antidote.

On the other hand, they are fighting for all the wounded behind them, and even more for their own survival.

Both sides have reasons why they cannot retreat.


The two sides recited a sentence silently.

Until the time of the short encounter, the killing intent in these hearts has become a variety of killing methods.

“Earth Dragon Bomb!”

“Water Escape Water Array!”

“Thunderous go!”

Ordinary ninjutsu, as well as shuriken, have no effect on this turtle shell.

His own shadow doppelganger couldn’t have any effect on him at all… Sakurai Ye frowned, but did not hesitate.

It seems that you can only go on your own! It is undoubtedly stupid to root an elite upper ninja level expert to fight at close range.

Unfortunately, other than that, Sakurai Ye didn’t have any way to entangle Akihara at all.

Fortunately, Sakurai Ye’s physical skills have always been a strong point.

Although due to physical reasons, it is still not as fast as these elite who have been practicing for many years, but it can barely keep up with the speed of the other party.

As for the power… You can only touch it and talk about it!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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