I Don’t Want To Be a Hero

Chapter 414 Break away from the

As for the "Night Raid" and others after the evacuation, they came to a cave to settle down. This is where Chi Tong usually goes out for hunting.

At this time, whether it was Leone who had always been optimistic, or Hill, who had always been naturally dumb, all had a gloomy look on his face at this time.

Lubbock wanted to sneak out, but was discovered by Leone.

"Najshitan didn't follow, I have to go back to pick her up!"

Lubbock originally thought that Najeshtan would follow after, but after waiting for so long and seeing no trace of her, he suddenly became anxious.

That is his goddess, why did he abandon them together? Isn't it just to pursue your first love?

"Go back to die now? BOSS and Brand, they managed to let us escape successfully. Do you want to waste their efforts?"

Najeshtan and Brand were away, and Leona, who had always been belligerent, became the calmest person at this time.

Although she also wanted to go back and fight to the death, she couldn't live up to the trust that Najeshtan and Brand gave her.

"No matter what the situation is, we shouldn't take action rashly now. Let two people sneak into the imperial capital to inquire about news. No matter what the boss's situation is, we must know a little bit of information before we can take action."

In the end, the task of entering the imperial capital to find out the news fell to Chelsea and Tazmi.

The former was not wanted because he was a member who had just joined the "Night Raid".

And Tazmi also successfully transformed into a women's clothing boss under Chelsea's superb makeup skills.

Originally, Lubbock wanted to play the role of entering the city to inquire about news, but the little angel of Lubo was evaluated and did not have the potential to become a women's clothing boss.

After the disguised Tazmi took Chelsea and entered the imperial capital, there was no need to deliberately seek information at all.

Because the entire imperial capital has been in a commotion, the leader of the "Night Attack", the former general of the empire, Najehitan, was captured alive and will be publicly executed in front of the public on another day.

Moreover, the news of the death of the Red Lotus Knight and Susanoo made Tazmi heartbroken, and even he wanted to beat up the two rhetoric nobles, but was stopped by Chelsea.

Whether it is Red Lotus Knightmon or Susanoo, both are big brothers that Tazmi admires greatly, and Tazmi's mood can be imagined.

The only thing that comforted him was that Big Brother Brand had no clear information on his death, and there was a high probability that he might still be alive.

But when Tazmi and Chelsea finished inquiring about the information and were about to leave the imperial capital, a dark shadow passed in front of them and left a piece of kraft paper.

And when Tazmi wanted to chase deeply, the figure of the other party had disappeared in the dim alley.

And when Chelsea picked up the kraft paper on the ground, she was stunned to discover that it contained a detailed roadmap for imprisoning Najeshtan!

This map even clearly marked the garrison forces and traps everywhere. If it weren't for the insiders, Chelsea wouldn't believe that the other party could get this map.

Finally, this map appeared on the desktop of "Night Raid" and others. Leone and others were thinking about whether it was someone who was helping them deliberately, or was it a trap in itself.

A trap that wanted to catch them all, so they deliberately left a map.

The days of Najeshtan's public execution are only a week, and they will not have too long to think about it.

And when they were still thinking about how to rescue Najeshtan, the rebels actually sent someone over.

The news that Najeshtan was captured alive caused a lot of uproar in the city, and it was impossible for the rebels to not hear the news.

What made Leonai and others chilling was that the rebels were not thinking about how to help them rescue Najeshtan, but dispatched a new leader.

And this new leader is said to be the son of an uprising army cadre.

Not to mention wretched in appearance, but also extremely lecherous.

When he saw that there were quite a few pretty girls in "Night Attack", he actually threatened Chi Tong to sleep with Chelsea and the others!

Moreover, the new leader of the subordinate faction decided not to try to rescue Najeshtan, but to ask Leona and the others to assassinate Najeshtan!

And this is not just what this second generation said casually, but came up with relevant approvals.

As one of the cadres of the rebel army, Najeshtan knew too many things, such as the location of the rebel army's headquarters.

It's not that they don't trust Najeshtan, it's that they firmly believe that only the dead are the safest.

I believe that Najeshtan, for the sake of future justice, should also die generously.

The attitude of the rebel army towards Najeshitan, as well as the new leader of this subordinate, everything, directly made "Night Raid" and others intolerable.

What does headquarters think of them? A throwaway trash?

They fought hard and fought at the forefront, and Najehitan even single-handedly pulled up the "night attack" that made the imperial capital feel terrified, but in the end they ended up with the result that she had to die in order to keep the secret.

And Chi Tong and the others, who have assassinated countless corrupt nobles in the imperial capital, have done countless meritorious deeds, but now they have to be controlled by this wretched mediocrity in front of them?

After hearing how the team dealt with Najeshitan, Chi Tong and the others couldn't bear it any longer, and directly killed the new leader who planned to do something to them, and then continued to hide.

The rebel army was even more straightforward. After receiving the news of the death of the cadre's son, they directly labelled Leonai and others as "traitors" on the grounds that they did not obey the order and killed the leader of the subordinates. Label.

"It's ridiculous, I'm starting to doubt myself now, what have I been working my life for all these years!"

Leonai looked at his wanted order and smiled self-deprecatingly, as if he was completely disappointed with the rebels.

"I'm starting to believe General Yeya's words now, this is probably the epitome of a minister and his son.

Leona, after the boss is rescued, let's find a small rural village to live in seclusion. "

Chi Tong also had a look of disappointment on their faces. The actions of the rebel army completely gave up their hearts, but as their most important companion, Najeshtan could not wait for help!

"It's ridiculous that Big Brother Guren and Susanoo died for such a guy."

Tazmi was even more furious, looking at the "evil haunted" in his hand, Tazmi's malice towards the rebel army was even more than that of the empire.

That's what it feels like to be betrayed, especially the existence they have always regarded as their belief.

"But thanks to that idiot, now we have no choice.

No matter whether this map is true or not, we can only bet on it. If we can't save the BOSS, then we brothers and sisters will have to die together. "

Leonai smiled casually. They had put their life and death aside for a long time. If they died for the sake of their companions at the last moment, then they could get what they wanted.

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