I, Doomsday, Stayed in the Core of the Sun for 100,000 Years

Chapter 283 Adam the magician hatched by Lu Yuan

In an extremely important area of ​​Sovereign Star, Lu Yuan came here easily.

Originally, this was a place that even the Supreme Clan couldn't get close to easily, just because of an egg here.

Strictly speaking, it is a cocoon, and it can be felt that a breath of life has been born and is growing.

In fact, there was an easter egg for this egg as early as the movie Thor II and Silver Guardian One, and it was collected by the Collector at that time.

Later, the director also publicly admitted that it was Adam the Magician and one of the members of the Silver Guardian.

But somehow, in the menu of Silver Protector II, this egg went to the Supreme Clan, and Ayesha said it was the future of the Supreme Clan's evolution.

It is also considered to be the strongest weapon by the Supreme Race.

That's right, the life that this cocoon is about to hatch is Adam the Magician.

Lu Yuan raised his hand and pressed it on the cocoon. Adam, the magician, who should have taken a long time to form, began to speed up the hatching process.

Even the magician Adam might have become the boss of the third guardian of the silver guard, which may be the main reason why Thor left with the Guardians of Galaxy.

But now, Lu Yuan hatched him, and as the egg shell suddenly burst open, a strong man with golden body and golden hair appeared in front of Lu Yuan's eyes.

"From today onwards, you will be called Adam, Adam the Magician," Lu Yuan also gave him the name himself.

"Yes, Father," Adam said.

Lu Yuan said with tears and laughter: "Although I helped you hatch ahead of time, you were not created by me. You don't have to worry about who your parents are, you are you, you are Adam the magician, and you are destined to be the guardian of the galaxy. hero."

Adam looked at Lu Yuan blankly, and finally could only agree: "I see."

Maybe the setting of Adam the Magician has been changed to be created by the Supreme Race.

But think about what Lu Yuan and Ganata are doing now.

He didn't want the magician Adam to know that the Supreme Race was his parents.

And the man in front of him was about to exterminate his parents.

This must be a fight.

Definitely, don't look at the magician Adam also has a golden body, but he is not the supreme race.

To be precise, the Demon Adam is an artificial human, while the Supreme Race is produced through normal reproduction.

They can also strengthen their genes by interacting with various powerful races.

To put it bluntly, as long as you are strong enough, you will be favored by them, whether it is a man or a woman, they are all happy to associate with you.

Even Ayesha, the highest-ranking high priest, expressed a favorable impression of Star-Lord.

The reason is that Star-Lord's genes have the inheritance of Yigo, who is the god of the gods. To put it bluntly, he is a demigod.

No matter how arrogant the Supreme Race is, it is nothing but self-exaltation, but the level of technology is slightly stronger.

"I'll introduce you to a few friends next, who will take care of you, help you master your own power, and guide you," Lu Yuan said, and the friends he introduced to Adam were obviously Guardians of Galaxy.

They may be unreliable, but Lu Yuan believes that in the face of right and wrong, they still know how to choose.

In this way, Lu Yuan and Ganata broke into the Sovereign Star, not only to destroy the Supreme Clan, but also to steal their most important Adam.

Even after Ganata was satisfied, Lu Yuan and Adam were already waiting in outer space.

Although Adam the Magician was just born, his special physiological structure endowed him with a series of super abilities.

First of all, the density of Adam's muscles and bones is much higher than that of ordinary people. At the same time, the special cells in Adam's body enable him to convert cosmic energy into various super abilities to improve strength, endurance and recovery abilities.

Adam can also convert cosmic energy to counteract gravity, giving him Flight Ability.

Adam can also use the cosmic energy to find and enter the natural space meridian, thereby entering the interplanetary crossing.

Adam can also convert cosmic energy into Shockwave form and release it with his hands.

Wait wait, it definitely allows him to survive in outer space as well.

"Are you full?" Lu Yuan opened his hand dotingly to welcome Ganata's return.

Ganata threw herself into Lu Yuan's arms, and smiled happily, her eyes crescent into crescents: "It's right to follow you."

In the past two days, she has eaten two alien civilizations, and one Thanos army.

If this was in the past, how could she have had the chance to eat so many good things.

In fact, it's because Ganata can't let go of her hands and feet. Unlike her father, she is very restrained. Generally, she will not do anything to destroy a racial civilization, and she will not directly attack a planet with life.

But after following Lu Yuan, he first encountered the dark elves.

That kind of dangerous guy, as expected, should be destroyed, right?

And then the Kree are warlike, and have invaded Earth, and have been watching.

That must have killed the danger in the cradle.

Then there is no need to say more about the Thanos army, and then there are these arrogant ... 'bread'.

How dare you make a clamor for bread? It seemed to Ganata that he was saying to her, "Eat me, eat me, I'm delicious."

You're welcome then.

"Who is he?" Ganata noticed Adam again.

"He can't eat it," Lu Yuan quickly held down Ganata, don't eat this too.

Ganata turned her eyes away in disappointment.

Then Lu Yuan waved at the Sovereign star in front of him, and instantly took the planet of this golden world into the secondary universe.

517 His secondary universe is just a secondary universe. In fact, in terms of file size, it is no different from the entire universe. The only difference is that his secondary universe is only used to hold things.

Luxury enough, right? Use a space of a universe File size as a pocket.

But think about the son of MR.Fantastic and the Invisible Woman, that little guy also created a pocket universe.

"We gathered another dowry," Lu Yuan said to Ganata with a smile.

The latter blushed, raised his hand and pulled down the big hat with the exact same style as the Planet Devourer, and muttered, "Then you have to talk to my dad."

Did she know she was shy?

Adam on the side looked at the two with a thoughtful look: "Is she my mother?"


Lu Yuan was ashamed.

Forgot there was a new born guy next to me.

By the way, Star-Lord Turtle (Quier), why haven't they come yet? Lu Yuan couldn't wait to leave Adam to their care.

Lu Yuan also thought about it, he felt that Adam's power was a good guarantee for the galaxy, and maybe it could become a vital force to guard the galaxy at a critical moment.

What's more, Adam the Magician originally appeared as a superhero in the comics, and once became a new court of life to guard the entire multi-universe.

No matter what, he still has the value of saving and guiding.

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