I, Doomsday, Stayed in the Core of the Sun for 100,000 Years

Chapter 475 The Threat of the Anti-Life Equation

Brainiac Five really deserves to be a super-intelligent being, and even he himself came from the future.

So he quickly found out why the earth suddenly erupted in such a wide range of vibrations and the reasons for the earthquake.

"There is a huge amount of energy that is threatening the entire universe. Before it was just passing by the earth, and once it came back here, the earth would be destroyed," Brainiac Five, or Quill said. own speculation.

"How could this be?" Alex sucked in a breath.

At this moment, a person broke in and said, "This may be another test for the monitor, just like last time."

Lu Yuan looked at the man, and then he smiled: "Ronen Rongz, meet again? By the way, you shouldn't know me in this world."

It turns out that that person is what Martian Manhunter has become, and Martian Manhunter can become any person he has ever seen, including gender.

As for the watchers he said, and the so-called "last time", it means that the watchers have already appeared in this universe, or in the CW's Green Arrow universe.

And the watchers have tested the superhero with the Book of Fate before.

Or is it just a game for those who watch 687?

Anyway, because of that incident, some superhero left a bad impression on the watchers.

Even this incident was considered by Ron Ronzi to be the watchdog's ghost.

But Lu Yuan knew that it wasn't.

The Watcher represents the main universe, or the main material universe, where the equations of life are pervaded.

The previous energy obviously came from the anti-matter universe, which is the anti-life equation.

That's the anti-monitor, the opposite of the monitor.

It's just that Lu Yuan didn't say it.

"Who is he?" Ron Rongz looked at Lu Yuan puzzled, but didn't care that he broke his identity.

Because Ron Rongz was exposed long ago, he was almost caught for slicing research, but Kayla saved him, and because of the so-called big cleaning plan later, Ron Rongz regained his trust.

It was also because of that incident that the Superinspection Department began to make changes, no longer targeting the Superman class, but guiding the Superman class to protect human beings and the earth.

As for what the big cleaning plan is, it is actually developed by the alien Indigo (she should be the eighth generation of Brainiac, so only the second generation to the fifth generation Brainiac has become a good person) combined with some Kryptonian survivors. system.

This system is specifically aimed at the frequencies of earthlings and can control all or enslave all.

At that time they can let all the earthlings die and then take over the earth.

In order to wake up the brainwashed people, the few remaining sober Supermans and ordinary people staged a speech of truth, kindness and beauty, at least Kayla did wake up the brainwashed people.

Because the scope of the impact was not large at that time, the losses were also kept to a minimum.

Don't go too far.

Kayla once again introduced Lu Yuan's identity to Ron En and Rongzi, but Lu Yuan didn't care at all, but turned on the screen on the stage, pointed to the displayed universe screen with emotion, and asked: " In other words, it seems that the front of that energy is about to encounter a space city?"

There is a super cosmic meteorite there, and it has been transformed into a city.

Or maybe it was originally a city, and then it was excavated from some planet, such as Krypton.

Maybe Brainiac didn't poach Candor in this universe, but another city.

In short, it was a super meteorite, and the most important thing was that Lu Yuan could perceive that there were some Kryptonians on it.

Krypton survivors appear in many stories about Superman or Supergirl.

Some are rivals and enemies of Superman or Supergirl.

After all, editors must not dare to let all Kryptonians work together, otherwise how will this army of Superman be solved? Even Darkseid dare not say that he can defeat it, right?

It's going to be a superpower in the first place.

"Is it Argonaut City (or city)?" Alex let out a startled Roar and looked at Kayla subconsciously.

Kayla's eyes widened, and she asked Quill subconsciously, "Quil, can you inform them and tell my mother that they should get out of the way?"

It turned out that Kayla's mother also appeared, and it was above the city.

But Quill shook his head: "It's too late Kayla. The best I can get you to contact your mother or Superman, and let them make a limited escape."

It will take a long time for so many people and such a huge city to evade, and now it is too late, because that energy (the power of the anti-life equation) has already reached the city of Argo.

"Wait a minute, what about others?" Just when everyone was in a state of sadness, Ron Ronzi found that Lu Yuan was gone.

But this didn't attract the attention of the crowd, because they had more important things to do.

There is definitely a Superman in this universe, no matter whether he is a weak dog or not, that is also a Superman.

And Superman and Louise have a child, and they also deliberately moved to Argo City to give birth to this newborn, named Little Jonathan.

Unexpectedly, this universe is faster than the main universe.

But they did not expect that they chose to come to Argo City to give birth to this child, but now they are facing a terrible crisis.

When a red light was about to come, Kayla finally relied on Brainiac Five's technology to find a way to cross countless cosmic distances and connect the communicator.

Kayla is about to call Roar: "Karl, Louise..."

"Hi," Suddenly, Lu Yuan appeared in front of Kayla.

Kayla was surprised, it was only a few seconds, how did he get there from the earth?

In fact, Lu Yuan deliberately slowed down. When he was passing by, he studied the anti-life equation, and found that it was indeed a TV series version, but it was weak.

In fact, the anti-life equation is extremely terrifying. If it is the normal version, just passing by the earth before is enough to take away countless lives.

It turns out that what's here is just causing the earth to vibrate, are you kidding me?

Besides, this is already the thirty-eighth universe, right? The antimatter universe is the third universe. From the third universe to the thirty-eighth universe, how much power has the anti-monitor increased?

The result is this?

Lu Yuanxin said, do you want to put a real anti-life equation for the anti-monitors to see? Or would he simply come to play the big BOSS this time?

No, then the entire CW Green Arrow universe would be over, so forget it.

Then Lu Yuan came.

Even so, it was only a few seconds.

Before Kayla was surprised, Lu Yuan said to Clark and Louise, "The situation is urgent, so I won't talk nonsense. Let's go."

In the next second, Argonaut City has come to the earth.

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