I, Doomsday, Stayed in the Core of the Sun for 100,000 Years

Chapter 373 Mythology? The devil has come to the world?

When Constantine's words came out, the whole room fell silent.

In fact, it was very quiet before, the waiters were watching the play with playful eyes, only Lu Yuan and Constantine were talking, and the two bartenders were only a little bit moving when pouring wine.

They are professional after all.

But now the quietness should be more quiet, it is very strange, there is a particularly magical atmosphere, as if the quietness now even time has stopped, not only can a needle fall to the ground, but also the sound of Roar's breathing seems to have disappeared. .

This feeling is not an illusion, Lu Yuan waved his hand amused, dispelling this feeling at will.

The old man of God is really careful.

Even Constantine didn't know that at that moment, the attention of a supreme being came here.

What kind of bullshit is he talking about, there is a contractual relationship between God and the devil?

"Impossible," a waiter shouted immediately.

After all, in Western countries, God is the belief of almost everyone.

This is simply blasphemous.

Constantine just looked at the landing far away.

Lu Yuan also said: "This is impossible." 06

"Then there is no need for me to go on," Constantine stood up decisively.

Lu Yuan continued: "Don't leave in a hurry. What I'm saying is impossible means that now no one is qualified to make a deal with God, let alone a so-called contract. You have been deceived. Maybe the God you think is not at all. True God."

There are actually many gods in the DC universe, but there is only one real supreme, and that is DC God.

There are many others who act as DC God's agents, including the great Angel Michael, who is also God and created his own realm of heaven.

Once Michael's heaven domain is integrated with the fallen Angel Lucifer's hell domain, it is a complete almighty universe.

And Michael and Lucifer each assumed half of the power of DC God.

Therefore, they can also be regarded as semi-all-knowing and omnipotent.

However, because of Lu Yuan's exceptional battle, DC God and MarvelOAA have re-established their unshakable status.

There is no longer an existence that can threaten their status, unless it is a foreign supreme being, such as Lu Yuan and his brothers and sisters.

However, even these breakers, including Lu Yuan, can only threaten each other in their own stories.

But once they enter the opponent's home court, they can't do anything to other supreme beings of the same level.

To put it bluntly, Lu Yuan knew very well that this was his home court, so he seemed to be extremely powerful.

But others also have a home field, including the original transcendence also has their own home field, and everyone is extremely powerful in their own home field.

Even Thanos has the plot of getting the heart of the universe and destroying the entire almighty universe.

Constantine turned around again and looked at Lu Yuan steadily, and then he realized that Lu Yuan was not dealing with him casually, but seriously.

Returning to his seat and sitting down, Constantine asked again: "You mean that someone is now carrying out a conspiracy without God, or even pretending to be God?"

Lu Yuan shook his head and reminded with a smile: "Mr. Zha Kang, now I want to listen to your story, not me to tell you a story. You can't drink wine for nothing."

Well, Constantine just remembered that although he came with some purpose, he still has to shoulder the responsibility of telling stories to Lu Yuan.

"Then let me tell you a story about an exorcism that I just encountered today," Constantine adjusted and finally began to enter his story.

As Constantine spoke slowly, he said his work today.

It turned out that there was a family of children, a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, who was possessed by evil spirits.

In fact, this incident has been happening for several days, and the church people have also changed from batch to batch, but they have still not been able to successfully exorcise the demons.

Even the holy water has been spilled for several tons, and it doesn't work either.

Whether it is sunlight, crosses, or various holy relics or even imitations, all of them are useless.

Finally, Constantine was contacted, and he finally found a way after he came.

"It was a special kind of demon, but he was obsessed with his appearance, so I used a mirror to lure him out of the girl's possession, trapped in the mirror, and then burned him with the sun and sent him back to hell Go, that bastard is dead," Constantine said of the entire exorcism in a very light tone, but there was still a lot of danger involved.

Others couldn't exorcise it, only Constantine succeeded in exorcism, because Constantine knew that it was not an ordinary demon, but a demon body that had almost completely come to the human world.

If it is just an ordinary possession, it is enough to rely on holy water and a cross, and at most recite a few verses of the Bible.

But in the face of the devil's body, this is not enough.

Fortunately, Constantine wasn't bragging. He had real skills, so he used the knowledge he had acquired from somewhere to lure the demon body out of the state of possession, and then killed it with the rays of the sun in one breath.

Although the devil will return to hell after death, at least this devil will not return to the world again.

Lu Yuan suddenly remembered a sentence, saying that Captain Jack was 'thousands of dead souls at sea, and Captain Jack messed up half of them'.

If you say that, then Zhakang is 'thousands of demons in hell, and Zhakang is an enemy everywhere'.

He almost went from top to bottom and from bottom to top, as long as it was a demon, he had messed with it.

But even Satan hates him so much that he can't do anything about it, unless Zha Kang falls into hell, he can take action against Zha Kang, otherwise he can only stare blankly.

Zhakang also knows this, so he is also very worried that once he falls into hell, he will suffer eternal torment, so he is trying his best to go to heaven after death.

You think he didn't know he was going to die young?

He himself knew that his life was not long, but he didn't want to go to hell, he wanted to go to heaven, so he tried his best to exorcise demons.

He works so hard not all for others, but for himself.

But it was precisely because of this selfish thought that all his efforts were in vain.

What God wants, including DC, is your piety and belief, but you are still thinking about Xiao Jiujiu? Do you really think other people are fools?

Lu Yuan just smiled and looked at Zha Kang, and finally shook his head without saying much.

"You don't believe it?" Constantine thought Lu Yuan didn't believe it.

But Lu Yuan said: "I believe, I did feel a demon's power disappearing in the afternoon. I originally planned to do it myself. If a demon came out to disturb the plot of this universe, it would be a bit bad."

The waiters were dumbfounded. Does even the boss, the alien, believe in this kind of weird talk?

Only Constantine was not surprised, because he saw with his own eyes that the boss in front of him used magic.

And he came today with no purpose. At the moment, he said, "I just have a chance, I think..."

"Wait a minute, please," Lu Yuan interrupted Constantine, raised his head and rushed out the door: "A new guest is here."

The next second, Batman strode in from outside.

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